My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 124 Secret Boss Fight Part 4

(***? POV***)


In the vacuum of space, 2 masses of ethereal energy were by a blue planet. The first of the energies was dark green and the other was dark green on its left side but black on its right.


“Are you sure we should be so close Father? We could still observe the planet from further away and I’m sure that that angel has sensed us by now.” asked the multi-colored energy


“That’s the whole point, my dear. Those kids have no chance of beating her at this rate. Since she can sense us she must believe we’re with them and that if she harms them we’ll attack her.” explained the dark green energy


“But, I don’t understand your fascination with those mortals.” said the multi-colored energy with a bemused tone


“While I am interested in this group the mortal I’m most interested in is the white-haired male. While we were scouting planets, we sensed a wave of energy and found him at its center. In the span of a week, he has rushed through the mortal ranks and is almost a demigod. The most unforeseen thing was his ability to easily elevate the other's ranks.” said the dark green energy


“So, do you plan to use him as a tool or make him into your subordinate?” asked the multi-colored energy


The dark green energy laughed at the multi-colored energy’s question and said, “Neither, I plan to form an alliance with him for the oncoming war between the pantheons.”


The dark green energy’s answer shocked the multi-colored energy who was at a loss for words. The multi-colored energy managed to calm down and asked, “What makes him worthy enough for a god such as yourself to risk angering the other gods?”


“Just wait and observe you’ll see soon enough. Also, after we’re done here I need you to inform your other siblings and our allies to avoid messing with him. With his help daughter, we’ll soon have our revenge.” said the dark green energy


(***Zero POV***)


“I guess then, there’s no room for a deal.” said Zero as he threw Soma’s blade at Sophia.


The blade flew at Sophia’s head at an incredible speed but she shifted her head slightly causing the blade to miss her completely. Soma appeared behind Sophia and caught the blade mid-air and slashed at Sophia but she caught the blade with her hand. Zero who had already been running towards Sophia was suddenly attacked with a kick but she managed to dodge at the last minute. Sophia then teleported behind Zero but Soma had already guessed where she’d appear and threw his blade in that direction. This surprised Sophia as she barely had enough time to dodge and the blade then sliced her cheek and ear.


Sophia brought her hand to her face, wiped a bit of the blood from the side of her face, and looked at it. The wound healed as she took her hand away but she now looked enraged. Sophia moved and appeared in front of Soma within a second and grabbed his face slamming him into the ground with enough force to cause the ground to quake. She then began to rapidly pummel Soma's face and body. Zero ran and grabbed the sword Soma dropped during Sophia’s onslaught and attempted to cut her from behind only for her to catch the blade effortlessly and break it. Zero tried to retreat but Sophia used her thumb and middle finger to pierce Zero’s eyes blinding him. As Zero yelled in pain Sophia sliced off his legs and was about to pierce his heart when a dark flame spear stabbed into her back.


{Soma and Zero managed to cut her and she’s gone berserk. Soma and Zero are out of commission for now so Alucard focus on healing Zero, he’s in the worse shape.} said Valna as she charged at Sophia


{Be careful, even though she’s not using magic her physical abilities are terrifying.} said Hikaru


Alucard shifted into his wolf form and ran towards Soma first since Sophia was next to Zero. He grabbed him by the torn remains of his white coat and dragged him away to a safe place. Sophia grunted as she pulled out the burning spear from her back near her shoulder. She held the spear and it burned her hand she then threw the spear at Valna. Valna waved her hand causing the spear to freeze mid-air and creating 4 more dark flame spears as she flew towards Sophia.


Valna attacked with a side sweep of her spear but Sophia blocked it with 1 hand. The flame spear flew from all sides to impale Sophia jumped back to avoid the spears. Valna wanted to push Sophia away enough for Alucard to get a chance to grab the slowly healing Zero and kept attacking her. The dark spear hovered near Sophia and attempted to impale her repeatedly but she managed to dodge them and Valna's rapid spear thrusts. Sophia’s perfect dodges started to become sloppy and the spear managed to graze her a few times. Sophia yelled and pushed her arms outward causing a wave of light to dispel the spear and stun Valna.


Sophia then rushed towards Valna and attempted to slice off her head but a spear of blood stabbed Sophia in the chest. The spear came from Valna’s armor which had changed from a red color to a blood-red armor. Valna had asked Azalea to cover her armor with her blood and to control it to launch a surprise attack against Sophia.


Sophia pulled herself free of the spear and fired a blast at Valna knocking her away. She grabbed her chest that bled and flew to the sky. Sophia’s wound closed within 10 seconds and her rage had grown from the repeated injuries that she suffered at the hands of these mortals. Sophia was now ready to end this battle no matter how much power she needed to use. She looked to the sky momentarily before turning to look at Zero’s group. Sophia then started to glow with a golden-white light and the light only grew in intensity as time went on.


Sophia then released a concussive light energy explosion that grew as it tried to envelop all. The blast was slow enough for Valna to teleport to the area with Alucard, Soma, and Zero to set up a barrier. Azalea also moved next to Mina in order to create a barrier to protect themselves.

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