My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 117 Resurrection

(***Yoko POV***)


The news that Zero was still alive shocked everyone greatly causing everyone except Valna and Nova to start tearing up. Yoko wiped her tears, reached into Hikaru’s shadow, and pulled out a black marble this being Zero. Azalea then asked, “Does anyone have any ideas on how to get him back to normal?”


“He should be able to recover quickly in a nether space like this.” answered Yoko as she wiped her face and stood up before continuing to say, “Although we should be able to speed it up even more through the use of nether magic.”


“Then let’s get started.” said Azalea as she rushed to grab the marble but was stopped by Yoko.


“While I said it would be faster I believe it would be safer to just allow Zero to recover naturally within this space.” said Yoko


“Yes, I agree with that.” said Dahlia


“I’m not too sure what’s going on but I’ll also choose for us to take the safer route in healing Zero.” added Hikaru


Coming to an agreement on what to do with Zero, the girls decided to leave the marble within the temple. Dahlia created a pedestal for Yoko to place the marble. With Zero alive and recuperating Yoko decided to address the rest, “I know Zero’s survival is wonderful news but unfortunately we don’t have time to wait for it. You might not have noticed but if you look on the screen you can see that Sophia has resurrected and is about to confront Yaldabaoth.”


The group turned to the screen to see it showed Yaldabaoth the dragon that killed Zero looking up at a winged girl who also had wings for ears. Everyone with the exception of Hikaru and Nova understood that this Sophia the aeon. Yoko walked next to the screen and said, “Since she is here it means that we’re short on time and Zero won’t be awakened in time but we still need to follow through with the plan.”


“Yes, mistress but I think it’s time that you revealed the complete plan to us now.” said Valna


“Very well, I’ll explain in detail what’s going to happen next. Zero and I revived Sophia to kill Yaldabaoth because while we didn’t have enough power to bring it down permanently she did. We implanted the seal Yaldabaoth used on her on every cell of her new body as a way to trap her. The only problem with it is that activating the seal is tricky as the target has to be devoid of 50% of their mana to do so. Yaldabaoth was able to do so because she was weakened after creating her but we aren’t that lucky.” explained Yoko


“So, we have to drain her mana the old-fashioned way by making her use it correct?” asked Azalea


Yoko nodded and added, “Not only that, the spell's hold isn’t permanent due to my lack of power. So, it’s to buy us time for us to gain demigodhood and adjust to our new abilities enough to permanently seal her away.”


“Is there a reason to do all this rather than run?” asked Dahlia


“Well, we’ve been keeping this a secret from you but when Zero temporarily held her essence he found out that Sophia holds certain authorities due to being the goddess in charge of this planet. The most dangerous is being able to break things called seals and start Armageddon. If she does that 2 major forces of angels and demons will be summoned to do battle on this planet. If that happens we might not be able to escape or even if we do they might track us down. This is a risky plan but Zero and I agreed that it was our best option.” explained Yoko


“Then why didn't you guys share this with the group this plan?” asked Azalea slightly irritated by the prospect that such sensitive information was hidden from them.


“Yes, I’d like to have known that too.” added Dahlia


“I’m sorry, but you’ll have to save those questions for Zero because we don’t have time for this. Valna I need to go where Soma and the rest are.” said Yoko as she opened a portal


“Y…yes mistress I…” said Valna but Azalea interrupted, “Hold on a minute. Are you telling us the whole truth now?”


Yoko ignored Azalea opening a portal now that Yaldabaoth’s barrier had been broken and looked to Valna and said, “Go that’s an order.”


Valna walked through the portal and it closed behind her. Yoko then turned to face Azalea and Dahlia and said, “I know Zero’s plan in detail, and while he’s incapacitated think of my word as his. Now, please leave me alone so that I may talk with Hikaru.”


At Yoko’s words, both sisters quieted down and stormed away deeper into their chambers. Yoko turned to face Hikaru with a sad expression before putting on a straight face. Yoko then said, “I want to thank you for all your help until now.”


“You’re welcome. Looks like you’re having a tough time being the leader of the group. Would you like some advice for someone who’s been in a position like that for a while.” said Hikaru


Yoko shook her head and said, “I don’t think your experience can help me in this case.”


Hikaru smirked and walked over to Yoko and placed her hand on her shoulder and said, “True my experience may not help but it could help so just accept it and see if it does.”


“She’s right you should accept her help.” said a voice from behind the women


Yoko and Hikaru turned around and saw no one behind them except Nova. Nova shook her head as they looked at her and pointed to the black marble that had grown a little bigger and was now the size of a golf ball.


“What's wrong you guys forgot the sound of my voice.” said the black golf ball


“Zero?” asked Yoko and Hikaru simultaneously


“Yes, looks like my plan worked but I don’t seem to have any memories after I was split so what’s the current situation.” said Zero

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