My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 206 Contract

‘So did it succeed? Do you sense a contract between us?’


[Negative this would be deemed a failure. While you did succeed in creating a living familiar with growth capabilities this creature is unbound.]


‘So I can create an unbound familiar. Will it still work the way I envisioned if a contract is made after?’


[Unknown. What do you intend to do with it kill it and start over?]


‘No that’s a waste and I don’t have a habit of killing my creations. Hmm, so I need to edit the contract portion of the magic formula for the spell. For now, I’ll keep this incomplete seed maybe I’ll have use for it in the future.’


Zero then dropped the incomplete seed into his shadow storage and proceeded to pick up the infant dragon as it looked around the room. Its eyes were barely open so Zero was sure it couldn’t make out shapes yet.


‘Now what do I do with this little guy? Should I just toss him into my dimension? No, if I do that it’ll die since it needs to form a contract before my manner runs out.’


What Zero had aimed to create was an egg capable of birthing, a familiar designed to best suit the person who hatched the eggs. Zero had partially succeeded but because this dragon had no attribute or ability and could be killed by a house cat at this stage it could only be called a failure. The seed was meant to take the blood and mana of the hatcher to create a living familiar and when it hatched it should have already formed a contract and adapted to the hatcher's power. For example, if Valna were to hatch the egg a creature with both fire and light abilities should be born.


‘I would form a contract with this if I could but my attribute would definitely kill it. I would like to give it to Soma or Mina but I can’t leave behind any evidence. What should I do with this?’


As Zero was thinking he sensed movement behind him and turned to find Avarus staring at him holding the dragon. When he moved to set down the dragon he noticed Avarus’ eyes following the creature.


Avarus then stretched out his arms and said, “Want”, but then looked confused when nothing happened. Zero walked over and picked up the baby and said, “You can’t use your power as long as you're wearing this.”


Avarus was still wearing the bracelet that Zero had created to seal his power so that he wouldn’t destroy the hotel. He then tried to take off the bracelet but to no avail, since it wouldn’t come off. Zero looked at the frustrated child and said, “Do you want that?”


Avarus reached out yet again and his eye glowed briefly before returning to normal. Zero smiled and took off the bracelet and before Avarus could use any power Zero said, “Wait I teach you how to make that yours so no one can take it from you.”


Avarus might be a smart child but even he couldn’t create the magic sigil needed to form a contract. Zero distilled his purple divine mana in regular blue mana and used it to create the magical sigil but didn’t activate it. He then said to the child, “Okay if you want that dragon try to turn this green.”


Zero did know if the kid would understand if he said full this sigil with your mana so he simplified it by saying turn it green since that was the color of Avarus’ mana. The kid looked confused at first but after a while, the sigil slowly started to turn green until it fully turned green.


With the sigil green now Zero picked up the baby dragon with his telekinesis and tossed it into the sigil. The dragon cried out as it floated in midair and the sigils began to emit an intense light that enveloped the dragon. As the sigil’s light burned brightly, Nova was awoken by it.


“What’s going on papa?” said the little girl whose eyes were still red from all the crying she had done


“Your brother’s getting a dragon. Want to watch?” answered Zero as he used his telekinesis to lift her into his free arm


As the light grew stronger, Avarus also began to glow and float in the air. Zero used his now free hand to shield Nova’s eyes as he stared at Avarus so he would suddenly fall out of the sky. After a few seconds, Avarus stopped glowing and began to float down allowing Zero to grab him.


When the light faded, what stood in front of them had changed quite drastically. The dragon was no longer an infant but had grown twice as big and was now able to stand without wobbling. His amber eyes had been replaced by an emerald shade of green. Its adorable-looking appearance had now changed into a fierce appearance. Its 2 black crystal horns and growths that ran down its back to its tail were now a shade of dark green. The creature's body, which was covered in thick white beautiful scales with a tinge of grey, had now turned black with a tinge of green. The insides of the wings, which were made of thin rainbow crystals-like skin now shown with different shades of green.


Nova had a surprised face and Avarus looked happy as he smiled when they looked at the small dragon. Nova grabbed Zero’s shoulder and shook him as she said, “I want a dragon too. Papa will get me a dragon right?”


Zero smiled since it looked like Nova had cheered up. He looked at her and said, “Don’t worry your dad will get you something as amazing as a dragon so look forward to it.”


The dragon let a cry as it walked in circles looking confused at what happened. When it saw Avarus, it let a happy squeal and took flight toward him. It looked as if the dragon was going to land on Zero’s shoulder and with his strength, it wouldn’t have affected him but somehow Zero didn’t like the thought of being used as a perch. Using his telekinesis, he stopped the dragon mid-air and brought it closer for him to observe it in greater detail.


‘How does it look was the contract established fully?’


[Yes, this creature is now bound to the individual Avarus. The creature’s soul has fully merged with that of Avarus and cannot be easily destroyed so long as he is alive. However, most likely due to it being a flawed creation, it seems this creature must build its own strength rather than share that of the contractors.]


‘Well, I thought that might be the case due to its current size. Even if Avarus is only a child if it truly shared his power it should have grown to the size of an adult dragon. So it’s going to grow like a normal creature and get stronger as it grows. Luckily it still transformed due to the contract with Avarus. So not only will I have to work on the contract portion of the spelling but I’ll create a new binding formula if I want to get the effect I desire.’


[Shall I construct a module of both for you to work off?]


‘It’s rare to see you be so helpful so I’ll take you on your offer. Please inform me when the model is complete. Hmm, I wonder how this little guy will grow. Don’t disappoint me so that I can collect lots of data.’

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