My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 93

After their experiment with the sword was done, Anders asked Devon to go downstair to order lunch for everyone. While they were waiting, Anton told his father about his experience the day before and about hiring a local boy named Fenix as his guide while roaming the city.

“Is it okay for that guy to see our wares in the suite, Father?” Anton asked.

“It’s okay as long as you don’t show anybody else your magic of repairing items. That should be our family and our guard’s secrets. You can go ahead and roam about since I’m not worried about your safety but be back here before dark and tomorrow, we should have purchased a few items so you will need to repair those,” Anders replied.

Anton nodded then Devon returned saying that the inn’s attendants would come up soon with the food.

“By the way, a boy downstairs told me you’re expecting him Sir Anton, his name is Fenix,” Devon said to Anton.

“Yes, he’s the city guide I hired. Once one of the waiters arrives, can you ask one of them to guide Fenix here?”

“I’ll go and invite him in so I can check him out as well,” Devon said, and Anton nodded.

While they were waiting for the food and Fenix, Anton heard Anders saying to the three new bodyguards that they could choose three new suits of armor and a couple of weapons from the wares laid out on the floor and they did immediately since it was obvious that the quality of the armor and weapons were the best in the industry.

Devon and Fenix entered the suite while the three new guards were choosing their sets.

“Hi Fenix. We’re about to eat lunch. Please join us,” Anton said to his guide.

“Sure! Thanks,” Fenix grinned.

Anton introduced everyone to Fenix while the guide said hello back to everyone.

“How long have you lived here in the city, Fenix?” Anna asked with sparkling eyes.

Anton sighed when he saw that his sister was looking at Fenix with eyes that kept blinking. He thought that maybe Anna thought that she was seducing the boy, but it just looked like she’s got an eye disease.

“My clan traveled here when I was little, and we stayed here ever since so I know all the nook and crannies of the city.”

“Your clan?” Anna asked.

“We’re a travelers clan. My family’s composed of minstrels, dancers, fortune tellers, and the like. Some cities don’t treat us well thinking that we’re just thieves but the city of Leminthor has been kind to us even assigning a square to us so we can perform for the people and earn some coins.”

“Ooh, that’s an exciting life. Are you a performer as well?” Anna kept on asking to the amusement of everyone.

They heard a knock on the door and then the inn’s attendants entered with a lot of food which they put on the table. Everyone sat and started eating lunch and the new bodyguards joined them after they chose their new armor and weapons. Anton was impressed again at the food that the inn served.

Anton thought that once he transmigrated, he would not be able to eat tasty food again but honestly, what he had been eating was better than what he ate when he was in his previous world which was mostly fast food and microwavable.

“To answer your question, I’m an acrobat but right now I’m a tour guide for your brother.”

“My brother is a lute player and singer as well! He’s the best singer that I have ever heard including the ones we heard from the square that we pass through,” Anna said forgetting the fact that Fenix said that a square was assigned to them by the city which meant that it was that square that they pass through and that the singers they heard were probably part of Fenix’s family.

“Really,” Fenix said while looking at Anton while smiling.

“Oh yeah, he’s also a very powerful wizard. He managed to defeat an army of the undead when we passed through a village filled with them! They were from the Undead Coalition,” Anna kept babbling which made Anton and Ander wince.

They couldn’t fault the girl since they said that they would not be secretive about Anton being a powerful wizard as an added deterrent to people who would eye them with evil intentions because of their wealth.

Anton saw that the three new guards were looking at Anders questioningly.

“Anna stop talking!” Anders told Anna and the girl realized that she was sharing too much information.

She looked down at her food and started eating, glancing at her father. Since Lucas’s family and the new bodyguards were looking at Anders, Anton's father decided to tell them what happened.

“We’re from Mendi and we heard the news that the Undead Coalition of the north attacked the city of Vondi to conquer it. Since we’re near the city, I knew that Mendi would be next on the coalition’s agenda, so I decided to run with my family. I also knew that since Anton’s a wizard and a powerful one at that, we’d be safe on the road. We encountered several undead groups including vampires and liches and because of Anton’s power, we managed to escape.”

Everyone was looking at Anton with awe while he just calmly kept on eating. Even Fenix was looking at his new employer with wide eyes.

“If you’re a powerful wizard, why are you looking for a novice wizard to tutor you and your sister?” Fenix asked.

“My magic is different. We received several spell books from the vampires that we defeated and decided that it would be a promising idea for us to learn them so my family decided that once we reached a city, we would hire a wizard,” Anton replied.

“Can I see a magic spell?” Fenix asked excitedly, showing everyone that the boy was still a child.

Anton obliged by summoning empty pitchers then conjuring a huge ball of water from the Frozen Orb spell and guiding the water to the pitchers. He could hear the new bodyguards and Fenix gasping when the water appeared above their table.

“That is called mana water. It’s filled with magic and will refresh you. It would make you healthy and keep your skin smooth and your hair luxurious, especially if you use it for bathing. That’s why my skin is so smooth, and my father looked so young,” Anna boasted.

Everyone drank the cold mana water, and they voiced their appreciation for the taste and feeling they experienced when they drank it.

“Can I ask for some for my sister? She’s a bit sickly,” Fenix asked after drinking the water.

“Oh no, you can’t. The magic in the water dissipates over time, that’s why you can only use it once it has been newly conjured, and you can’t save it. That’s why we can’t even sell it,” Anna kept oversharing, and Anders just let her be.

“If your sister is sick, you can ask Sir Anton to heal her. He has powerful healing magic. I once received an arrow through the neck and because of Sir Anton’s magic, the arrow just popped out and healed my injury in seconds.” Devon said joining Anna in boasting about Anton.

The adults in the group just sighed at the young one’s behavior.

“This is the last time you will share information with others do you understand me!” Anders scolded Anna and he included Devon in his eyes which made the guard blush.

Anna blushed as well and returned to eating her lunch.

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