My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 204 Meeting Conclusion

“Wait you want to wipe our memories? That would affect us if we lost 2 years' worth of memories. You said these investigators would definitely find us due to our power. If we’re missing memories I’m sure they’ll notice and that will cause them to search harder.” said Hikaru


“Ah sorry I misspoke I meant edit rather than erase. Also before you ask me I don’t plan to make it permanent.” said Zero


“So you want to cut yourself out of our memories temporarily? I don’t think that would work either right? You played quite a heavy role in events of the past 2 years. Our memories wouldn’t make sense if you did that.” said Soma


Zero smiled at Soma’s critique, placed his hand on Mina’s shoulders, and spun her around to face the others. He then said, “That’s why I plan to edit your memories so that Mina here plays my role. As for Yoko, she’s a bit tricky, so I plan to change it so that she died in the final conflict with Sophia.”


“What about tha 3 lasses and tha little lass? Also, how long is temporary?” asked Hammer


“Due to their limited involvement, I will simply remove Nova, Dahlia, and Azalea from the memories. Valna was heavily involved with the final battle so that will be a bit tricky but I think I can manage. As for how long I think that maybe 5 to 10 years will be good. Since I don’t know how long the investigation lasts or if they will come back again after I leave it’s better to play it safe.” said Zero


Alucard who had remained silent raised his hand and asked, “I have a question. So how will this work on a technical aspect?”


Zero snapped his fingers and used his creation domain to create a glass orb. He then said, “I will go with you all to Meath and seal the memories of everyone who had contact with me into this orb. Then I’ll have some random human, maybe like Mrs. Kimura to keep watch over the orb, and I’ll plant a command in their mind to break it when the time comes.”


“You’re thinking that since she’s human, they’ll probably overlook her like hiding in plain sight. That’s pretty smart and it may work. I guess it’s our best shot right now so I agree.” said Julius


Mina turned her head to look at Zero and said, “Anyways I’m surprised Mrs. Belnades okayed this plan.”


“She doesn’t know and neither do the others. As I said we have maybe 4 days so I wanted to discuss this with you all first. Really, I may not even tell them in the end.” answered Zero


“You know as your friend I should give you some advice. Tell them or you’ll be dealing with 5 angry ladies.” said Soma


“I agree with Soma little brother, keeping secrets never ends well. Now back to the issue, I agree with this plan. What about you all?” said Hikaru


“It’s a little sad that we’ll forget you for a little bit but I agree. Honestly, it’d be for the best for us to leave with you but I have a duty to repair this world that I broke.” said Soma


“Yeah, I also share part of the blame too so I can’t run without setting things right. Besides, I’m sure you’ll come back to see us when you think it's safe. When you come back I’ll show you a better and more peaceful world.” said Mina who freed herself from Zero’s grip and turned to face him with a smug look


Zero smiled at Soma’s and Mina’s answers and said, “Who do you think I am I’m your friend so of course, I knew you’d both think this way. That's why I didn’t even bother asking either of you. The same goes for the rest of you. I knew you’d all reject my offer and my poor heart couldn’t take the rejection. I’m sure you’d say something like we can’t leave this place since it’s our home.” said Zero in a joking manner as Hikaru stared intently at him


The 3 friends started laughing with the same carefree attitude they had when they attended school as normal humans.


“I see nothing wrong with this plan so I’ll also agree.” said Alucard interrupting the laughter


Mina turned and looked at the serious Alucard and sighed. She walked over to him, patted his head, and said, “You really need to learn how to read the room, Adrian. If you’re so stiff girls won’t like you. Your father was also like that but thankfully he met me.”


This caused Alucard to blush and face his head down to avoid everybody’s stares. This reaction caused Julius and Hammer to burst out laughing. Soma was also barely holding back a chuckle when he received a glare from Mina and stopped cold. The merry mode was infectious and it spread to everyone except Hikaru.


After a few minutes of laughing and joking the group settled down. The remaining members agreed to go with Zero’s plan and nominated Mrs. Kimura to keep watch over the orb. When all was said and done the members returned to their duties leaving only Zero and Hikaru in the room.


Zero walked over to the seat next to her and sat down. Hikaru looked away from him towards the window. She said nothing as she looked out the window and Zero said nothing as he looked at her. After what seemed like half an hour she finally spoke and asked, “So will you be leaving tomorrow?”


“No, I wanted to wait half a day after erasing your memories to make sure everything works out well. So I’ll leave the day after tomorrow but tomorrow will be the last day we spend as siblings together.” answered Zero


“Oh… okay then I guess we’ll have to do something special for a farewell tomorrow.” said Hikaru as tears began to fall from her eyes


Zero with his supernatural senses knew she was crying but chose to say nothing on the matter. He simply continued their discussion by saying, “Yeah Nova was pretty sad to be leaving so doing something with you all should cheer her up.”


Hikaru said nothing for a while after that but then said, “If you had asked I would have gone with you.”


“Yeah, I know but you know how those guys are. They’re clueless without your leadership and I wouldn’t feel right leaving them high and dry like that. It’s because you’re here that I can go without worry. They need you here and I need you to watch out for them.” said Zero


Hikaru let out a pained laugh as she said, “You were right it really hurts the heart to be rejected like that.”


“Yeah, it does and I’m sorry big sis. Don’t worry I’ll be back and I expected to see the most amazing city built by my cool older sister.” said Zero with a smile


Zero then got up, walked out of the room, and when he closed the door he could hear a quiet sobbing. This made Zero feel something he had never felt before guilt. He looked at the door before turning away to head to the elevator.

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