My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 118 Resurgence

(***Zero POV***)


Suddenly all the lights in the temple's main entrance went out blanketing the room in darkness. Zero drew that darkness into the golf ball he was and started to grow. Within a few seconds, Zero was back to his normal form wings and all.


“So, you’re fully healed?” asked Hikaru


“No this is more like first aid. I’ve given myself form but it’s unstable so I need to refine it with mana before I can say that.” answered Zero


Hikaru had a confused look on her face and turned to Yoko who proceeded to say, “Basically he looks fine on the outside but he’ll need time to be 100% again. Another way to think about it is that he’s like clay that hasn’t dried yet. Do you get it?” Somewhat understanding Yoko’s words Hikaru nodded.


“Moving on so tell me what happened to me and what happened afterward.” said Zero as he went to pick up Nova who ran up to him and slapped his leg.


“Papa, you’re bad you made everyone mad at Mama.” said Nova


Zero laughed at Nova’s words but stopped when Hikaru asked, “I’ve been wondering for a while now but why does she call you Papa? Is she your daughter?”


“Yes, and it’s a long story I’ll tell you all about it afterward.” said Zero


Yoko went on to explain the series of events starting with Zero's death at the hands of Yaldabaoth. Zero took it all in and said, “Okay I’ve got an understanding of what happened. So Valna should be with Soma and rest by now. Okay then, as I said before I think we should get Hikaru’s input on what to do next.”


“Yes, I heard you when you said that before, but I don’t think it will be helpful. Regardless Hikaru was right when she said I should at least obtain the information before deciding whether it’s useful or not.” said Yoko


“Thank you for allowing my input. From what I’ve been able to compile from my short time with you all, is that you need to figure out a way to seal away this Sophia. To do that you must make her expend a certain amount of energy. I believe that bringing her into this realm will serve you well in that endeavor.” said Hikaru


“Why do you think so?” asked Zero with a smile


“When I first arrived here this realm drained my energy and I’m only able to stand here now due to Nyx’s protection. I believe you said this place is composed of dark elements which you all are immune to. This being Sophia is closer aligned with light so a space made of darkness should weaken her and cause her to constantly expend energy to stave off the draining effect of this place.” explained Hikaru


Yoko looked to be in deep thought throughout the entirety of Hikaru’s explanation. Yoko then bowed her head and said, “I’m sorry, your input was truly helpful and may give us the edge we need. It seems that gaining all this power has made me arrogant. Thank you for enlightening me and I hope you’ll share any other ideas you have with me.”


“No need, I just thought of these things as I observed. I would be happy to share any insight I may have in the future. I also wish to thank you for lending me these arms so that I could assist my little brother.” said Hikaru as she returned the blade to Yoko and began to glow blue again as she returned to her original outfit.


“Good, I was thinking of putting her here afterward to see if it would extend her seal but it didn’t occur to me to use the effect of this place in that way. Look like I should have learned more from you. Thanks, sis.” said Zero as he placed Nova down before walking over and hugging Hikaru who squirmed a little as he did.


Finally pushing Zero away Hikaru smiled and said, “You’re welcome.”


“Nova dear, can you go call Dahlia and Azalea for me now.” said Zero


“Okay Papa.” said Nova as she ran deeper into the temple.


Nova returned a few moments later with Dahlia and Azalea. When they entered the main hall the 2 ran and hugged Zero. They both sobbed as they cried, “Master!”


“Hey, girls I’m sorry I worried you. I’m back and I have a surprise for the 2 of you. Think of it as my way of apologizing for worrying the 2 of you.” said Zero as he waved his hand and a white gate appeared on the wall nearby and opened. Through the door, a massive amount of souls flooded the temple room before closing.


“My god there’s nearly 3,000 souls here!” exclaimed Azalea


“Master where on earth did you obtain these souls from?” asked Dahlia


At Dahlia’s question, Zero snapped his finger and 2 disks appeared out of thin air and fell into Zero's hands. The disks were 2 colors 1 black and the other white.


Item: Reaper’s Grasp


Soul Transportation

Body Transportation

Description: A disk created by Zero through soul forging that comes in pairs. The white disk is the receiver and the black disk transports. The black disks will transport all souls and deceased bodies within a 2km radius to the white receiver no matter the destination.


“These disks have to power to transport souls and bodies. The black ones send it to where the white disk is. I hid a black disk within Dracula’s castle before Yaldabaoth came. So, any monster killed in the castle automatically will have their soul and body transferred to my realm. It seemed that Yaldabaoth’s final attack not only killed me but quite a bit of the monsters in the castle. These are only a few of the souls held within my realm currently.” explained Zero


“That’s genius!” exclaimed Dahlia


“Wait if we could do then why didn’t we from the very beginning?” asked Azalea with a confused expression


“Well there are 2 reasons the first is I didn’t think of it until after I heard Nova talk about her twilight bridge ability then and the second was that if I had done it Soma wouldn’t have grown to awaken which is still a major part of my plan.” explained Zero


“That explains a lot but I still have one question.” said Yoko


“What is it?” asked Zero as he began to experience a bad feeling.


“If this is their gift for worrying them then where’s mine?” asked Yoko with a smile that wasn’t really a smile.

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