My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 228 Duchess of Torin

Zero smirked as he said, "Excellent, well then let us strike while the iron is hot. Do you have any of her remains on hand? This will make the process much faster.”


Duke Torin paused for a minute before reaching into his clothes and pulling out a locket. He then tossed the locket to Zero who caught it. When he opened it, there were two tied locks of hair, one brunette and the other blonde.


Before Zero could even ask, Torin answered, “The brown belonged to my wife, and the blonde belonged to my daughter.”


Zero then took out the brunette lock of hair and examined it. He then said, “Yes, this will work, just barely.”


Zero then walked over to Duke Torin, who took a step back in response, but it didn't matter, as Zero appeared in front of him and tapped his head. Through this simple act, Zero searched his memory for an image of his wife a few years younger before she had her daughter and died.


With this image, Zero then activated his life-creation ability, unraveling the DNA in the hair and using that as a base to create what looked like a fetus in an incubator. With the base for her new body now created, Zero proceeded to feed the incubator mana. With the mana coursing through it, the fetus then began to rapidly age until it took the form of a woman in her late 30s.


Once fully aged, Zero cut off the mana, causing the incubator to evaporate, leaving only the woman who floated into Zero’s arms. During this whole process, Duke Torin had barely breathed, much less said anything. When he saw his wife, tears started flowing down his face, and he tried to take a step, but was instantly restrained by Zero’s shadow tendrils.


“You'll have your little reunion when I finish, but until then, don't disturb me,” said Zero, not even turning back to look at the deeply emotional man.


Zero then laid the naked woman on the floor and waved his hand, turning her ghost back into a soul and calling it toward him. It seemed that she had been dead for at least eight years, looking at the damage to the soul. Souls that become ghosts and wander the world deteriorate until they lose all their memories and sense of self, eventually returning to whatever underworld or nether realm maintains the world. Duke Torin’s wife had become a ghost, but his child was simply too young to hold resentment enough to become a ghost. Zero then fed her damaged soul mana, causing it to regenerate the damaged parts.


Now fully healed, Zero guided the soul into the new body, and once it fully merged with it, Zero used his mental dominance skill to remove her traumatic memories of her dying with her daughter. He rewrote it, so she would believe that the king's men had attacked and wounded her and her daughter. They survived, but due to her wounds, their child developed a weak body, and her health deteriorated.


She would remember taking care of her child and doing her best to make her life as comfortable as possible. In the end, the child still died, but she would treasure the time they spent together and be able to live with the loss.


Once Zero was done with his task, he released the shadow tendrils, allowing Duke Torin to finally reach his wife. He slowly walked towards her and gently took her hand. Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked at him with a mixture of confusion and love.


"My love, it's me. It's Torin," he said, tears still streaming down his face.


She looked at him for a moment, her eyes filling with recognition before she embraced him tightly. They held each other for what felt like an eternity, neither wanting to let go. After a few minutes of this, she stared at him, and her eyes filled with tears. She passed out, overwhelmed by the emotions and the shock of being brought back from the dead.


Duke Torin was very shocked but relaxed when he saw her still breathing. He broke the silence by saying, "I thought you were gone forever."


Zero stood to the side, watching the reunion, and said, "She’ll be very tired today, so take her to a room to rest. She’ll also be weak and hungry when she wakes, so feed her. Oh, and word of advice: don’t mention your daughter for now. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other more important things to attend to. I’ll visit you when I need you." He then turned and made his way through a gateway he created, not waiting for a response from the Duke.


The reunion was a touching moment between the Duke and his long-lost wife. After all those years of searching and longing, the Duke finally held her in his arms once again. The love between them was palpable, and the bond they shared was unbreakable.


Despite being shocked by the appearance of his wife's new body, Duke Torin was overjoyed to have her back. He listened to Zero's advice and carefully carried her to a room where she could rest and recover from the trauma of being resurrected.


While the Duke tended to his wife, a finely dressed man opened the door and entered the room. He bowed, but Duke Torin didn’t look away from his wife.


“I see that man might have been telling the truth. Are you sure this is really her or is it some kind of trick?” said the man.


Duke Torin turned and looked for the first time and said, “It’s no trick, Meus; she opened her eyes, and at that moment, I knew that it was really Zuria brought back from the dead.”


“So she’s really been resurrected. What about Young Miss Shia?” asked Meus.


“He said she was gone and that only Zuria remained. I was desperate, so I didn’t really ask too many questions. He left soon afterward, so I can’t ask now, but I will when he returns,” said Duke Torin.


“Are you sure he will return? Doesn’t he have whatever you promised him now? I don’t see why he would return,” said Meus.


“He’ll definitely return since what he asked in return was to be able to stay here and one request that I will be unable to say no to,” answered Duke Torin.


Meus raised an eyebrow, "And what request is that?"


"I have no idea; he said he would reveal it in the future," replied Duke Torin. "I could not deny such a request, not when it brings Zuria back to me."


Meus nodded, understanding the Duke's sentiment. "Very well, then. I shall wait for this man's return so that I may understand the situation better. Until then, let us focus on Lady Zuria's recovery. I shall keep your subjects busy until you’re ready to resume your duties, my lord."


Duke Torin smiled and said, “You’re one of the few who still calls me that, Meus. All the other servants fled, but you remained. All I can say is thank you, my friend.”


Meus smiled at this as a tear welled up in his eye. He turned, facing away, and said, “I’m truly glad to have both you and Lady Zuria back. I have always been hoping for someone to pull you back to the man you once were, but I had no idea it would be Lady Zuria.”


With those words, Meus walked out of the room and closed the door, leaving Duke Torin alone with Lady Zuria.

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