My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 113 Zero’s Fall Part 5

(***Zero’s POV***)


“So, if I surrender now will you accept?” asked Zero


Paying no heed to Zero's questions the archon charged at him. Standing absolutely no chance of beating 4 powered-up archons Zero transformed into his shadow form and dove into a nearby shadow to avoid the attack.


‘I wonder how long I can stay in here?’


As Zero pondered that question suddenly, a white claw grabbed him and yanked him out of the shadows. Zero was thrown out of the shadow and slid across the floor until he stopped before the archons who were looking down at him. The leader grabbed Zero by the neck lifting him up and with his other clawed hand stabbed into Zero’s abdomen.


Zero jolted in pain as the clawed hand moved around his body as if searching for something. Zero felt an immense amount of pain as the archon pulled out its hand from Zero's stomach holding what appeared to be an organ. The archon crushed the organ in front of Zero’s eyes and let out a laughing sound as it attempted to pull out another organ.


“That’s some sick… hobby you… have there.” said Zero as he gathered enough strength to hit the hand holding his throat causing it to loosen enough for him to escape the archon’s grasp. Now free from the archon’s grasp Zero bit into the neck of the archon in hopes of draining enough blood to heal quickly but the archon impaled Zero back with its clawed hands. This caused Zero to cough up quite a bit of blood as he fell to the ground.


Unbeknownst to Zero when he coughed up blood a tiny amount entered into the body of the archon leader. Zero had become a nether creature in body and soul so his very blood was like poison to those who were more closely aligned with light or aether. The archons although highly distorted were still created with the powers of light so a few drops of Zero would be toxic to them as well. The archon leader stopped glowing and his white veins turned pitch black as the creature fell to the floor writhing in pain.


As their leader laid on the ground 2 archon rushed to its side while the remaining archon headed for Zero. The archon picked Zero up and turned its hand into a spike and thrust it at Zero’s head. As the archon’s attack neared Zero's head suddenly an attack came from above as Hikaru sliced off both the archon’s hands and proceeded to decapitate the creature. As the archon’s head started to fall Hikaru then sliced it in half and the archon collapsed.


“Be careful… it’ll resurrect soon.” said Zero as he laid on the ground bleeding.


Hikaru said nothing as she walked up to him and slit her wrist and placed it in Zero’s mouth. Zero felt the blood as it went down his throat causing his instinct to wake and he began to drain her blood. After a few seconds, he regained his composure and pulled away worried that he’d killed Hikaru. To Zero's surprise, she was fine and looked at him with a look of worry and she checked his injuries to make sure there was nothing wrong with him.


“Don’t worry about that creature I kill it.” said Hikaru as she stood up and took a defensive stance to protect Zero from the 2 remaining archons.


“No, you didn’t they have a crystal inside their body and unless you destroy it they won’t ever die.” said Zero as he stood.


“Yes, I’m aware which is why my first strike destroyed the crystal in its arm. I decapitated it for good measure too.” said Hikaru


Zero stared blankly at Hikaru’s statement, “How… can you know where the crystals are?”


“The one called Yoko lent me this kimono and blade informing me that they will allow me to use some of her abilities. When I arrived, I noticed a glow in the creature so I struck that area knowing it was most likely their weakness.” explained Hikaru


‘Must be Yoko’s divine sight at work then.’


“More importantly why on earth are you here? This place is dangerous so you have to leave now.” said Zero


“I can’t, from the way Miss Yoko talked I assumed that this was a 1-way trip and that I would most likely die here. Now enough talking it looks like the shock of their comrade's death has faded and they’re about to attack.” said Hikaru


Zero summoned a new shadow blade and stood next to Hikaru as the archons charged at them. Zero created a shadow wall separating the archon leaving 1 on Hikaru’s side while the remaining ones were left to him.


‘I can’t waste time I have to kill these 2 quickly and go help, Hikaru.’


Zero summoned his shadow reaper helper and charged at the 2 archons. With his shadow reaper detaining an archon Zero had an easier time fighting the creature now that they would receive no backup. With no idea on how to locate the gem in the archon’s body Zero adopted his counter style and fought with the archon while paying close attention to where it tried to protect. The archon wasted no time in revealing its weakness most likely due to the fear of seeing 2 members of its group fall. The crystal was in its left leg and wouldn’t be there for much longer so Zero had to put an end to this soon.


The archon fiercely attacked Zero but Zero parried the incoming attacks and tried to slash off the archon’s leg but the archon jumped back to avoid the attack. The archon wasted no time and leaped at Zero hoping to cut it off guard but to no avail since Zero was prepared for the attack at retaliated. The archon managed to defend against the attack and proceeded to try to impale Zero who effortlessly dodged to the right and slashed the archon down the middle giving him enough time to destroy the crystal.


The archon avoided the slash and jumped back but this time he was met with a shocking surprise as a shadow spike and pierced the leg that the archon had been defending vigorously. The light on the archon’s body went out instantly and Zero cut off the creature’s leg hoping to ensure that the archon would not be returning to life to kill him while his guard was down.

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