My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 123 Secret Boss Fight Part 3

{What did you guys do? How can Mina use a darkness spell?} asked a confused Zero


{While you all were distracting the enemy, I had Yoko open a private line to Mina where she taught her about magic. As for being able to use the darkness attribute Yoko apparently has the ability to give blessings so she blessed Mina with the attribute temporarily. Mina has a lot of untapped potential but she couldn’t really use it so my plan was simply to fix that.} explained Hikaru


“Hmm, it seems like I underestimated that little girl. Wait, how come I can sense angelic blood in you.” said Sophia as she landed and walked in Mina’s direction.


Soma charged at Sophia and attacked her with all his strength but she caught his blade with 2 fingers creating a shockwave. This shocked not only Soma but all the others. Sophia wasted no time and tapped Soma’s abdomen with her fingers which caused Soma's chest and stomach to explode before he flew back and crashed into the temple shrine. The impact was so great it caused Soma to release his blade that Sophia held with her fingers. Sophia then dropped the blade and proceeded to continue to move towards Mina.


Everybody was shocked by the sight of Soma being defeated so easily and with little to no effort was unable to move. Zero was the only exception to this and he summoned shadow spikes to impede Sophia’s path but as she moved closer the spikes disappeared.


{Alucard don’t just stand there go heal Soma! Valna and Azalea snap out of it and go protect Mina!} ordered Zero as he still worked on slowing Sophia down.


Zero then fired multiple fireballs at Sophia but they fizzled out before even touching her.


‘What is that an anti-mana field? No, it's more like the aura that naturally comes out of her body is so strong it disrupts spells and skills. Then the only way to harm her is physical attacks or a big magical attack with enough power.’


{Mina how are you on mana?} asked Zero as he rushed to pick up Soma’s dropped sword.


{I’ve got about 60% left but my body isn’t used to using such a large amount of power yet. I need a minute to regain my strength.} said Mina


{Got it I’ll buy you as much time as I can, you work on using all your remaining power to attack at once.} said Zero


Zero picked up Soma’s blade and kept running towards Sophia. Sophia stopped walking towards Mina and looked at Zero who racing towards her. She fired a light beam at Zero who sidestepped the attack without stopping and kept running towards her. Seeing that 1 beam was not enough Sophia then fired 10 beams at Zero who turned into a flurry of bats that easily evaded the attack and reformed back into Zero. Having come to the conclusion that the beams were ineffective Sophia stopped attacking Zero as he raced towards her.


Zero jumped at Sophia and slashed downward with Soma’s sword. Sophia caught the blade and attempted to repeat what she did with Soma but before her finger could touch Zero he turned into a flurry of bats and reformed behind her. Zero then attempted to kick Sophia but she caught his leg and tried to slam Zero into the ground but he transformed into mist and flew away. Sophia then launched a light beam at the mist and it singed a small portion of the mist causing it to turn back to Zero. Zero fell to the ground holding the side of his abdomen which had a very bad burn wound.


Zero had taught that Sophia's powerful abilities might have been due to using mana to activate a skill or strengthen herself so he had tried to use an anti-mana field. Due to Zero trying to use the mana field, his focus dropped and Sophia was able to catch him by the leg. What surprised him, even more, was that she could still use her light beam skill disregarding the anti-mana field.


{Looks like trying to seal off her mana is useless.} said Zero


{Yes, and her clairvoyant abilities are the trickiest part to deal with. No matter what type of attack or what direction it comes from she is still able to deal with it flawlessly.} said Hikaru


While they were communicating Sophia interrupted by saying, “Are you all ready to surrender and die? While I can easily kill you all it’s a waste of time so why not just give up and I’ll make your deaths painless.”


{Something’s off she’s tried to make the same deal twice. I think she’s desperate about something. Try pushing her for more information.} said Hikaru


“Well, instead of our surrender how about we keep to our original deal.” said Zero


“That deal has already been completed. I…” said Sophia but she was interrupted by Zero who said, “I understand your weakness now.”


Sophia looked at Zero with a straight face but Zero could feel that she was shaken. Zero then looked smug as he said, “Your body can’t keep up with the level of power you’re using right now. That’s why you want to end this quickly because if that body fails you’ll go back to being a formless ethereal being who can’t hurt us.”


“Very astute but wrong. While I am worried for this body, that is not my reasoning for trying to end this battle early. I simply need to finish this quickly so that I can reorganize this world into what it should be. I will wipe out all of you and every creature on this planet beginning it anew. I need to save power for that which is why I’m conserving power.” explained Sophia


{There we go bad guys always feel the need to correct people so I made her spill the beans. It’s a classic villain move but I can’t believe it actually works. Hikaru do you think she’s telling the truth or still hiding something.} said Zero


{I believe she’s telling part of the truth but that wouldn’t make her desperate. The only thing I can think of that would make someone powerful afraid and in a hurry is a more powerful being. She might be afraid that someone is coming and is attempting to clean her mess as quickly as possible.} explained Hikaru


{So, we might have to deal with someone either equally as strong as her or worse than her?} asked Valna


{It’s just a guess so I’m not sure. For now, just focus on drawing out this battle. She is desperate so she might make mistakes that we can take advantage off.} said Hikaru

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