My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 116 Grief

(***Yoko POV***)


Hikaru entered through the portal before it shut behind her. Yoko was breathing heavily as she laid on the floor of the temple. The screen nearby showed Zero facing off against Yaldabaoth as it released a breath attack. Moments later Zero vanished and the entire courtyard was gone.


“What just happened?” asked a shocked Hikaru


“Zero just died.” answered Yoko as she lifted herself off the floor.


The news shocked everyone there and Nova looked around wondering what was wrong. Dahlia looked at Yoko and asked, “Didn’t you say that sending Hikaru in was the best way to help Zero?”


“Yes, I did and thanks to Hikaru’s support Zero was able to buy enough time for Sophia to resurrect.” answered Yoko


“So, you sent her there knowing that Zero would die?” asked Azalea in a serious tone unlike her normal joking on.


Yoko nodded and Azalea began to release a powerful bloodlust. Dahlia placed her hand on Azalea’s shoulder causing her to retract the bloodlust. Dahlia then asked, “My question is why didn't you tell us what would happen so that we could have decided for ourselves?”


“Because you would have all rushed to help Zero and the end result would remain unchanged.” answered Yoko in a calm voice


“Mistress is correct that if there was any way to survive that attack or escape Zero would have found it. If we had gone his death would still have occurred and maybe ours would too.” added Valna coming to Yoko’s defense as all parties except Nova glared at her.


Yoko said nothing and bowed again but this action caused Hikaru to grab Yoko and punch her. Normally this act wouldn’t have affected one as powerful as Yoko but expecting this Yoko lowered her defenses enough to feel the force of Hikaru’s punch. The punch caused Yoko to stumble back a little and drew a few drops of blood in the corner of her mouth.


Valna was shocked to see Yoko bleed as such an attack shouldn’t have affected Yoko. When she saw blood, she released her wing and was getting ready to attack Hikaru for hitting her mistress but was stopped by Dahlia at the last moment and threw her back.


“Move or I’ll make you move!” yelled an impatient Valna


Azalea walked over to Dahlia’s side and produced a sword of blood. Valna summon 2 flame swords one made of a white flame and the other a black flame. Dahlia called a black scythe and they readied themselves to charge at each other when Nova stepped in between the 3.


“Everyone stop fighting.” said Nova causing the adult to look at her.


Yoko walked over and picked up the little girl. Yoko said to the little girl, “Everyone is mad at me because I didn’t tell them the truth.”


“No, Mama didn’t do anything wrong and besides Papa is the bad one since he’s fine but won’t come out.” said Nova


“Yes, mistress isn’t in the wrong she…” said Valna but stopped midsentence when she heard Nova’s words.


They all stopped and looked at Nova who stared at them in a cute angry look as she puffed her cheeks. Yoko then asked Nova, “What do you mean he’s fine? We all saw him be beaten. Zero will need centuries to reconstitute himself.”


“But I can still see Papa’s life force. You only die when it disappears and Papa hasn’t disappeared yet and is in Aunty Hikaru’s shadow.” said Nova as she pointed to Hikaru’s shadow.


Yoko put Nova down and rushed over to Hikaru and placed her hand on the shadow underneath her feet. After a few seconds, tears started to roll down her face as she said, “He’s alive.”


(***Soma POV***)


Mina had been practicing with Alucard for about 15 minutes and had made some astounding progress. While it was still far from satisfactory Soma was surprised that Mina a girl who just an hour ago was a normal human girl was somewhat able to keep up with Alucard.


“Okay that’s enough.” said Soma as Mina kept dodging most of Alucard’s attacks.


“She still can’t dodge all my attacks yet.” protested Alucard


“Yes, but we don’t have the time necessary for her to get it down perfectly. This is good enough for her to avoid incoming attacks now we need to teach her how to use her magic to defend and attack.” explained Soma


“But...” Alucard started to protest but was cut off by Soma and the 2 went back and forth.


Mina looked at the 2 arguing about what she should be doing next and said, “I think I want to learn about magic so that this time I can protect the 2 of you. Together we’ll end this cycle of tragedy that our family has suffered.”


Seeing the resolve in Mina’s eyes as she talked Soma and Alucard both nodded. Soma then said, “If I remember correctly Zero’s information said that your attributes were water, wind, and light. You should also have access to angelic and fairy magic too. I’m not too familiar with water and wind but I do know some light spells Alucard I remember when you defeated me it was with the help of a Belmont and a skilled mage. Did she perchance share any secret you could pass onto Mina?”


Alucard nodded as his head faced the ground. Mina nudged Soma who then realized that Alucard may carry more guilt about that incident than he assumed. Mina walked over to Alucard and gave him a hug which caused the man to break and fall to his knees crying.


Alucard kept apologizing over and over as he cried. Soma looked at the awkward situation in front of him since he held no ill feelings towards his Alucard son for killing him in their previous life. They were both manipulated by Yaldabaoth so the fault laid with it. In fact, Soma had thought that Alucard might still hate him for causing him to live alone for centuries so he had tried to keep his distance and allow him to be with Mina more but it seemed to have backfired and made Alucard think Soma hated him.


Soma walked over to the crying Alucard and hugged him while saying, “I never hated you son and I will always love you and your mother regardless. Never for a second doubt that.”


“I love you too Adrian and I’m proud of the man you’ve become and I’m sorry for leaving you alone all this time. We have a second chance together and I’ll fight to protect it this time. No one will take you or your father away from me this time.” said Mina joining in the father-son hug turning it into a heartfelt family moment.

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