My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 211 Eyes of the Nornir

When Zero arrived at a clearing in the forest he saw Hel standing next to Fenrir and Jormungandr in smaller versions of their animal forms. When they noticed him Hel said, “Hey looks like you’ve finished cleaning up. So we’re ready to leave now. Do you have a destination in mind or would you like us to lead?”


Zero shook his head and opened a small dimensional gate where he kept his items and pulled out the marble his mother gave him. He had planned to head straight to the Darksider world next to get in contact with a certain individual but his mother said if he went now he’d be sealed away and handed it to him. Truthfully with the current turn of events Zero also didn’t feel it was safe to head there especially now that he had Nova and Avarus.


For all intents and purposes, he was being hunted by the forces of heaven and he found heading to a battlefield filled to the brim with angels and demons wouldn’t be the smart option. Nyx had said this would lead him to a safe place so he wanted to head there and establish a place where the others could stay while he headed to the Darksiders world by himself.


When Hel and the others saw the marble they stared at it intently and Hel even asked, “Hey is that?” replied Jormungandr


“I wouldn’t be surprised if it was that. You said this kid was full of surprises and I’m starting to believe it.” said Fenrir


“I think it might be. I’m not sure but if he runs mana through it then we’ll know for sure.” said Jormungandr


“What are you guys talking about? What is this?” asked Zero


“Can you send a little bit of mana into the marble? If it is what I think it is it will reject your mana so be sure to reabsorb it.” explained Hel


‘System if I do this will it affect this marble?’


[No this artifact can not easily be destroyed or damaged so it will be fine.]


No longer worried, Zero did as Hel asked him to do, and sent a small faction of his mana into the marble. What happened next surprised him as glowing runes suddenly appeared on the marble and repelled his mana. Zero managed to quickly reabsorb his mana and then looked at the 3 children of Loki who all had shocked looks on their faces.


“No… way.” said Hel who was so shocked she barely managed to get her words out


“It’s really… that.” said an equally shocked Jormungandr


Fenrir on the other hand was only shocked for a moment before he burst out laughing. He laughed so hard that he fell to the ground and began to roll. Zero looked confused and asked, “Can you just tell me what this is rather than playing this guessing game? What do you know about it?”


Jormungandr was the first to regain his composure so he answered. He slithered over Zero and explained, “This is a special artifact called an Eye of the Nornir. It is a rare treasure that our father told us about. He said that Odin received it for the Nornir in exchange for gifting them something precious. To the best of our knowledge, only 3 exist in all of creation and all 3 are in Odin’s possession. Allow me to explain the Nornir 3 goddesses who are responsible for determining the fates of individuals. Odin relies heavily on their prophecies…”


Hel then cut off Jormungandr continuing now that she was calm and said, “ Due to that when he heard their prophecies of his death supposedly he begged them for a way to defy fate. It’s unsure what he traded but he was given 3 Eyes of the Nornir which can open a portal. While not sounding valuable this marble supposedly has the power to see and control destiny. The portal it opens sends you to a place you weren’t destined to go but holds either the power or knowledge to overcome whatever tragic fate lies ahead.”


“Yes, our father heard this story from Heimdall after he got him drunk in the past. He also learned that Odin used 1 of these already alongside his friend Mimir.” said Fenrir


“Really? Do you know where it sent him?” asked Zero


“It led them to an ancient wellspring that contained knowledge. The Aseir took ownership of it and called it Mimir’s Well. It grants you knowledge in exchange for something you hold dear. The more precious the object that is given the more knowledge you’ll receive. I heard Mimir gave his freedom being bound to the well for all eternity in exchange for ultimate wisdom. Odin was said to have given his eye in exchange.” said Jormungandr


“Did Loki use the well?” asked Zero


Hel shook her head no and said, “No only those Odin completely trusts are allowed to use it and even then they must reveal the knowledge to Odin. He’s bound all Norse gods to him through the ability of the goddess of law and justice Vör. This allows him to gain extra knowledge through the sacrifices of others. So our father has never visited the well in fear that the knowledge gained might reveal our plans or weakness to Odin.”


“Regardless this is a genuine eye so that means you’ve stolen from Odin. This is truly amazing I don’t know how you’ve got it but this is amazing!” said an overly excited Fenrir


Zero looked confused as he turned to Jormungandr to explain what his brother meant. Jormungandr then said, “This will not only let us escape, and help us gain what we need currently, but will also cover our tracks even better than I can. What I mean is that once you use this, Odin will sense it and will send someone to investigate who stole his treasure. Since heaven is coming here, they’ll meet and will probably blame each other for the crime of killing that demigoddess and stealing the eye. This won’t last forever but they’ll have no way of finding us, buying us some much-needed time.”


“In simple terms, they're going to fight while we run away and they won’t find the proof we were here. This will give us time to somewhat build our strength without 2 pantheons breathing down our necks. The best part is that this will make Odin paranoid making him doubt the people closest to him.” said Fenrir

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