My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 208 Dinner Conclusion

“Well, I half expected something like this but I guess I’ll ask anyway. What’s going on here and what happened to them?” said Hikaru as she poked the still Hammer


“I have no idea I just got here myself. All I know is that Zero just made Yoko upset.” said Alucard


“Oh and what praytell did my little brother do this time?” asked Hikaru


“Made a dragon and bound it to our child without consulting me.” answered Yoko in a calm chilly voice


Hikaru who heard this turned to look at Zero with an exasperated look as she shook her head. She couldn’t stop herself from releasing a slight chuckle as she asked, “Why on earth would you do something like that?”


Zero looked to be in deep thought for a while before answering, “Well, I made it and was thinking of what to do with it when little Avarus here started calling to the dragon. I couldn’t refuse my son something he wanted so I caved in.”


[Such a liar. You just used him as a guinea pig for an experiment.]


‘Shut up.’


“He’s just so cute I couldn’t resist and while I’m explaining I might as well say that I promised Nova she would also get a cool pet.” continued Zero as he tried his very best to seem sincere


“Oh, it's the first I’m hearing of this promise. Are there any other things you need to tell me about.” said Yoko as the air around her dropped a few degrees


“Woah, you suck at communication. I mean it doesn’t help that you invented a device that would have allowed you to ask for her opinion within a few seconds. All in all, this shows that you don’t really care for opinion.” said Azalea clearly trying to pour gasoline into the fire for her own entertainment.


Dahlia who had been watching from the side noticed her sister’s mischief and flicked her on the forehead to get her to stop. She then said, “My lord what you must do is apologize and promise to make an effort to rectify this behavior in the future.”


Zero heeded Dahlia’s advice, turned to Yoko, and said, “I’m sorry about not discussing this with you first and I’ll be sure to do better in the future. Please forgive me.”


There was a moment of silence before Yoko humped and said, “Fine, I forgive you, but we’ll still talk about this later.”


Zero nodded and Hikaru noticing the atmosphere was improving said, “Well, let’s officially start our farewell dinner. Bring in the food and drinks.”


The double doors opened and servers wheeled carts of food and desserts. There were countless carts filled with many different types of cuisines. Zero noticed that 4 carts were solely dedicated to Italian dishes and 2 carts were dedicated to Italian desserts.


When all was done 70 carts surrounded the dining table. The server then moved and set plates, utensils, and glasses in front of everybody. They then proceeded to ask what drinks Zero and the others would like. Next, the servers began walking around asking, what they would like to eat. This was a new experience for most of the people there.


The meal then began and while the atmosphere was that of an upper-class restaurant, what followed was a relaxed atmosphere where friends ate without the need for etiquette. It was quite a festive dinner as Hammer started going for all the meat dishes, and almost got into a fight when Zero magically stole the last of his favorite dishes from his plate. Everybody laughed save for Alucard who shook his head.


Hikaru who was still chuckling said, “Now now, Hammer calm down, I’ve already alerted the kitchen to grill you up some more filet mignon. Zero mind your manner and stop messing with him.”


“Aww come on, it was funny. I was used to boring formal dinners back when I was Dracula but this is the most fun I’ve ever had during dinner.” said Soma


“Really so whenever we had dinner in the past you didn’t enjoy it as much.” said Mina as she handed the sleeping Avarus back to Yoko


Alucard started snickering when he saw Soma anxiously try his best to placate Mina to no avail. Soma then pointed at Alucard and said, “When Adrian was young he told me he always hated our family dinners because it stopped him from going out to play. He also said you were a terrible cook.”


Alucard who was eating suddenly dropped his knife and fork when he heard Soma shamelessly sell him out in the hope of diverting Mina’s anger at him. Zero who was drinking a glass of water laughed so hard he almost choked and started coughing. Valna stood up and walked over to pat his back to get him to stop coughing.


“Mother, he is lying don’t believe him. As a child, I always abided by your words and it was Father who wanted to avoid those dinners. While I will admit I didn’t enjoy your cooking, I still resolved myself to eat it.” exclaimed Alucard hastily trying to clear his name


Mina looked away and said, “Humph, I’m not going to cook for you 2 ever again.”


“Really that’s great!” said Soma and Alucard simultaneously


Yoko sighed at the sight of this and said, “Fools you’re only digging a deeper grave for yourselves.”


“Mama I’m getting tired so can I go take nap now?” asked Nova as she yawned


“Yes, I’ll take you and Avarus to the room to sleep. You guys keep going I’ll be back.” said Yoko as she stood up and took Nova’s hand


Yoko left for a few minutes to put the child to bed and soon returned to find Hikaru trying to mediate for a Soma who was kneeling and apologizing. Yoko was surprised and asked, “What’s going on here?”


Hikaru answered, “Soma put his foot in his mouth again and Mina said she would leave him. Zero then advised him to beg for her to change her mind and now we have this sight.”


The rest of the evening continued like this as they eat and laughed together. They behaved wildly as opposed to how they normally would act as if to make up for all the future times they would be unable to spend together. Hammer was the first to pass out from drinking 10 bottles of liquor followed by Alucard who joined him. Mina eventually forgave Soma who switch his approach from apologizing to reminiscing about the past which touched her heart.


As they continued to joke and laugh eventually the sun rose and the day of departure arrived.

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