My Fintech Empire

Chapter 886 [Those who don’t know the God of K when trading stocks are in vain even if they are gods

Fang Hong Diving looked at the comments section of his Weibo. The market has surged recently, and the number of followers on his Weibo account has also soared rapidly. It has now exceeded the 80 million follower mark.

Obviously, during this period, many newbies who entered the market followed Fang Hong’s Weibo.

Newbies who are now entering the market will often be recommended by some veteran investors to follow K God’s Weibo when they join some communication groups or visit stock forums.

There is a saying that has been widely circulated in the world of Big A for a long time: Those who do not know the K god in stock trading are in vain even if they are gods.

It can be seen that today's God K is unrivaled in the world of Big A.

Fang Hong Diving watched the messages in the comment area for a while, thought for a moment, then switched to the dynamic publishing page, and then edited a piece of text to prepare a Weibo update:

[After half a month of continuous rise without any sign of a correction, Big A finally ushered in a cliff-like comprehensive plunge today. The market is panicking and wailing everywhere.

Many private messages and comments are asking me whether the market has peaked or is adjusting. There was a comment in the comment area of ​​the last Weibo post that said it well: I have never seen a 3,000-point bull market, and it was concise and to the point.

Today, a huge negative line came out, and many people were panicked. Regarding the market outlook, I think there is no need to be too pessimistic. Everyone is worried about the impact of leverage reduction in the bond market on liquidity, but there is no need to be so worried.

I think the easing trend of funds will not change and the interest rate cutting cycle will continue. In November, the central bank announced an interest rate cut, marking the beginning of the interest rate cut cycle. However, since the capital interest rate did not drop significantly after the interest rate cut, it is not ruled out that there may be further measures in the future. This is expected.

In addition, the overall market sentiment is still high, the number of new account openings in the two cities continues to be high, transaction volume continues to increase, and incremental funds are still increasing.

In the short term, the market has experienced a large and rapid increase, and there must be a certain need for adjustment. However, in the medium term, I am still optimistic that the market's rising trend will remain unchanged, and I will continue to be optimistic about low valuations and blue chip stocks supported by fundamentals. opportunity, the overall valuation level of heavyweight stocks is still far lower than that of small and mid-cap stocks.

Judging from the current "big ups and downs" of the market, there is still one thing that can be firmly believed. In the context of accelerating reform of A-shares, the future of China's top tickets is promising.

However, investors should be reminded that a market supported by a huge amount of funds must rely on the continuous entry of subsequent funds to follow up in order to continue to rise. Otherwise, it will inevitably rise and fall sharply. After the plunge, it would be a good thing if the excited market sentiment could calm down. 】

Fang Hong finished editing the content, scanned it roughly, and sent it out after confirming that there were no problems.

Now a lot of people are staring at his Weibo account, because the investment research and analysis department of Qunxing Capital does not publish research reports at all, and never publicly comments on market conditions, and many people complain that it is too loud. fiscal.

Fortunately, it is not completely open. Although there is no official investment research and analysis report from Qunxing Capital, the founder of this company, Fang Hong, will still make critical comments on the stock market on his personal social media account from time to time.

And this may be more valuable than the research report published by analysts from Qunxing Capital, so now Fang Hong’s Weibo not only has tens of millions of fans to maintain high-frequency attention, but many institutional investors have specially arranged people to do it One thing is to keep an eye on the Weibo account K3478 around the clock and report the latest developments immediately.

No, I just posted a latest Weibo update, which quickly attracted the attention of investors from all walks of life.

When stock investors and fans saw K God’s article, their confidence immediately increased. Especially those who were trapped just after entering the market today. When they saw this Weibo, their fears and uneasiness were greatly comforted.

In a certain stock exchange group, a group member took a screenshot of Fang Hong's newly updated Weibo to the group, which quickly aroused heated discussion in the group.

[Come, come, brother, K God’s latest Weibo is freshly released, and he continues to be optimistic about the trend of Big A rising and relaying. ]

[I just said there is no bull market at 3,000 points. God K thinks so too. Someone was stubborn with me just now. ]

[God K has said so, so I can rest assured and hold shares. ]

[I risked my life to buy the bottom in the late trading, and I was panicking. When God K said this, I immediately stopped panicking. This wave of bottom buying was so right, hahaha. ]

[This wave of market conditions has seriously gone short, which is super uncomfortable. All my money was heavily invested in Zhongguo CNR, which was almost full. Mader’s trading was suspended as soon as I bought it on October 24, and it has not resumed trading yet, so it is completely empty. The super market price of a large financial brokerage doubled, I cried to death. ]

[You have a whole warehouse in the Beiche, and why are you pretending to be here? The merger and reorganization of CNR is such a great benefit. Before the suspension of trading, you were ambushed by your heavy holdings. The resumption of trading must be based on the rhythm of doubling the winning number by the daily limit. Which of the restructuring concept stocks will not double? ]

[I guess he was complaining about how uncomfortable it was to be in the air, and he must be secretly having fun, right? ]

[You will definitely win this wave. At the end of today’s article, God K particularly emphasized that the future of the first-name ticket is promising. Youya is lurking in CNR. This ticket is not only a merger and reorganization, but also happens to be the first-name ticket, which is a double benefit. When trading resumes, it will definitely start at double the price. ]

[Think about K God’s Weibo post on the 23rd of last month, which also emphasized the brokerage sector. Now look at the brokerage industry during this period. The entire brokerage industry sector index has doubled in the second half of the year. From K God From the day I posted on Weibo to today, the brokerage sector index has doubled. ]

[I’m envious! Your plan to ambush CNR is to double your bookings in advance and make more money from bookings in advance. I’m jealous! ]

[It’s scary to lose money yourself, but it’s even more heart-wrenching to make money from a group of friends... (Erha.jpg)]

[Hahaha! ]

[Understood, tomorrow I will directly start with the prefix Stud, and no one of you can stop me. ]

[Go, go, go, brothers, let’s meet tomorrow. ]

The next day, Wednesday, December 10th.

Big A opened this morning, and the three major stock indexes had mixed gains and losses. The Shanghai Stock Index, which opened at a flat price, soared +1.61% in the first minute of the opening, followed by a rapid dive into the green, and fell by one degree at 9:42. It expanded to -1.54%, and then immediately went up to V and turned red.

At about 10 o'clock, it fell back again and turned green again, until it fell below the previous low of the day at about 10:45, and the decline expanded to -1.67%.

However, it just fell below the previous low of the day, and then rebounded in a V-shape again. After 11 o'clock, the market index closed in the red again and turned up. After that, it fluctuated all the way up, and came out of the counter-packaging market.

From the perspective of industry sectors, the performance of Zhongzitiao was the most eye-catching. In today's market, it seemed to lead the gains of the two cities, opening higher and moving higher, and received a large influx of funds.

The reason for the rise is that in Fang Hong's latest Weibo article yesterday, he emphasized his views on the market outlook for A-shares and was optimistic about the top ticket.

So as soon as the market opened today, a large number of investors directly criticized the Chinese prefix without hesitation.

Because no one has forgotten that just over half a month ago, K God’s Weibo post emphasized that he was optimistic about the securities sector. Looking back now, the securities sector has skyrocketed in just over half a month, and the sector index has doubled. times, not to mention the gains in individual stocks.

These are all still vivid in my mind.

Now K God's latest Weibo once again emphasizes the top ticket with Chinese characters. Looking back at the recent trend of the securities sector, how can investors sit still? They must have been screaming and rushing towards the middle letter to yell.

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