My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 222 Knight’s Resolve

As the group left the cave and began traveling north, the sun was high in the sky, and the heat was becoming intense. However, the shade from the trees helped, so they continued until dusk. Zero then suggested that they stop for a rest and to gather some food. Since the villagers had given him enough food and water to sustain a group this large, he volunteered to go hunting for prey, leaving Pia and the women to set up camp.


Zero set off into the surrounding woods, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of animals. He was an experienced hunter and knew how to track and kill his prey quickly and efficiently. As he walked, he thought about the women he had rescued and the strange feeling he had about the situation. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to this than just a simple rescue mission.


After a while of searching, Zero spotted a magical deer that was unlike any he had ever seen before. The deer had antlers made of solid rock, and its hooves seemed to be made of earth. Zero knew this deer was special, and he knew he had to be careful when hunting it.


He crept up slowly and aimed a bow at the deer. As he released the arrow, the deer suddenly lifted its hooves, and the ground beneath it rose up, blocking the arrow. Zero was surprised by the deer's ability to control the earth. He quickly grabbed another arrow and aimed again, but this time the deer used its hooves to create a small earthquake, causing Zero to lose his balance and fall.


The deer then tried to take off into the forest, but suddenly a shadow tendril rose from the deer's own shadow and impaled it. The deer fell to the ground, dead. Zero approached the animal and gutted it and buried its organs, as he remembered Hammer teaching him. Using his vampiric powers, he controlled the animal's blood. He drank most of it while saving a few drops which he absorbed into his body. He then took the meat and the animal's pelt back to camp.


When he returned to camp, the women were sitting around a fire, talking and laughing. Pia looked up and smiled as he approached, "You were quick, Zero. We were just about to start worrying. I went ahead and got us some water."


Zero smiled back and said, "Good, that saves me time."


Zero then placed the pelt on the ground before putting the meat on it.


As the group sat around the fire, roasting the deer meat and talking about their plans for the future, Zero couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. He had fulfilled his duty and helped these women, and in doing so, he had found a sense of purpose. He knew that whatever lay ahead, he would be ready to face it with these women by his side.


As the night grew darker, they all decided to lay down and rest. Zero took the first watch and made sure that everyone was safe and sound. They slept soundly, feeling safe with Zero there to protect them. And as the night went on, Zero stayed awake, his mind wandering with thoughts of what could be next, but also feeling grateful for the chance to make a difference in these women's lives.


He began to skin and prepare the deer for cooking. As he worked, the women watched with interest and asked him about the deer he had caught. Zero explained to them about the magical deer and its ability to control the earth. The women were amazed and couldn't believe that such a creature existed.


Pia then said, "Wait, that's a Terrafaun, a high-level magic beast. How in the world did you manage to hunt something like that on your own, Zero? It usually takes an entire group to be able to stand a chance against something like that. I've never seen anyone hunt like that before."


Zero smiled and replied, “I've been hunting for a long time; it's second nature to me. Besides, I caught it off guard, so don't look too much into it."


He then prepared skewer sticks and made meat skewers, placing them around the fire. Since they didn't have any seasoning or spices, the meat tasted very bland. Luckily for the group, Zero had drained all the blood to remove the gaminess of the meat.


As the meat cooked, Zero went ahead and set up his barrier lingua. With this, even when other animals smelled the food, they could do nothing to harm the group.


As they ate the deer, they all talked and laughed, enjoying the meal and the company. Zero wasn't much of a talker, so he leaned against a tree and closed his eyes to relax. After dinner, the women thanked Zero for his help and for providing them with food.


Zero then helped the women clean up, and as the group was getting ready to go to sleep, he also leaned against the tree to sleep. The group slept soundly, feeling safe and protected by Zero's barrier lingua, and as the night went on.


Zero's eyes suddenly opened as he looked in the left direction. Suddenly, the bushes in that direction began to rustle as a figure emerged. The man walked through the dense forest, his sword held tightly in his grasp. He moved quietly and cautiously, his eyes scanning the trees and brush for any sign of movement. He was dressed in rugged, earth-toned clothing, designed to blend in with his surroundings and keep him hidden from potential predators.


Zero exited the barrier and walked toward the man. But as he left, he added his sound-blocking lingua just in case. He then came face to face with his stern face and said, “Hello, do you need something from my group."


The man put on a wicked face and said, “Well, I was out hunting when I saw you and the group of beauties. You can’t enjoy all of that by yourself, so how about you share and give me a go at them."


Zero's expression turned cold, and he said, "I will not tolerate any harm to come to those girls. They are under my protection, so leave now before things turn violent." The man could see the determination in Zero's eyes and knew he meant business.


However, he didn’t retreat. He pulled out his sword and said, “I was willing to share, but it looks like I’ll just have to kill you and take them for myself."


The man didn't hesitate and charged at Zero, who seemed unarmed. As the man slashed at Zero, he was met with the sound of clashing steel ringing through the woods as his sword clashed with a black blade. The two men fought fiercely, their swords clashing as they exchanged blows.


Zero swiftly parried the man's attacks with his black blade, showing remarkable skill and speed. The man was strong, but Zero's precision and finesse with the sword made him a formidable opponent. Zero's eyes glowed with a crimson intensity as he focused on the fight, his movements precise and calculated.


Zero was skilled and experienced, but the man was strong and determined. The fight was intense, but Zero's determination to protect the group gave him the upper hand. He quickly overpowered the man and disarmed him, sending his sword flying out of his hand.


The man, now disarmed and defeated, knew he had no chance of winning. He quickly retreated, disappearing into the woods. Zero watched him go, sheathed his sword, and turned back to the group. Zero was well aware that the man had grabbed his sword and was hiding, waiting for a moment of weakness. He kept his guard up and waited.


With his back turned, the man lunged forward, swinging his sword wildly in an attempt to strike Zero. But Zero was quick and agile, easily dodging the man's attacks and retaliating with his own strikes. The two clashed swords, and the sound of metal rang through the forest yet again.


The man was strong, but Zero was skilled and experienced. He used his knowledge of the terrain to his advantage, using the trees and bushes to dodge and strike at the right moments. The man was caught off guard by Zero's tactics and was soon on the defensive.


Zero's strikes were precise and calculated, each one aimed at a weak point in the man's defense. He landed several hits, causing the man to stumble and falter. The man's sword arm was bleeding, and he was visibly tired, but he refused to back down.


The man pulled out a vial of red liquid and drank it instantly, stopping his bleeding and healing his wounds. The man then said, “I was going easy on you, but it looks like you’re better than I thought.”


The man activated a technique, covering himself in a light blue aura, and charged at Zero with renewed confidence. Zero, who had never personally encountered this technique but knew about it due to the soul he had consumed, knew it was called Knight's Resolve.


The fight shifted slightly in the man's favor, as his increased strength and speed gave him an advantage. However, Zero remained calm and focused, using his own combat experience to counter the man's attacks. Unknown to the man, Zero was holding back just enough to observe the man's movements and gauge the power of his aura.

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