My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 37

Anton’s father prepared the carriage that they would be using in traveling to the city starting then. He had to admit that the carriage would be more convenient than the cart since they would have cover in case it rained and Anders warned them that rain was likely due to the season.

“The carriage is so pretty. It’s like we’re nobles!” Anna exclaimed when she saw the carriage.

“Anna is right Father. Are we not going to get in trouble?”

“No, we’re not. It’s just a carriage and even if somebody says we're pretending, remember you are a wizard son, and that automatically enobles you in most countries. Of course, we will resort to using that only if needed but anyone who has money can use a carriage, and not only nobles.”

The siblings excitedly entered the carriage once they were done loading all of their belongings there.

“Ooh it’s comfortable,” Anna said excitedly.

Even Anton who had ridden different types of cars and the subway train was excited, It was his first time riding an old-school carriage. After studying the inside of the carriage, he agreed with Anna that it was indeed comfortable but after a while, he joined his father at the front where the driver usually sits since he didn’t want to treat Anders as a coachman, and even Anna joined them.

“It’s lonely and scary being alone inside the carriage,” Anna said which made everyone laugh.

“You two go inside the carriage. It's not normal to have a carriage without people inside it.” Anders told his children.

“I'll go inside later Father. I have some more questions for you.”

“I'll join brother when he’s ready to go inside.”

Last night when Anton was in his guard duty he thought of what would happen if he chose another character instead of a wizard for example his second favorite character which was the necromancer. He probably could pass off the necromancer as a unique wizard but there was no denying that the character’s magic was rooted in the undead.

“What are the people's opinions on necromancy? Logically speaking, I know that people are afraid of death magic due to the Undead Coalition conquering the countries near them but is death magic not accepted at all?”

“Why are you asking this question? Did you receive a spell related to death?” Anders asked worriedly.

“To tell you the truth Father, in the beginning, I was given a choice on what type of magic I could receive and since there was a feeling in magic that I would love it even though I know nothing about it, I chose to become a mage but there was an option to become a necromancer instead and honestly, the spells that I previewed from that profession were terrifyingly powerful.”

“I’m so glad you chose wizardry instead of necromancy. In the end, death magic is still magic and it’s a road to power but people would still prefer to deal with someone who wields the arcane instead of someone who wields the magic of death.

Anders paused for a bit then continued.

“Even if in the case that it happened to you, it would not change the fact that you’re my son and I would still support you.” Anders said while looking at him directly.

Anton became a bit teary-eyed.

“Thank you, Father. Still, I’m glad that I chose wizardry too.”

“Brother, you said Necromancy was one of the choices that were given to you, Were there others?”

“As a matter of fact, there were five other professions but once I chose wizardry, all those paths closed to me forever,” Anton told his sister.

“What were they?!” Anna gasped.

“You can tell it to us but never tell this to others again son,” Anders said and was also curious about the options that his son had.

“Yes, Father I will not tell anyone else. The first one is called a Barbarian. It would have allowed me to wield the powers of an unmatchable warrior. The barbarian was able to wield huge weapons like huge hammers or axes or dual-wield weapons like wielding two swords at the same time. The barbarian got skills that would allow him to summon energies from the earth and fire to assist him in battle. Not only that one of his ultimate powers was to summon a god-like power to descend upon him during battle for a limited time but in that time he would become invincible.”

Anton’s father and sister gasped when they heard about the barbarian’s powers.

“You should have chosen that!” Anna said excitedly and Anton could even see his father had a possible similar thought.

“No, I would never choose that since it would turn me into some man full of muscles,” Anton jokingly said.

“What are the others?” Surprisingly, it was Anders who asked him.

“Should I continue? I already chose the wizard path and that meant all other paths were close to me.”

“Yes continue! We know that they’re paths that you will never be able to take but we’re just curious brother.”

Anton saw that his father was curious as well so he continued.

“The next is also a warrior but very different from a barbarian. It’s called a Paladin.”

“I’ve seen some paladins before when I was a mercenary. They’re special warrior priests I think.” Anders said.

“Yes, but the one that I would have had if I had chosen it was probably different from the ones that you’ve seen Father. The paladins have what I call aura powers. Their aura was able to do a lot of things. But mostly it empowers their attack to an unimaginable degree. They have unrivaled healing powers and their spells to protect others are on a different scale. The one spell that I had been using to heal was a boon I received. It’s one of the auras of a paladin called the Prayer Aura and it would be one of the very few spells that was supposed to be only available to paladins but it was granted to me since there was a strong desire from me to heal you Father and Anna and the being that granted these gifts probably heard my wish. In the previews that I’ve seen, they have an aura that can freeze enemies and they also have an aura to summon lightning to destroy their enemies and more. They were almost like wizards in a way. Warrior wizards blessed by a god that can heal, empower, and protect.”

“That is something. I would have chosen something like that,” Anders muttered.

“Brother, you mentioned that there’s a chance that you can still use the spell of the other profession that was shown to you, am I right?”

“Yes, but those spells will be very hard for me to acquire.”

Anders said that because there were items in Diablo II that granted different skills from different characters. He planned on hunting some of those items because they would be useful to him in real life like those items that could summon monsters since summons could be used to protect his Father and his sister.

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