My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 112 Zero’s Fall Part 4

(***Yoko’s POV***)


“Papa!” screamed Nova as she ran towards the screen but was stopped by Yoko who picked her up despite her fussing to be put down.


“It’s okay Nova he’s fine. Zero won’t die so easily from something like that.” explained Yoko as she tried her best to calm the little girl.


“But Papa looks like he’s in pain.” retorted Nova as she continued to watch the screen.


“Yes, but he would be in more pain if you got hurt trying to help him. He’d rather you be safe.” explained Yoko still trying to placate Nova


“Then I assume you have a plan to help him based on how calm you are.” said Hikaru


Yoko looked at Hikaru in the corner and said, “Yes I do and I need your help.”


“My help!? I don’t know how I can help you all who have such incredible powers when I’m just a normal human.” said a confused Hikaru


“Well Zero needs help to fight but we can’t reveal ourselves just yet. Right now, Yaldabaoth doesn’t see Zero as a proper enemy so he’s toying with him. This is exactly what Zero is after since he’s just trying to run out the clock. Our enemies can sense our power and if we go out now then they won’t hold back. To that end we need to send someone who they underestimate.” explained Yoko


“So, if I understand you correctly I’m so pathetically weak that even if I show up they won’t try to kill us immediately.” said Hikaru


“If you wish to put it that way then yes.” answered Yoko


“Very well if I can help my little brother then it doesn’t matter. What do I need to do.” said Hikaru


“It’s simple take these and support Zero.” said Yoko as she produced a blue orb and a crystal blade.


The orb and crystal sword flew towards Hikaru and when she grabbed them an intense blue light shined and engulfed her. When the light faded Hikaru was wearing a beautiful light blue kimono with white hydrangea flowers and in her hand was a nodachi in a black sheath covered in the same flowers.


“What’s this? Where did these come from and where did the previous item go?” asked a surprised Hikaru


“It’s a unique weapon and armor Zero crafted from me a while ago. They took on the form most familiar to you. I haven’t taken it out to inspect but it looks like it changed along with me. Never mind that now these items will allow you to use a bit of my power to help Zero.” explained Yoko


Hikaru unsheathed the nodachi and took a practice swing. To her surprise the swing in the air caused the temple floor to split. The split traveled across the ground eventually destroying 1 of the thrones in the temple. At the sight of this Azalea screamed and ran to her destroyed throne.


Azalea picked up a piece of the rubble and whined, “My beautiful throne. Why couldn’t it have gotten sister’s throne instead.” Hearing her word Dahlia appeared behind her and smacked her head. Azalea clutched her head and teared up as she looked up at her sister.


“I most humbly apologize.” said Hikaru as she bowed her head


“Please lift your head. This is simple to fix. My little sister tends to overreact.” said Dahlia as she snapped her fingers and the floor and throne were instantly repaired.


“Wait what? When did I become the little sister? If anything, I should be the older sister.” said Azalea still rubbing her head.


Dahlia turned and smiled while saying, “Anyone would believe I’m the older of the 2 of us. Your jokes are quite funny.”


Yoko coughed and redirected the conversation, “Now going back to the important subject. Use these to give Zero the support he needs. I have to warn you it will be very dangerous and death is highly possible.”


“I’ve never been afraid to die. There are worse things in this world than dying.” said Hikaru with a look of conviction.


Yoko looked at Hikaru and bowed her head, “Thank you for doing this. I would go if I could but circumstances prevent it. I am truly grateful to you Hikaru and please help Zero.”


“Please lift up your head. I would have gone whether you asked me to or not. You are not forcing me because this is my own desire.” said Hikaru


“Regardless, I must thank you and I will pay you back for this I promise.” said Yoko


Yoko then raised her hand at the screen still playing images of Zero's battle against the archons. A tear opened up and began to form a door.


“Hurry up and go through I can’t hold it for long.” said Yoko as her tattoos began to flare up on her arms and legs.


Hikaru nodded and ran through the doorway as it closed behind her. With Hikaru though Yoko collapsed on the floor. She was breathing heavily as she sat on the floor.


“Mama, are you okay?” asked Nova


Yoko smiled and rubbed Nova's head as she said, “I’m okay I just used a bit too much mana so I need to rest for a bit.”


“Is something wrong with your body mistress Yoko? You shouldn’t need that much power to open a spatial portal.” asked a concerned Valna


“I assume that none of you have tried to open a spatial portal recently. It seems that an anti-spatial barrier has been placed on Dracula’s castle. Most of my mana was spent bypassing it to create the small tear that Hikaru walked through.” explained Yoko


“Hey then isn’t that bad then. You sent a human into a fight amongst gods with no support or a way back. Her chances of surviving this are close to none.” said Azalea as she relaxed on her new throne.


“Yes, while I’m not aware of the full story I do know Master Zero is quite fond of her so he won’t be happy about this.” added Dahlia


Yoko had stopped breathing heavily and now sat in a meditative position and said in a cold voice, “Zero’s feelings are not my main priority currently. Whether he accepts it or not is none of my concern. He shouldn’t be there right now but he is and this is the best I can do to help him. I need to regain my mana so please don’t distract me any further.”


Everybody looked at the meditating Yoko in surprise as she explained. This reaction was very unlike the young woman they had gotten to know over their short time in the castle.

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