My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 227 An Unfair Bargain

Duke Torin leaned back in his chair and considered Zero's words. He was intrigued by the offer but also wary of any hidden motives. "Your ability is indeed remarkable, but I must consider the consequences of using it. I cannot be seen as a tyrant, ruling my earldom through fear and manipulation. It goes against everything I stand for as a leader."


Zero nodded. "I understand your concerns, my lord. But think of it this way: with my help, you can secure your rule and bring peace and stability to your earldom without resorting to violence or oppression. You can be a fair and just ruler, respected by your citizens, and still maintain control. It's a win-win situation."


Duke Torin rubbed his chin in thought. "This is a big decision, and I cannot make it lightly. I will have to think about it and consult with my advisors. Can you give me some time to consider your offer?"


"Of course, my lord," Zero said with a nod. "Take as much time as you need. I will await your decision. I’ll be outside; call me when you decide.”


As Zero finished his proposal and exited the room, the room was filled with a tense silence. The courtiers and advisors were exchanging looks and whispers, trying to decide if Zero was trustworthy or not.


One of the courtiers stepped forward, speaking in a cautious tone. "My lord, I think we should be wary of this stranger. How did he even enter the castle, let alone get to your audience chamber? It's possible he could be working for the royal family, trying to manipulate us."


Another advisor nodded in agreement. "And what guarantee do we have that he won't turn on us once we've accepted his help? How can we trust someone with such a dangerous ability?"


However, a few of Duke Torin's advisors were more open to the idea. "If this man can really do what he says, it could be an opportunity for us to take down the royal family and free the kingdom," one of them said. "But we must be careful. We should only use him to achieve our goal, and then dispose of him before he becomes too dangerous."


Duke Torin listened to all the opinions and then leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. He knew the decision he made would have far-reaching consequences, and he needed to weigh all the options carefully.


Finally, he spoke up. "Sir Zero, I appreciate your offer. However, I must decline. The risk is too great, and I cannot put my people in harm's way. Please leave my castle and do not return."


Zero nodded understandingly. "I understand your concerns, Duke Torin. But if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me." He stood up, gave a small bow, and then turned to leave the audience chamber.


As Zero was walking out of the room, he said, “Ah, did I also mention as an added caveat I would be willing to reunite you with your wife?”


Duke Torin's eyes widened at the mention of his wife. He had thought she was gone forever, but now, this stranger claimed to know where she was.


"What do you mean, reunite me with my wife? My wife is deceased, and I buried her remains. What could you possibly do to reunite us?" Duke Torin asked, his voice filled with hope and skepticism.


Zero turned to face the Duke. "As I previously said, I have certain abilities and I can bring her back. Of course, this is separate from my previous proposition and would require a separate agreement."


Duke Torin's mind was in turmoil. On one hand, the prospect of being reunited with his wife was tempting. On the other hand, he couldn't help but feel that Zero's offer was too good to be true.


Zero chuckled. "Now now, I understand your need to be cautious. I'll wait for your decision. However, be quick about it since this is a limited-time offer."


Duke Torin took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He knew this was a big decision, one that would have far-reaching consequences for him, his earldom, and the kingdom. He needed to think it through carefully, but the temptation to be reunited with his wife was strong.


He gathered his advisors and courtiers, and they discussed the offer for several hours. Some were skeptical of Zero's motives, and others saw it as an opportunity to gain power and control. In the end, Duke Torin came to a decision.


"Sir Zero, I appreciate your offer, but I must still decline. The risk is too great, and I cannot bring my wife back if it means putting my people in harm's way. I will not use your abilities for personal gain."


Zero nodded understandingly. "I understand your decision, Duke Torin. If you ever change your mind, I'm sure you'll come to find me. I know you have no reason to trust me, so how about I give you a gift? My sister did mention it’s rude to enter a person's home without a gift."


Zero then removed his ring and, with a wave of his hand, an ethereal figure appeared beside Duke Torin. The ethereal figure was a graceful beauty in her mid-40s, with a slender figure and delicate features. Her skin was porcelain-smooth with a warm, rosy glow. Her hair was a rich, chestnut brown, cascading in soft waves down her back, framing her heart-shaped face. Her eyes were bright emerald green, sparkling with a gentle, kind spirit. Her lips were full and naturally rosy, and her smile lit up the room, making everyone feel warm and welcome. She had a regal, poised demeanor and carried herself with gentle elegance. Overall, she was a stunning and ethereal sight to behold, even as a transparent ghost.


Duke Torin's eyes widened in shock as he saw the ghostly figure of his wife standing beside him. He couldn't believe it. He had buried her with his own hands, and now she was here, right in front of him. Tears filled his eyes as he reached out to touch her, but his hand went right through her.


"Is this really my wife?" Duke Torin asked, his voice filled with wonder and disbelief.


Zero smiled. "Yes, Duke Torin. I have the ability to bring back the dead, and I have brought back your wife for you. She is here to be with you, but only for a short time."


Duke Torin was overcome with emotions. He was filled with joy, but also with sadness, knowing that this was just a temporary reunion. He turned to Zero, gratitude in his voice.


"So am I to assume if I accept your offer you’ll bring her back? What about my daughter?" asked Duke Torin.


"Sadly to say, your daughter has already moved on, and from the looks of it, your wife will disappear soon," said Zero in a nonchalant manner.


Duke Torin's heart sank. He had lost his wife once before and now he was faced with the prospect of losing her again. He couldn't bear the thought of being without her for a second time. He looked back at Zero, determination in his eyes.


"Sir Zero, I may not trust your motives, but I cannot deny the chance to be with my wife again, even if I have to accept your offer."


Zero smirked as he said, "Excellent, Duke Torin. I will bring your wife back to you, but you must understand the consequences. You will owe me a debt, and I will call upon it when the time is right. Rejoice, for tonight, you shall hold your wife in your arms again."

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