My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 81

Anton took a total of ten minutes to heal all the injured people from the caravan. All the guards that were healed were looking at him gratefully and Devon who was beside him guarding him told Anton that they were grateful because he healed them immediately and did not wait for any sort of payment from them first.

“If I waited they would have died!” Anton said indignantly.

“That’s how priests normally behave though. Not all of them mind you but the majority of them that it had created a bad reputation for most of the clergy.” Devon said.

Anton went to his father who was still talking to whom he assumed as the leaders of the merchant caravan based on their clothing and demeanor.

“Thank you for healing our guards high priest!” One of the merchants said to Anton.

“High priest? I’m not a priest, I’m a wizard,” Anton said to the man.

Anders laughed and then introduced Anton to the merchants.

“The boy is my son Anton. He’s a wizard and also the one who created the wands that I used to attack the monsters.”

The merchants looked at Anton in awe. He ignored the men and reported to his father.

“Father, I healed all the injured but unfortunately, five were already dead when I reached them.”

Anders nodded and gave a subtle signal for him to go back to the carriage so Anton kept ignoring the merchants and went inside their carriage. Anna and Lunell joined him while Nemina joined Anders and Lucas. Devon remained outside the carriage and acted as their guard.

“Why are you here and not talking to the merchants, brother?” Anna asked while Lunelle looked curiously.

“Father signaled me to go away. I’m guessing he wanted to talk to them about something and due to my ignorance, there’s a chance that I might give it away.”

After several minutes, Anders knocked on the carriage door and he and Nemina entered. He immediately gave the wands to Anton for his son to recharge them and then Anton gave the fully recharged wands back to his father.

“We’re leaving immediately since I’m thinking and Lucas agreed with me that the reason why there were so many monsters in this area was a lot of them migrated from the location surrounding our country due to the Undead Coalition attack. The merchants paid us for helping them.”

Anders then went to the carriage driver’s seat and Anton joined him. He removed all the people from his party system and Anton added all the horses. The next village was supposed to be three days away but because of their speed and non-stop travel, they would arrive by tomorrow. When dusk arrived, Anton summoned his Fire Ball light and let it hover in front of the carriage to light up the road and they continued traveling.

Anders only stopped the carriage around nine in the evening but that was only for them to eat and use the toilet after that they resumed their journey.

While they were traveling Anton could hear noises from the surroundings which according to his father were noises created by the monsters in the area but due to their speed, they were able to bypass them without any issue.

That meant that there was a likely chance that the merchant caravan would be attacked by the monsters again but at least Anton managed to heal all of the injured so they should be able to fight more effectively.

Around three in the morning, Anders stopped the carriage again for the whole group and the horses to eat and drink some mana water. The environment of the road and the surrounding forests were beautiful even at night but Anton was beginning to get tired of traveling.

He wished they reached the city soon since they could rest there for several days before continuing their travel. He would like to act as a tourist in another world city and that would be glorious to see the different structures of the buildings, the different cultures maybe even different species of people.

“Father, I forgot to ask, are there different species of intelligent beings here like elves or dwarves or halflings?” Anton asked his father while they resumed their travel after they stopped for a while to eat.

“There are and you should see some of them in the city,” Anders answered.

“Is there anything that I should be aware of in dealing with non-humans like common knowledge or common prejudices that I should avoid?”

“Not really. They’re just like any others. Treat them how you normally treat folks and you’ll be fine. Especially since you’re a wizard and mage folk are respected by everyone.”

Anton dispelled the Fire Ball light when morning arrived and he saw the next village in the distance.

“How long are we going to stay in this village?” Anton asked his father.

“We will only stay until afternoon. I want to get away from this area and reach the city as soon as possible.”

They arrived at the village inn and a lot of the villagers watched them park the carriage in front of the inn. The carriage and all the horses were handled by the inn’s attendant and they went to the common room and ordered a lot of food for breakfast.

The inn folk were surprised at the amount of food they devoured but they didn’t care. They enjoyed the hot breakfast then Anton told the innkeeper that he would like to take a bath so an attendant led them to the baths.

As usual, Anton provided the mana water but he was the only one who enjoyed a hot bath since he heated his bathwater with his magic while the others couldn’t afford to let the inn attendants heat theirs and they respected Anton enough to not ask him to heat their bath water.

Anton did perform one service for everyone which was to repair and clean all of their clothing including Lucas and Devon’s armor which was damaged during their confrontation with the monsters who were attacking the merchant caravan.

The only one who enjoyed hot water was Anders since Anton heated his father’s bath water who was bathing in the tub beside his. Anna had to bathe using cold mana water since the women’s baths were in another room. Regardless, everyone still enjoyed the mana water compared to heated regular water since they could feel the magic infusing their bodies.

After their bath, Anna grumbled a lot about Anton not heating her bath water and she only stopped when he promised that he would heat the next one.

They didn’t rent any rooms since they would leave after Anders and Nemina concluded their business of buying food and other necessities from the villagers.

When Anders and Nemina who was being followed by Lucas as their guard while Devon stayed with the sibling acting as their guard concluded their business, Anton went to the carriage where the things that were purchased were located. He stored them in the Private Stash inside the game and then he quickly stored the whole carriage while the horses were still not hitched so he could have the Charsi repair it.

A good thing that they were inside the stable so nobody saw the carriage disappearing and appearing after a few seconds completely looking brand new. Lucas and Devon asked a favor from Anton to repair their saddle and harness as well to make sure that it would be durable and would not break during their gruesome travel.

After everything was settled, they continued their travel at maximum speed which was only possible due to Anton’s Prayer, Meditation, and Vigor auras.

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