My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 80

Anton was seated beside his father while they continued with their journey. Since it was still dark, there was a Fire Ball light hovering on top of the horses that lit up the road. They were still traveling at their maximum speed, which was extremely fast indeed, but he was confident that nothing would happen to the horses since his Prayer, Meditation, and Vigor Auras were protecting them.

He also didn’t forget to switch the auras between the horses and the people every hour to make sure that no one would get sick due to their unrelenting and gruesome travel. The only thing that was experiencing severe beating was their carriage so on their next stop Anton planned to have Charsi repair it again.

Anton dispelled his Fire Ball light when the sun came out. One good thing about all this travel was he got closer to his father because they talked non-stop about everything. His father’s life as a mercenary, the common lives of people in the villages as compared to people who lived in the cities, things that he needed to be aware of when traveling like basic prices of food, clothing, and other necessities, common monsters that people would encounter while traveling so basically a lot of things.

Anders would only stop the carriage after every six hours of travel so everyone could eat and after that, they continued traveling.

Around the afternoon Anton heard some loud noises ahead in the road and Anders slowed down the carriage since he heard them as well. Lucas and Devon went near them and prepared themselves since the noise sounded battle noises the nearer, they got.

Anton then saw a group of carts ahead which he assumed was a merchant caravan. It was being attacked by monsters with snarling dog heads and based on his knowledge from reading novels and watching animes they looked like kobolds or gnolls. There were also some huge monsters that looked like trolls to him and some small green monsters that were probably goblins.

He observed the monsters, and they were terrifying. The dog-headed monsters had frightening visages with their huge mouths and fangs full of blood and saliva. They were wielding diverse types of weapons like rusted swords and knives. The trolls were using huge clubs and their hands while the goblins were wielding knives, swords, and clubs.

The caravan guards were valiantly fighting off the army of monsters but based on the situation, the guards would not last long.

“Should we help them, father?” Anton asked Anders.

“Of course, it’s common decency to help people in need especially if it's against monsters and you have the power to help. I wanted to try out the new wand that we received, and this is a good opportunity. Stay here and protect your sister and the women. Me, Lucas, and Devon will attack just don’t forget to heal us in case we get wounded.”

Anders stepped outside the carriage driver’s seat holding his sword on his right hand and his wand on his left one. Before his father went and helped the caravan guards, he knocked on the carriage door and shouted that a caravan was being attacked and that he, Lucas, and Devon would assist. Anna, Nemina, and Lunelle joined Anton on the carriage seat then Anders ran towards the monsters followed by Lucas and Devon wielding their swords. Anton teleported on top of the caravan so he could observe better and attack any monster who would attack their carriage, but he did notice Nemina holding a sword.

Anton noticed that his father, Lucas, and Devon did not have any shred of fear on their faces confident in the fact that Anton's healing spells were powerful enough to offset any tragedy that may befall them.

Anders pointed his wand of Fire Ball towards the back of the monster so he could hit the enemies that were far enough away from the caravan to avoid hitting any humans. The blast of the Fire Ball startled both the caravan guards and the monster, but Anders didn’t stop with just one Fire Ball. Two more fireballs slammed into the monsters at the back until almost all the monsters who were following those who were attacking the caravan guards were injured.

Anton’s father realized that using the wand was better, so he sheathed his sword and switched to his wand of magic missile, and began attacking the monsters who were targeting guards that needed assistance.

Lucas and Devon reached the monster and were fearless and fiercely attacked seemingly without any regard to their safety. Some of the guards cheered when they saw that help arrived. Anton did notice that the caravan guards all looked like they had lost hope but now they were revitalized and began fighting back boldly. They were also heartened by the fact that there was a wizard who was assisting them.

Devon was hit in one of his arms and to the amazement of the caravan guards, the man’s wound healed rapidly.

Anders kept attacking using his magic missile wand. He didn’t even spare the goblins and not caring if the monster was huge or small, he kept using his spells to the caravan people's bewilderment.

Anton could understand since based on what his father and Lucas told him about their limited experience with wizards, they tend to save their spells and only use them during critical situations.

Lucas became even more ferocious when he saw that his son got wounded and when Devon saw that his father became wilder in his battles Devon abandoned any sort of technique and fought wildly. Anton was impressed with Lucas and Devon’s trust in his auras, but it did work splendidly. Any wound they received would heal immediately so they became more ferocious and wilder that they almost matched the number of monsters that Anders killed using his fireball and magic missile wand.

Suddenly Anton saw a group of monsters veer off and head directly to where the carriage was parked probably attracted by the three women who were watching in the driver’s seat. He cast Glacial Spike on the four monsters who were running towards them, and the monsters froze and shatter. When the monsters saw their colleagues were shattered by a powerful freezing spell, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The monsters suddenly started running away one by one until all of them were escaping.

Anders did not let them go and since the monsters were beginning to get far away Anton’s father switched back to using his Fireball wand. He recklessly spent the spells on the wand until almost all the monsters were dead and only a few managed to get away.

Anton immediately teleported down, removed his family and guards from the party system, and went to where the wounded people were. Unfortunately, some of the caravan guards were already dead but he did manage to heal the wounded ones immediately until they were healthy enough to stand up. They looked at Anton with awe and he could almost feel that one word from him and they would worship him.

In the corner of his eye, he saw his father talking to a group of richly dressed men who were looking at Anders gratefully but with a touch of fear. Anton thought that the merchants were probably thinking that Anders was a wizard as well due to the number of spells that he unleashed.

Anton then saw Nemina drive their carriage and parked it near the caravan. Anton didn’t stop moving around until he healed all the wounded people that he found. He even asked help from some of the caravan guards to bring all the wounded that they could find, and they obliged him making the healing process to be completed faster.

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