My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 207 Dinner

Zero then used his telekinesis to put the dragon on the floor before taking the children into the bathroom. He spent 30 minutes giving them a bath and getting them dressed for the dinner. Zero’s experiment had taken quite a bit of time so the dinner was scheduled to start in 10 minutes by the time he finished with the children.


“Where are we going papa?” asked a curious Nova


Zero turned to face the girl as he manipulated his shadow and formed a formal suit out of the darkness. When he finished getting dressed he answered, “We’re going to have dinner with everybody before we have to leave. We’ll say our goodbyes there.”


“Oh, will Akio and my other friends be there?” asked Nova


“No, I’m afraid it will just be members of our family. They can’t be there tonight but I promise I’ll take you to say goodbye to them tomorrow.” said Zero


Nova then stuck out her pinky and said, “Okay it’s a pinky promise.”


Zero placed Avarus on the bed, kneeled down to eye level with Nova, and hooked his pinky with hers. After the pinky promise, Zero smiled and said, “Let’s go see everybody and have fun.”


Zero then picked up Avarus and held Nova’s hand as they walked out of the room. He opened a portal to the soul dimension underneath the dragon who fell in. They then went down to the dining area. When they arrived, 2 of the hotel staff opened the double doors and ushered them in. Inside already were Hammer, Soma, and Mina.


Hammer wore a white dress shirt that accentuated his muscles and black dress pants. Soma simply wore a white suit with a blue dress shirt. Mina wore a white ball gown with a medieval Victorian style. They sat at a table that could hold 30 people and were laughing as they talked.


Soma looked up, saw Zero enter with the children, and said, “Hey Zero good to see you. Took you long enough; come and join us.”


Zero helped Nova onto a seat and then said, “Hey guys so what were you all talking about that had you laughing so much.”


“We were just reminiscing about our first meeting in Dracula’s castle. They laughed when I said if I had my memories back sooner I would have grabbed some of my things from when I lived there. Hammer made a joke about how death couldn’t stop a woman from getting the things she liked.” answered Mina as she raised her hand requesting to hold Avarus


Zero chuckled at the joke too and he handed over the child. Zero had thought that due to Mina’s angelic power and Avarus’ demonic power the child would cry as he did with Valna. To his surprise, Avarus was quite calm and even smiling as Mina held him. Zero could barely stop himself from laughing at the sight of this.


“What’s so funny lad?” asked Hammer


“Oh it’s nothing I just realized that my son is a boy.” said Zero


Hammer and Soma turned to look at Avarus in Mina’s arms with a look of understanding. When Soma tried to take Avarus from Mina he started crying causing all 3 to laugh.


The door opened and Yoko walked in with Valna. They both wore the outfits they used to fight with the exception of Valna who altered hers to cover her body more. Yoko then looked at the crying Avarus and asked, “Who’s making my baby cry?”


Zero shamelessly pointed at Soma and Hammer. Soma and Hammer then looked at Zero before looking at each other, nodded, and then pointed back at Zero. Zero was surprised that they wanted to take him down along with them.


Zero started to say, “Wait Yoko they’re…” but was interrupted when a spell cast by Yoko sealed the 3 men in place. She then walked past them toward Mina and helped her calm Avarus who stopped crying and laughed when he saw Zero’s predicament.


Valna used her flames of purification to burn away Yoko’s spell on Zero alone freeing him. Zero then moved to look Hammer and Soma in the eye and smirked before leaving them and walking back to his seat alongside Valna.


“You didn’t need to do that the spell would have worn off in 15 minutes.” said Yoko


“That’s 15 minutes too long in my opinion. So Mina aren’t you going to free Soma? Also, where’s Alucard?” said Zero


“No Soma’s fine and Hammer needs to be punished. Adrian was getting dressed when we were leaving so I imagine he’ll be here sooner or later.” answered Mina as she rocked Avarus


Yoko on the other hand stared at Avarus and then turned to look at Zero with a stern gaze. She then asked, “What did you do to him? Why isn’t he wearing his bracelet? Why do I sense changes to his mana?”


‘Shoot I forgot to put the bracelet back on. I wanted to tell her about the dragon after the dinner.’


“Well, it’s a funny story actually. I was messing around and created a new spell. I accidentally made a dragon and while I was playing around with a contract seal Avarus made a contract with it.” explained Zero


Yoko’s stern gaze grew slightly colder and just as she was about to say something Alucard entered the dining hall. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed the motionless Soma and Hammer. When he turned to the seated group to ask what was wrong he noticed Yoko’s icy glare trained on Zero.


Alucard slowly walked over to Mina’s side and asked, “What’s going on here? Why are Soma and Hammer under a spell? What made Yoko so angry?”


After nearly a minute of glaring Yoko sighed and said, “Since this dinner is important I’ll save questioning you for later. Don’t think this is over we’ll talk about afterward so don’t escape after the dinner.”


“Who me? Escape? I would never do something like that. Of course, we’ll talk later I actually wanted to get your help with this spell I made. It’s made by mixing 4 spells together, but it did not mesh together well.” said Zero


Yoko looked angry but she also looked intrigued by this new spell made by Zero. She nodded her head at Zero’s words when doors opened and the 3 final guests entered. Hikaru, Azalea, and Dahlia entered together and also froze when they noticed the 2 male statues.


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