My Fintech Empire

Chapter 885 [Meet a fan]

Fang Hong watched the TV station's street interviews with interest. The reporters on the scene interviewed several stock investors, but they all lost money.

After a while, I finally found someone who made money. The interviewer was Mr. Xiao, a full-time stock trader with more than ten years of stock trading experience. He invested more than one million yuan in A-share trading this year. He told reporters that he Just plan well to welcome the bull market.

At that time, Mr. Xiao's judgment was that in the past, real estate was like a big sponge that siphoned all the money in, but now it was the stock market that was absorbing the money.

After earning profits, he quickly sold out the stocks he held today before the "big plunge". The total profit was astonishing +975%, nearly ten times the profit. This made the reporters who interviewed him feel Extremely surprised.

Mr. Xiao said eloquently: "With prices rising like this, who would dare not to sell? Those with experience would have fled thousands of miles away. There should be adjustments in the stock market in the short term..."

The reporter couldn't help but ask: "Which industry sector do you hold stocks? You can actually make nearly ten times the income in such a short period of time."

Mr. Xiao then replied: "This profit was mainly due to the layout of the brokerage sector in September. I had a heavy position in Huatai Zheng Securities. In August and September, the stock was trading sideways in the price range of more than 8 yuan to less than 9 yuan. It was not until the end of October that the price officially broke through and entered the main rising wave. When the price reached the daily limit on Friday, November 21, the price had risen to 14.19 yuan. By then, I had made a profit of more than 60 points."

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Xiao said energetically: "Fortunately, I have been paying attention to God K. On the weekend of November 23, I saw the latest Weibo of God K for the first time, which made me even more convinced that the bull market will rise. With the arrival of the wave, since it is a bull market, securities firms must be the standard bearers. After reading K God’s Weibo, I clearly remember that on the next day, Monday, November 24, I decisively disposed of other stocks to free up funds and then fully invested in Stud. Huatai Zhengguan was cleared today at around 32 yuan.”

Huatai Zhengguan stock is currently the brokerage stock with the largest increase in this wave of brokerage market. Today it once hit the daily limit of 34 yuan.

The reporter who interviewed him also turned on his mobile phone and looked at the stock. He was also very surprised. The closing price of the stock today was 24.13 yuan, down -8.6%. It hit the daily limit when the market opened in the afternoon, and it sold out in late trading. The price hit the limit, and a whole new world was created for a time.

Mr. Xiao cleared his position near the price of 32 yuan, which can be said to be a perfect escape from the top. This is also what he is quite proud of.

This wave is about getting rich directly, one million becomes ten million, directly achieving financial freedom.

The reporter turned to Mr. Xiao and asked, "Why were you so decisive on November 24th, and why did you choose this stock? I just looked at the trend of this stock. At that time, Huatai Zhengguan has risen by more than 80 percentage points since its lowest point in the second half of the year. Aren't you afraid that your position will be liquidated if there is a big drop?"

Mr. Xiao said confidently: "Don't be afraid, because I know this will definitely make money."

The reporter asked with curiosity: "Can you share your investment secrets with us?"

Mr. Xiao laughed and said: "What can't I share? What prompted me to make such a bold strategy that day was that I read K God's Weibo over the weekend and it played a decisive role. Even if I didn't believe in my judgment, I could still... Do you believe in God K? Who is God K? The god of investment in my mind. I am optimistic about the market situation of securities companies. I saw K God’s Weibo article also emphasized that I am particularly optimistic about the market conditions of securities companies.”

Mr. Xiao, who was full of energy, continued to talk non-stop: "This made me unswervingly long the securities stocks, so on the 24th, when the market opened, I decisively filled up my position with Huatai Securities. The return was also beyond expectations, with a price of nearly ten times." The profit, haha. If it weren’t for seeing K God’s article, I would have transferred at most 1.5 million this time.”

Mr. Xiao added: "As for why you chose this brokerage stock, I actually didn't know at the time that this stock would become the most popular among brokerages. Under the circumstances, I just bought the brokerage without thinking. No matter which ticket it was, I only needed to buy it. It doesn’t matter if it’s a brokerage stock, it’s just a matter of making more or less. But I was lucky. I bought Huatai Securities, with a floating profit of more than 60 points. Relatively speaking, I have a profit cushion, and I feel psychologically It’s a lot safer.”

At the same time, Fang Hong, who was watching this street interview on TV, couldn't help but smile and mutter: "I met a fan."

Mr. Xiao, the middle-aged man who was interviewed, seemed to have lights in his eyes when he talked about God K, and his words were full of praise.

Of course, this time he was able to achieve a net worth of tens of millions, and Fang Hong's article played a decisive role.

It was precisely because Mr. Xiao saw that Weibo article that he gained confidence that was more valuable than gold. If he had not seen that Weibo article, he would never have dared to invest in a single stock.

But having said that, Mr. Xiao himself also has two brushes. He is full of money and monotonous Huatai Zhengguan. He can still hold it firmly until today before clearing the position to escape from the top. He has almost finished the entire period of the main Shenglang. Can he be like him? There are not many people who can hold on to it without selling it.

Thinking about it, I don't dare to trade stocks full-time without two brushes.

In the early days of this bull market, the market was mainly rising. People who entered the market before were basically eating big meat. Those who lost money were the investors who entered the market recently, especially those who rushed in when the market hit 3,000 points today. It was simply a slap in the face. Confused.

For example, those who were against Huatai Zhengguan closed down -8.6%, which is almost equivalent to eating the whole sky and the floor. It can be described as miserable and miserable.

The market has always been like this, it is always the first mover who takes the last move.

After watching the interview video on the financial channel, Fang Hong stopped paying attention. He picked up his phone and logged into his personal Weibo account to take a look. Sure enough, there were a lot of private messages and messages.

Today's plunge has made people calm down a lot, but there are also many anxious people. Many of the private messages and messages are asking about God K.

At this moment, there are many new comments under the latest Weibo news, and it is particularly lively.

[The ups and downs in the market today are really scary. Is it a peak or an adjustment? ]

[It is definitely an adjustment. I have never seen a bull market of 3,000 points. It has already reached the bottom in the late trading. I trust God K’s judgment. ]

[I feel numb, the light warehouse is empty, and the heavy warehouse is covered with quilt. ]

[Judging from a few days ago, this wave of adjustments was basically bound to happen. The difference lies in the time point when it will occur. First, the market trading volume and volatility are amplifying rapidly. Second, the market split between 28 and 8 is extremely severe, and the arbitrage space in the 3 and 4 markets is incredibly large. Thinking about these fully illustrates the same problem. This market wave is completely supported by stupid money. If you just listen to God K's roar and rush in without thinking, then it will only be a matter of time before a big rout like today. ]

[Continuous rise without any adjustment; the daily trading volume of over one trillion yuan in a single day is unsustainable; technical indicators are seriously overbought; brokerages are overvalued too much, Zhongxin Securities’ market value is nearly 300 billion, seriously deviating from value; securities registration and settlement The company announced that the bond market has encountered a black swan, how can the stock market be spared? ]

[Haha, hindsight, why didn’t you say it this morning? Being wise in hindsight is like being a pig in advance. ]

[You guys are talking eloquently, but you can tell me, is this big Yin line exploding, is it an adjustment or a peak? Can you be more prepared beforehand? ]

[Haha, stay silent. ]

[Don’t count on them, I still hope that God K can come out and give a critical review. I only believe in God K. ]

[I only listen to K God, because only K God can accurately predict the market in advance, and only K God is the best beforehand. ]

[Yes, I only listen to God K. How many stock commentators and stock trading influencers on the Internet made such accurate judgments just before the market broke out on the 24th? Did you come out in time to call everyone on board? ]

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