My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 94

After lunch, Anton’s father and the others went back to the business of selling the items. According to Anders, they had already earned hundreds of gold coins and they only sold off a quarter of their total haul.

Anton told his father that he still wanted to roam around the city and probably check if he could find a wizard that he could hire as his and Anna’s tutor.

Anders gave his permission and reminded Anton to be back before dark. Anna then went to him and told him that she wanted to go with him to explore the city.

“I want to explore alone. You can explore with Lunelle and Devon and I’m thinking that if you ask nicely, Father will give you some gold coins to spend.”

Anna turned to their father and without hesitation, Anders gave his daughter a purse.

“Only five gold coins. Can I have some more?” Anna wheedled.

Anders was astonished. “What are you planning to buy?”

“Anything that catches my fancy like books and stuff.”

Anders added five gold coins to Anna’s purse but asked Lunelle to hold onto it. Anna just shrugged and gave the coin purse to Lunelle.

Fenix was looking wide-eyed at the amount of gold coins that the little girl received.

“Your family is really rich,’ Fenix whispered to Anton.

Anton ignored what his guide said and then walked out of the room after saying goodbye to everyone. He thought about asking cons from his father since he already had given the rest of the purse of coins from his inventory to Anders but then he thought he would just try to earn his own.

Outside the inn, Fenix asked him where he wanted to go.

“Can you lead me to a shop that sells the most worn-out or old weapons?”

“Why? I saw the armor and weapons in the room and those were the best,” Fenix said.

“Just do it,” Anton said sternly.

Anton saw the boy shrugging and led him a couple of blocks from the inn. They arrived at a street filled with shops, but the shops were a bit rundown.

While they were walking, Anton admired the architecture of the city. The city was like one of those cities from fantasy movies or even anime but the reality of it all brought forth an excitement in Anton's blood. Everywhere he looked beget the truth that he was in a different world. It was familiar and alien at the same time. It was familiar since he had been reading fantasy books and web novels ever since he was little and the description of the cities in the novels that he read fit the city of Leminthor to the t. It was alien at the same time because this was the first time he had seen a city like this. Everything was old but it was new to him.

Anton felt that walking in the city was an adventure in and of itself. He almost expected to see Geralt of Rivia suddenly riding in one of the streets or a company of red-cloaked Aes Sedai hunting a man who could channel or Polgara leading a young Garion exiting from one of the inns. It was all very exciting, and he couldn’t help but grin. The fact that he had magic made this life truly an adventure and he couldn’t help but feel extremely happy at that moment.

‘What are you laughing about?” Fenix asked, curious why his employer was grinning like a madman.

“It’s just that city life is exciting and it’s making me happy,” Anton replied.

“By the way, what other magic can you cast?”

“My spells are geared toward battle so mostly offensive spells.”

“I wish I had the talent and coins to be a wizard. Why do you want to hire a wizard tutor?”

“As I’ve said, we picked up some spell books. Me and my sister wanted to learn it and to reiterate, my spells are geared toward combat, and I would like to learn some utility spells like spells that would allow me to fly or turn lead into gold.”

“Can magic do that? Turn lead into gold?” Fenix asked, excited by the riches that particular spell could give anyone who learns it.

“I don’t know that’s why I wanted a tutor.”

“Okay, I’ll introduce you to my uncle later. He’s friends with a wizard, I think. We’re here,” Fenix pointed at a rundown shop.

Anton and Fenix entered the shop, and it was filled with worn-out equipment. He picked up a couple of swords and a couple of daggers and told Fenix to hold them.

“What are you going to do this garbage?” Fenix asked.

“I don’t have many coins left and I don’t want to ask my father. We’ll use it to earn coins. How much do you think for all of those?”

“These shouldn’t cost you more than forty copper coins.”

“Go ahead and pay the shop owner,” Anton gave his purse with copper coins to Fenix and the boy paid the old shopkeeper.

When they went outside the shop, they went to a secluded alley.

“How are we going to earn coins using these ugly weapons?” Fenix asked.

“Just watch,” Anton replied.

Anton then put the two dilapidated swords and two daggers in his inventory and asked Charsi to repair them.

After a few seconds, he gave the newly repaired swords and daggers to Fenix. The guide gasped when he saw the exquisite swords and daggers.

“How much can we sell them?”

“These are so beautiful! The swords could probably fetch us two gold coins each and the dagger one gold coin each!” Fenix exclaimed.

“That much? Go ahead and sell them then so we will have coins to spend for our adventure in the city.”

“Where do these come from?”

“It’s the swords and daggers that we purchased. I just use my spells to repair them.”

Fenix stared at Anton.

“I thought you didn’t have utility spells?”

“Well, more is better. Let’s go and sell those.”

Fenix then led Anton back to a much richer street where they could sell the swords. Since Anton looked like a noble’s brat, the guide wasn’t worried that they would be denied in the shops. The merchant that bought the weapons kept asking Fenix where the weapons came from, and he just told the man that it was from Anton’s family which shut the man up since Anton did look like a noble. He didn’t forget to ask Fenix to have the merchant pay them in silver and copper coins and now they have hundreds of silver and copper coins separated in several purses. Once they went outside the merchant’s shop, Anton kept all the purses in his inventory except one that was filled with a hundred silver coins and asked Fenix to hold on to it since he would be the one who was going to pay their expenses.

“You can also take your pay from that coin. Let’s go ahead and go to other city squares with other performers. I want to see them,” Anton told his guide.

Fenix kept the purse inside his clothes and led Anton deep into the city. The boy led him into a different square and this time he saw performers that were different from the first square that he went into. They stayed there for a while but even though he was entertained, Anton concluded that Fenix’s clan performers were better.

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