My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 36

Anton’s father woke him up for his shift in the guard duty. When he checked the time it was two in the morning. Anders told his son that they should let Anna sleep tonight without interruption since she was still a growing child and Anton just nodded to indicate his obedience. His father also told him to wake him up in three hours.

While everyone was sleeping, Mark checked all the entrances like the doors and windows to make sure that everything was locked. He knew that those wooden doors and windows would not be able to stop supernatural creatures like werewolves and vampires but at least it would hinder anyone who wanted to enter and give Anton and his family enough time to react well to any invasion.

After his inspections, Anton went back to sit in front of the window so he could look outside and then made a mental plan for his next move. Right now, he was level twenty. He wanted to level up some more so he could hunt items that would make him more powerful but he also needed to take the time to study and practice the existing spells that he already had.

When Anton first became aware of his transmigration gift, he was ecstatic to be able to surf the internet but so far he never had the time to do so. They were always on the run and always in possible danger which in retrospect held off any form of boredom which was the main reason why he was exultant in getting the power to surf the net. He was deathly afraid of getting bored.

At this moment he couldn’t even play the game since he was afraid that some sort of monster would come in and eat them so the only thing that he could do to pass the time was to practice manipulating the mana of one of his spells. He decided to practice manipulating Glacial Spike. He had this idea to test if the water that came from higher-level spells would be more beneficial although he didn’t how to do that. The only thing to do was to drink the water from the said spell which he did and to be honest, he didn’t taste anything different.

It was still the same mana-filled water that brought refreshment to his body but he could detect that the water did have more mana. He decided from now on they would drink it. The next experiment that he would like to test was if the Prayer Aura could regenerate a lost limb but he could only catch a small animal for that.

Anton decided to check if he could find some sort of rat but there were none. More than likely the wolves' aura or killing intent or something like that drove the small creatures away. With no other thing to do, he went back to practicing mana manipulation.

After a few hours, he woke up his father so he could return to sleep. The next time he woke up Anton saw that all the items that they had looted from the inn were already sorted and packed in boxes. When Anders saw that his son was looking at the boxes and barrels, he told his son that he had taken them from the inn’s basement storage.

“Father since we’re here already and our stored items are getting larger I suggest we organize everything again. I’m stronger now so we could fit more items inside barrels or boxes and I could still lift them. It would give us more space.”

“Before we do that let’s go ahead and collect all we can from the surrounding houses like their unspoiled food like grains and spices. We also need to find more barrels, boxes, and sacks.”

Anna woke up so they began eating breakfast. While they were eating, Anders told his children his plan of going to every house and taking all the items that they could use then they would arrange them in the inn.

“Are you sure Father that it’s okay for us to stay here for long?” Anna asked.

“The Lycans are highly territorial. They should have killed or driven away all those that could threaten their sovereignty in this area.”

Anton and his family still went together. They didn’t want to admit it but all of them were afraid of being separated and then getting attacked by something. The first house they went to was the house where the head werewolf told them they put the remains of the villagers like their bones. Anders didn’t allow his children to enter the house and when he exited it, Anton felt that it was a good idea since his father who was a veteran mercenary had a pale face.

“Do you want me to burn the place down Father?”

“Yes we should do that so we can lay everyone to rest but we’ll do it after we leave.”

They went to all the houses and it was a good thing that it was a small village since it took them all morning to collect all the things they wanted to keep. They needed to utilize Mark’s inventory to transfer the items from the different houses to the inn for sorting and arranging. They managed to collect a tremendous amount of things including food, spices, clothing that they could use or sell, a tiny amount of jewelry, and even weapons.

“Father you should teach Anna some sort of long-range weapon like a small bow or a slingshot since I can cast Enchant on any weapon, anything she wields will be powerful as well,” Anton told his father when they saw a small bow from the things they gathered.

“I know how to handle a switch! Can you enchant that as well?” Anna asked excitedly.

“Let’s try it out,” Anton told his sister.

“We’ll try it out after we’re done arranging all these things.” Anders admonished his children.

They spent the rest of the day arranging and sorting all of their things including the ones stored in his private stash although Anton made sure that they prioritized the food to avoid any form of decay or even losing the freshness and hotness of the cooked food. They needed to test how much weight Anton could lift and it was substantial considering that he only needed to lift the said weight for just a few seconds.

Anders separated the things they needed to put into the cart for convenience and appearance sake.

When all the arranging and sorting out was done, Anton was looking at his private stash in delight since the space they had to use remained the same but the amount of items they had was much more sizable than before.

Anders also explained to his children what items were in the cart like their clothing, some spices, grains for the horses or themselves in case of emergencies, candles, soap, flints, and matches that were stored in a small box, and some animal skins. They made sure that the amount would not be a burden to Maide and Bailey. They also found a carriage behind the inn so they were planning to switch from their cart to the handsome carriage since not only it would be easier for the horses, but it could also be used to protect them from the elements.

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