My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 212 Egress

“I didn’t know you had something like this up your sleeve. Looks like Father was right with you at our side our goals don’t seem as far away.” said Hel in a cherry mood


“Enough chatting, I believe it’s time we made our egress from this world. It's better to leave now than be sorry we didn’t leave when we had a chance.” said Jormungandr


“Lil bro here has a point, let's discuss this when we’re far away from here.” said Fenrir


{Valna open a gateway to that world, the one you and I fought on for me.}


{Understood my lord.}


“Okay let's leave. Since this is supposed to lead me to something I assume it only works on the person who breaks it. Head in there and I get you guys after I use this.” said Zero as Valna’s gateway appeared in front of them


Hel and her brothers nodded and entered the gateway which then vanished after they all went in.


Zero with a quick motion, smashed the marble with his hand, shattering it into a hundred pieces. To his surprise, the skies suddenly got dark and a bright light radiated from the marble pieces, and Zero felt a strange sensation wash over him. The light from the piece grew so bright it completely enveloped Zero and when the light faded, he found himself standing in a place he had never seen before. It was a vast, open landscape, with rolling hills and fields of wildflowers stretching out as far as the eye could see.


In the distance, Zero could see a small, wooden cabin nestled among the trees. He instinctively knew without a doubt that this was the location he had to enter, and he set off towards it, his heart pounding with excitement. As he drew closer, he saw that the cabin was surrounded by a glowing aura, and he knew that whatever he was supposed to find would be inside there.


As Zero approached the cabin, he noticed that the door was decorated with intricate runes that he somehow knew said Nornir - the three powerful goddesses who determined the fates of mortals and gods alike. He hesitated for a moment, wondering what was going on and how he knew what these runes meant.


Zero still hesitated to enter but something was drawing him inside so he opened the door and stepped inside. The room was filled with strange, ancient artifacts and books, and in the center of the room, on a pedestal, lay a glowing object the size of a tennis ball. When he drew closer he could finally make out the shape of the object and it was a stone with a rune carved into it. Just like with the door Zero somehow knew that this rune was called ‘the Web of Wyrd’ and it represented the interconnectedness of past, present, and future.


Zero reached out to grab it and as soon as he touched the stone, he felt a foreign surge of power flow into his body. He then was suddenly overcome with an urge he hadn’t felt in more than a year; drowsiness.


Zero tried his best to resist the urge but the more he fought it the sleepier he got. Soon it overwhelmed him and he passed out but before the last of his consciousness faded he heard 3 voices speaking as 1 said this.


"There will come a time when the creature who wears the face of a boy, still young and untested, will rise to greatness. His actions will shake the foundations of the world, and all that has come before will seem but a shadow. The fate of all beings will hang in the balance, and it will be up to the boy to guide them towards either a new beginning or the ultimate end. He holds the role of both a beacon of hope, and a harbinger of demise, and not even the gods shall be spared. The boy will have the power to shape the future, and the choices he makes will determine the course of all existence. Heed this prophecy well, for the boy is coming, and nothing will ever be the same again."


Zero regained his consciousness he awoke somewhere familiar. What he saw before him was the same sight he had seen during his apotheosis into a demigod. As he looked around the voice of the entity that called itself Dream sounded and said, “Right on schedule it’s good to see you again kid.”


“So I’m asleep again? Did the glowing rock put me to sleep?” wondered Zero out loud


“Not exactly you touched an artifact that can alter fate and usually when you do that you fall sick and vomit. Someone sent you here to either avoid seeing it and damaging their floors.” said Dream


“Ah I think it’s probably both then.” said Zero


Moments later a handsome bearded man with gray shaggy hair and sparkling gray eyes wearing slacks appeared. He lifted his hand and said, “Sup kiddo. Looks like you’re stronger than the last time I saw you.”


“You know I’ve been wondering why do I see you the supposed master of dreams whenever I sleep.” asked Zero


"Oh right, I never told you that’s because you’re my nephew." said Dream who appeared behind Zero rubbing his head. "It's good to officially meet you."


Zero couldn't believe it his uncle, whom he never knew about was, standing right in front of him.


"Uncle? Are you really my uncle?” Zero asked, still feeling a bit uncertain.


Dream chuckled. "Of course I am. I think I should at least explain a little since I doubt the others will."


Zero's eyes widened in surprise. He had always thought his mother was an only child, but he had never suspected that she had a family. Since Dream just said others Zero knew that there were quite a few of them.


"Wow, I had no idea she never told me," Zero said, still trying to wrap his head around the revelation.


"Don’t worry about it since it's not something we usually go around announcing to everyone. She must have forgotten to mention it since she’s a bit of a scatterbrain," Dream replied, yawning. "But I figured it was time for you to know a little about us. There are 8 of us including your mother and she’s the eldest."


Zero was curious to know about his new relatives and was about to ask but Dream shook his head and said, “If you want to know about them you’ll have to wait until they introduce themselves. We don’t usually interfere with each other’s business so I can’t tell you anything about them. More importantly, it’s time for you to wake up now. Usually, I’d make you choose a door but this time to celebrate our official meeting I’ll personally send you back.”


Dream poked Zero’s forehead, and he fell backwards but rather than fall to the ground he fell into an abyss. As he fell Zero was suddenly jolted awake. Zero felt a range of emotions including shock, confusion, happiness, and possibly even disbelief. It was difficult for him to process this information at first, especially because he never had any connection to a family before his mother. He felt joy when he gained allies and thought of them as a family. Now the thought that his family had grown by 7 more people was a happy thing but he also felt sad as to why his mother hadn’t mentioned them. He had many questions about who they were, where have they been up until now, and do they even know about him.


“I wish I could have talked to that guy… my uncle Dream more,” said Zero in such a daze he hadn’t realized he was not in a forest that looked as if it had recently been burned to the ground.


Okay this is the end of Volume 1 and I hope you enjoyed the journey so far. I'm currently still working on Volume 2 so I'll be taking a 2 week Haitus on this story to focus on it a bit. On another note, I did the mass uploads to catch you guys up to where I currently am, so starting from now I'll be uploading 1 chapter a day. I hope you all still enjoy reading this story

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