My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 111 Zero’s Fall Part 3

(***Yoko’s POV***)


Yoko’s ascendance into a demigod had given her access to a higher form of magic but she lacked the knowledge to effectively use it. Even the magic she could use before was now exceedingly difficult to use now due to her inability to manipulate the higher form of mana she now had access to. If regular mana was like water that could easily change shape and flow then this new mana was akin to metal and no matter how much she tried to change its shape it refused to obey.


When she had first awakened she was still in somewhat of a trance and she had managed to wield this mana easily but now that trance state had dissipated. Yoko came up with the idea that maybe the reason she could use the mana before but failed to now was that she hadn’t tried to shape the mana before but had done something else. So, she simply sat on the ground of her new world waiting for inspiration to hit her and awaken some instinct within her.


Yoko’s knowledge of magic when she was human told her to successfully use magic one needed to use their internal mana to manipulate the flow of mana in the air to create an effect. That did not work so a thought popped into her head. She thought of the moment that she and Zero fought against Soma and remembered that while he did need external mana for some abilities there were a few that only required his own internal mana to produce the effect.


Coming to this realization Yoko then tried to do the same with her own mana. Rather than pushing mana out of her body Yoko instead tried to manipulate it while it was still inside and found that it obeyed her. Now able to control this new mana she tried a familiar spell her trusty dark tide. To her surprise, the orbs manifested without her crafting the formula in her head.


Yoko noticed that when she cast the spell the formula was already in her mind along with many others as if her mind were a library filled with spell books. This would greatly increase her ability to cast spells one after another. The greatest change she noticed was the amount of mana needed for the spell was so minuscule that she didn’t even feel her mana drop an ounce. The next change she noticed was that the effect of the spell had changed. The dark tide used to be the size of basketballs but now they were 4 times the size of the original and the water had changed color from dark blue to a purplish-blue.


Satisfied with the results Yoko released the spell and the water instantly disappeared as if it never existed. Now able to use her power Yoko stood up from her meditating position and tried to create a portal to the realm of the twin goddess. Rather than a portal opening up a gate with mystical symbols carved into the doors appeared out of nowhere.


‘Hmm, I wonder what this door is and why I can’t open a portal. Regardless I can sense the land of death from the other side.’


Yoko walked up to the door and it opened allowing Yoko to walk through. Yoko appeared in the land of death and immediately noticed the major changes that the realm had been through. She looked up at the sky shocked to see an actual sky but didn’t spend too much time doing so and headed to the temple.


Entering the temple Yoko was suddenly hugged by Nova.


“Mama Nova missed you so much. Where have you been?” asked Nova as she tightly squeezed Yoko’s leg.


Yoko smiled and patted Nova on the head while saying, “I’m sorry I left you alone for so long without telling you I’d be gone this long. So, what did you guys do while I was gone.”


“We mostly played around and we talked to Grandma. Ah oops, I mean Aunty.” said Nova


“Grandma? Aunty? Valna care to elaborate? Also, explain who this woman is while you’re at it.” asked Yoko


Valna walked up to Yoko to knell and responded, “Well mistress, while you were in your dimension it seems Zero’s soul was badly injured so his mother an entity called a primordial named Nyx came to this world to repair it. She spent some time here before leaving some minutes ago. This woman is named Hikaru and is a human who traveled here with Madam Nyx. As for personal information, I believe it would be best to ask her.”


“Thank you, I now understand what is going on. Why didn’t you guys call me if Zero’s mother was here?” said Yoko as she looked at Hikaru who was calmly leaning against the wall with her eyes closed not interrupting the conversation.


“That's cuz Aunty said to leave you alone because you were doing something important. She said we’d need it.” explained Nova


“Yes, she hinted that you might be the key to safely getting through this crisis.” said Dahlia


“Well, I have no idea how I’ll do that. Has Zero already left this dimension?” asked Yoko


“No, the master left here about 15 minutes ago. We’ve received no new orders through the soul link as of yet.” answered Dahlia


“Although, I wish we could see what is going on with him outside.” said Azalea


“We can.” affirmed Yoko


At the mention of this Hikaru’s eyes opened and the women plus Nova said simultaneously, “What?”


“Through the use of my magic I’m able to create a window and see what going on outside this dimension.” answered Yoko


Yoko walked to the nearest wall and raised her hand up as she closed her eyes. While her eyes were closed strange violet tattoos started to appear on her body slowly. When the tattoos stopped appearing on her body Yoko opened her eyes and they glowed a fierce dark blue. Within a few seconds of this display, an image appeared on the wall.


All eyes turned and watched the image on the wall. At first, the image was staticky and had begun to stabilize making the image shaper. A few seconds later the image was crystal clear but the image shocked them all as they watched a disgusting creature impale Zero in the chest with an arm that resembled a blade.

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