My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 221 Eyes of Hope

Zero watched as the women slowly began to move towards the pile of weapons, their eyes filled with newfound determination and anger. Some of them picked up knives, others grabbed bows and arrows, and a few even took up swords. They seemed to have found a renewed sense of purpose and were ready to take their revenge on the bandits who had wronged them.


Zero then dripped a drop of blood down the bandit leader’s throat, healing him, and then proceeded to use shadow tendrils to immobilize him. Zero then said, “You may begin, and if it seems like he’s going to die, then I'll heal him right back up. So please don't worry and do as you please.”


Zero stood back and watched as the women approached the bandit leader, who was still lying on the ground, barely alive. They surrounded him, their weapons at the ready, and the bandit leader's eyes widened in fear.


"Please, I'll do anything," he begged, "just don't kill me."


“Don’t kill you? When we begged you to stop, did you listen?” asked one of the women.


But the women were not swayed by his pleas. They had suffered too much at his hands, and they wanted justice. They began to strike, their weapons piercing the bandit leader's body. He screamed in agony as they continued to strike, their rage and anger fueling their attacks.


Zero watched as the bandit leader's screams slowly faded away, replaced by silence. The women stood there, their weapons still in hand, and their breathing heavy. They had finally taken their revenge, and Zero stepped forward to heal the leader.


As Zero healed the bandit leader, he noticed that the women were beginning to come back to their senses. The hypnotic suggestion had done its job, and their minds were slowly returning to reality. Some of them were crying, others were still in shock, but all of them were alive and free from the bandits' grasp.


“Are you satisfied?” asked Zero, to which the women shook their heads and repeated the process four more times before they dropped their weapons.


Once the bandit leader was no longer a threat, Zero stepped forward and addressed the women. "You are free now. You can leave this place and start anew. I will escort you out of the cave and make sure you are safe."


“Why did you help us?” asked one of the women.


“No reason. I just have a daughter, so I dislike things like this, is all,” said Zero.


The women looked at Zero with gratitude and relief in their eyes. They knew that they owed him their lives and freedom. Zero told them to look around the cave and gather their belongings and anything they wanted. They found some cloth and used those to cover their bodies. When they also came across the bandit’s treasure, they tried to offer it to Zero, but he said he didn't need it, so the women could take as much as they could carry.


They only managed to take about a quarter of the whole treasure, and as they left, they didn't notice a shadow swallowing up the rest. As they walked toward the entrance, Zero noticed that the steps of the women became stronger and more confident with each step. They followed him out of the cave and into the outside world, where they were greeted by the warmth of the sun and the fresh air.


As the women were taking in the surroundings, Pia suddenly yelled, “Why did you come out from the cave, and who are they?”


Zero turned to Pia and said, "These are the women who were held captive by the bandits in the cave. I helped them escape, and now I am escorting them to safety."


Pia's eyes widened in surprise. "You saved them? What about your speech about leaving things to occur? What are you going to do with them now?"


Zero turned to the women and asked, "Do any of you have a place to go? Family or friends you can stay with?"


The women looked at each other and shook their heads. They had been taken from their homes, and the bandits had killed those they were close to. They had nowhere to go.


"Don't worry, I will take care of things," Zero said, "I have a safe place where you can stay until you figure out what you want to do next. We're headed to a safe place, so if you want, you're welcome to follow."


The women looked at Zero with gratitude and relief in their eyes. They knew they had found a savior in him.


Zero then motioned for the Alv woman who was in the back to step forward, and when Pia saw her, it caused her eyes to widen in shock. She stuttered as she said, "S-Serasa, how are you alive!? I thought you were dead! How did you find her? How is she still alive?" Pia's emotions overcame her, and she ran towards the woman, embracing her tightly.


Zero said, "I found her in the cave. The bandits had taken her, but she was still alive. I thought you might know her?"


The woman looked confused as she asked, “Who might you be, and how do you know my name?”


“It's me, Phelantha Ivoriel Ardenia. I’m sorry I couldn’t come back for you when they ambushed us,” said Pia with tears in her eyes.


“Lady Phelantha! You managed to escape safely. I’m so glad,” said the woman Serasa as she broke down in tears.


As Pia and Serasa hugged and cried, Zero watched with a curious look. He had helped these two reunite, but he wondered what the odds of saving someone connected to Pia were. He felt something strange with this situation.


Pia turned to Zero and said, "Thank you so much for saving Serasa."


Zero simply nodded and said, "Well, we should leave now. There’s too much blood in the air."


The group began to walk, following Zero as he led them toward the promised safe place. As they walked, the women shared their stories with Pia and Serasa, who listened with tears in their eyes. Pia was horrified by what they went through, but she didn’t verbalize it.


Zero mainly ignored the chatting as he walked in silence, lost in his thoughts. He wanted to get as far as possible before making camp. The women continued to share their stories, and Pia listened with a mix of horror and empathy. She couldn't believe the atrocities that these women had been through, and she couldn't imagine what they must have gone through.


As they walked, Pia noticed that the group consisted of many different races, but there was no hatred between them. She found it quite remarkable that despite the hardships they had been through, they were able to come together and support each other. Pia shared this observation with the group, and they all agreed that it was a positive thing.

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