My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 213 Oceron

Zero stopped thinking about his new uncle when a scent caught his nose. When he started looking around he found himself in another forest except this forest was filled with smoke and dying flames. There seemed to be something going on as the scent of smoke was mixed with 2 other scents both of which Zero was very familiar with 1 being easy to recognize. The scent he recognized was that of blood a massive amount of it.


Zero walked towards the scent of blood but as he looked around he saw a burnt forest which was a desolate and gloomy place, a stark contrast to the lush and verdant landscape that had once probably stood there. The ground was blackened and scarred, and the trees were reduced to charred remnants of their former selves. The air was thick with the smell of smoke and ash, and the silence was broken only by the occasional crackling of a dying ember.


In the distance, Zero could see the remnants of a battlefield were visible, with broken weapons and shattered armor scattered across the ground. The cold bodies of fallen soldiers lay where they had fallen, a testament to the brutal battle that had raged in this place.


As Zero drew closer to the corpses he finally realized what the other scent was. It was the scent of burning flesh and he had smelled it before for a brief moment when Soma burned him to his bones. The closer he drew the worse the scent got as other things mixed in. Zero could smell the stench of death, as the bodies of the fallen lay on the battlefield for some time. This might be a nauseating smell that is difficult to ignore. The smell of blood was now mixed in with the smell of other fluids such as sweat, urine, and feces. Finally, he smelled burnt scorched earth which all mixed together to create the most noxious scent Zero had ever smelled. It was so overpowering that Zero could no longer take it and flew to the skies in hopes of escaping it.


In the skies escaping most of the scent Zero looked down upon the battlefield and saw that the damage had spread quite far. It seemed this was not a small skirmish but rather a battle between nations involving the use of fire magic and other destructive spells. Zero needed information on this place and what had occurred here but lucky for him the things that battlefields like this had in abundance were the souls of the deceased.


As Zero was getting ready to choose the souls to read he noticed that there were 4 distinctive types of souls. Souls were unique to a person but to really see the difference usually required close inspection. The only time where you could tell souls apart with a glance was when looking at the souls of different races. Since there were 4 different types of souls this meant that there were 4 races of people involved in this conflict.

Zero randomly picked 1 of each type of soul and drew them to him. As for the rest, he opened a gate and sent them to his soul realm. They had use because 1 of the 4 was regular human souls but he didn’t know what the other 3 were so he would take time to study them before handing them over to the twins.


As Zero absorbed the souls and searched their memories he learned that this was the world of Aetheria, a world where magic and technology exist side by side in harmony. The level of magic was far more advanced than the previous world but their level of technology was around that of the earth in the 1950s. This enchanting world is populated by a diverse array of creatures, from elves to dragons, and all manner of magical beings.


The world had 4 continents and they were currently on the continent of Oceron. Oceron had a rich history and diverse culture. It is home to four main kingdoms and empires, each built by the 4 races humans, elves, dwarves, and alves.


The Human Kingdom of Eoqelon, a large and prosperous realm, ruled by a powerful king and queen. It is a place of great wealth and opportunity, where humans live and work in harmony with one another. At the center of the kingdom was the Grand Palace, home to the ruling family. The Royal Family is responsible for maintaining peace and order in the realm.  They shared a close relationship with the powerful Circle of Mages and were advised by them.


The Elven Empire of Enia, a vast and ancient realm in the forest. It is an ancient and wise kingdom, ruled by a powerful Queen and her Council of Seven. The elves of Enia are renowned for their beauty and their mastery of magic, and their empire is a place of great wonder and mystery. The Elves are known as master craftsmen, renowned for their skill with wood and stone. Their weapons and armor are of the highest quality, and their magical items are highly sought after by adventurers. The Elves are also known for their powerful magical artifacts, which are said to hold great power. The Elves of Enia are also known to believe in the power of nature and the interconnectedness of all things. They also believe in the power of magic and the importance of protecting the natural world. Because of this belief, they despise both dwarves and alves.


The Dwaren City of Blesas, a bustling metropolis, home to a thriving population of dwarves. The dwarves of Blesas are known for their skill as craftsmen and their love of gold, and their city is a center of commerce and industry. The Dwarves are known for their strong engineering skills and their powerful weapons. The Dwarves are led by a King and a Council of Lords. The Dwarves are also known for their expertise with stone. The Dwarven city of Blesas is a marvel of engineering, built into the mountainside with intricate tunnels and chambers. The Dwarves are also known for their magical artifacts, which are said to hold great power.


The Magic Tower of Acesh are mysterious and enigmatic places spread across the world, they are home to a community of powerful mages from the human and elven kingdoms. The mages of Acesh are feared and respected throughout Oceron, and they are said to possess incredible magical powers. Circle of Mages is a secret council that wields immense power in Aetheria and controls the Towers. The mages are divided into different orders, each dedicated to a different type of magic. The most powerful of the orders are known as the Order of Shadow, whose members are devoted to mastering the dark arts. Once a person joins the Tower they must renounce their citizenship and swear allegiance to the Tower.


The Aepilia Dynasty was an ancient kingdom that was once ruled by a race called Alves that was destroyed. Little was known about the kingdom, but it is said that the people were powerful magi and that the kingdom was destroyed in a single night. Most of the technological advances in this world were due to the Alves.

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