My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 205 Farwell Dinner

Zero took the elevator to Yoko’s room and there was Valna watching Nova and Avarus. She turned to look at Zero who looked tired and asked, “Are you okay my liege? You don’t look well. What happened?”


“Oh, Valna sorry I was deep in thought so I didn’t see you there. Nothing’s wrong I just told the others our plan to leave and get them up to date.” answered Zero


“Okay my lord as long as you’re okay. Nova and the boy are asleep so I’ll take my leave now.” said Valna as she gave a slight head bow before exiting the room


{Hey, Azalea bring Dahlia to the hotel right now. Quite a few things have happened and I need to get you guys up to speed.} said Zero sending a telepathic message to the younger of the twins


{Sure give us 5 minutes. Hel caught us up on some of the stuff so we’re recalling all our servants from across the world.} replied Azalea


{Alright I’m in Yoko’s room so I’ll see you in 5 minutes.} said Zero


After 5 minutes passed a knock on the door was heard. When Zero opened the door Azalea jumped and embraced Zero. As her hands caressed Zero’s back she said, “I knew you’d ask for this eventually although I question why you’d want to do it in Yoko’s room.”


Dahlia who walked a few seconds later pulled Azalea off Zero and said, “I doubt he would do that with children in the room. You need to pay closer attention. I’m sorry for my sister’s behavior.”


“It’s okay and I really did call you here to catch you up on what has been going on. Before we start give me a second.” said Zero before he activated a green sigil marking that formed a barrier around the bed.


“What spell was that?” asked Azalea


“Oh from the color that would be wind magic so maybe it’s a sound-canceling spell.” answered Dahlia to which Zero nodded confirming her guess


“How’d you know that?” asked Azalea


“Well if you’d use your free time to do other things than just eat and sleep you’d know too. I gave you those books on sigil magic I borrowed from Yoko for a reason.” said Dahlia with a sigh


“I tried reading but I got bored after a few minutes. I guess you got all the talent for boring stuff like reading. I’m a woman of action so I’ll need someone to teach me. How about you teach me 1 on 1.” said Azalea as she cozied up to Zero yet again


Zero pushed away Azalea’s face that was next to his and started to narrate the event up till now. When he finished Azalea who was hugging from behind said, “So we’ll be leaving in 2 days and you’re gonna erase their memories tomorrow right? Then sis and I will spend all day tomorrow collecting souls.”


“Yes, we’ll have to send the vampires and reapers to collect souls. The lampads will be swamped tomorrow but in the end, it will be well worth it to steal a few million souls before we leave.” said Dahlia with a nod


A knock was heard at the door and Dahlia stood up to open the door. The vampire receptionist was at the door and she handed Dahlia an envelope. She bowed, walked away, and Dahlia returned with the envelope. She handed the envelope to Zero who opened it and found that it was an invitation to a farewell dinner from Hikaru. The invitation was for everybody to come to the dining hall at 7 p.m. in the evening.


“Oh, a dinner at 7 p.m. Can we skip it we’re kind of busy?” asked Azalea


“Now now don’t say that, it’s a farewell dinner to say goodbye to our acquaintances. We can inform the workers of our orders and still have time to attend the dinner.” retorted Dahlia


“Fine, I guess we can go then. I hope the food’s gonna be good.” said Azalea with a smirk


“I’m sure Hikaru will make it a feast fit for a king.” said Zero still looking at the invitation


“Well then, since we’re all caught up now, it's time to get back to work. I’d love to spend more time with you but people never stop dying. You should visit us more often because we get lonely.” said Azalea as she walked over and gave Zero a hug


“We’ll see you at the dinner until then.” said Dahlia


The 2 goddesses then opened a gateway and returned to the underworld. Now that the room was silent Zero removed the magic surrounding the children.


[Are you sad about leaving?] asked the system


‘No rather than sad, I think I’m upset at being forced to leave before I was ready. Deep down I’m also happy this happened because I think I would have found it difficult for me to make that decision. Unknowingly I think I’ve come to recognize the place as a home of sorts and I never expected to grow attached to this world.’


[I think this is quite normal given your circumstance. Although you have the intelligence of an adult emotionally you’ve always been a child at best. This experience will only serve to help you mature.]


‘Thanks I think this might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.’


[You’re welcome now you’ve no time to waste moping around.]


‘Yeah that’s true I should use my time wisely.’


Zero then put the invitation into his shadow and started his experiment. He was about to attempt to devil forge. This was a dark magic that transformed human souls into obedient monsters that served the caster. Truly when he first arrived here he had planned to use this magic on Yoko and the other souls he would collect to create a disposable army. He scrapped this plan when he gained the ability to create life.


Now the experiment he was conducting was not to turn a human soul into a monster but rather use a newborn soul to craft a familiar. Using his new understanding of life and death magic to improve on the spell Zero created a new spell which he dubbed Forge of Creation. Casting this new spell required some preparation first.


Zero opened his domain and with his new power crafted 2 souls and a puddle of black ooze. The ooze was pluripotent stem cells which were able to self-renew by dividing and would develop into the three primary groups of cells that all life was created from.


Zero then placed the 2 souls over the ooze and activated the spell. This spell drained his mana by a quarter and used the mana to shape the ooze around the soul until 2 red eggs the size of basketballs were formed.


‘How does it look to you, system?’


[Hmm it’s still somewhat lacking from what you hoped to achieve but I would give 45% out of 100%. What will you call this?]


‘I was thinking I would call this the seed of life. Well then let’s test this seed and see how I can improve it.’


Zero then sliced open his palm and placed it on the red egg. The egg greedily drank the blood as it flowed. After a while, the egg stopped absorbing the blood and Zero saw a black sphere form at the center of the egg. Zero then poured his mana into the egg until it felt full and as he did the egg became less and less transparent. When he finished the egg was dark red and it started to move about like something was trying to hatch.


After a while, cracks began to form on the egg and something finally managed to break through. The creature kept breaking different parts of the egg until it was finally free. What emerged had amber eyes that sat deep within the creature's rounded chubby face, which gave the creature an adorable-looking appearance. It had 2 black crystal growths with sigils craved in them sitting atop its head, just above its narrow, round ears. A row of black crystal growths runs down its back all the way to its tail. Its nose was pointy and had 2 thick, pointed nostrils and it had 2 huge teeth poking out from the side of its mouth. The creature's body was covered in thick beautiful scales with a tinge of grey. Its bottom was covered in coarse skin and was slightly colored darker than the rest of its body. It had 4 slender limbs carrying its body and allowed the creature to weakly stand as it wobbled and fell over. Each limb has 3 digits, each of which at the end had keen claws seemingly made of obsidian. It had large wings growing starting from the end of its shoulder blades. The wings are somewhat triangular, the insides of the wing seem to be made of thin crystals like skin, and through the wings were 4 bone structures with spiky scales covering the top of each visible bone.

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