My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 257 Hidden Spy Conclusion Z

The young woman's eyes widened in shock and horror as she listened to Zero's words. The realization that she had been unwittingly manipulated into playing a role in a sinister plot struck her like a heavy blow. Her loyalty to the magic tower wavered for a moment, but the suggestion placed on her by Zero kept her compliant.


"I-I had no idea," she stammered, her voice trembling. "I never intended to be involved in anything like this. Please, I beg for your forgiveness."


Yoko and Zero exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable. They knew that the young woman would be the perfect tool to investigate the magic tower, so here and now, they had to ensnare her through their machinations.


"Your actions have caused harm and placed the tower’s important research in danger," Yoko said, her voice firm but compassionate. "For that, you must face consequences, but we will not take your life. Instead, we will use a different form of punishment."


Zero took a step forward, his hypnotic eyes once again locking with the young woman's gaze. "You will return to the magic tower and report to your superiors that your mission was a failure," he said, his voice low and commanding. "Tell them that Duke Torin is still alive, but you managed to kill the person he was meeting with and wound him. Convince them that you did all that you could to complete the mission, but with your team dead, you prioritized returning with information that Torin had been planning to exact revenge on the imperial family for what they did to his family. They may be suspicious at first, but once the situation calms down, we would like you to investigate who sent you on this mission and the current situation within the tower. I’m sure you already know this, but we, as high executives of the tower, must remain hidden so that we may complete our work in peace."


The young woman's eyes grew distant and unfocused as she absorbed Zero's suggestion. Her mind latched onto the false memories and details that he implanted, accepting them as her reality. She nodded, the resolve in her eyes returning.


"I will do as you command," she replied, her voice steady and devoid of emotion. "I will report back to the tower with the false information and begin my investigation as you have instructed. However, how should I deal with the situation if another adjudicator is sent to finish what I could not?"


"Don’t worry about that; should another come, then we’ll deal with it. Simply focus on your task, and if possible, try to rise up in the ranks. Once you have completed your investigation, you’ll contact us through discreet means which we’ll provide for you," Yoko said, her tone serious. "We will continue to keep tabs on you, for your safety. Should you succeed, then we’ll reward you in a way you couldn’t imagine, such as forbidden knowledge or even access to the result of our secret experiment."


The young woman's eyes flickered with a mix of curiosity and intrigue at Yoko's offer. Forbidden knowledge and access to the results of their secret experiment were tempting rewards that could potentially elevate her status within the magic tower. She understood the risks of being caught investigating her own organization, but the promise of such rewards fueled her determination.


"I will not disappoint you," she said, her voice still devoid of emotion but with a newfound sense of purpose. "I will carry out my task diligently and rise in the ranks. I will contact you as soon as I have any valuable information."


Yoko and Zero nodded, satisfied with the young woman's response. Zero untied her restraints and handed her a black ring with a ruby stone. “This is a magical artifact created by me. It’s a failed product but it will serve its purpose in this situation. The ring will allow you to contact either of us whenever you need, and the jewel on it is a crystallized elixir of sorts. So long as you aren’t dead and you consume it, you shall be fully healed. So keep it safe.”


"Remember, the less you reveal, the better," Yoko warned. "Keep your true intentions hidden and play the part of a loyal adjudicator. Trust no one and remain vigilant. And if things become too dangerous for you, abort the mission and focus on your safety. We would rather you stay alive than die."


The young woman nodded again, understanding the gravity of the situation. She knew that her life was now intertwined with Yoko and Zero's plans, and she would have to tread carefully to survive.


"I will keep that in mind," she replied. "Thank you for sparing my life and giving me this chance to redeem myself."


“Oh right, I almost forgot to ask. What’s your name?” asked Zero.


The young woman hesitated for a moment before answering. Her name was a part of her identity that she had kept hidden during her time as an adjudicator, but now, in this new role, she decided to reveal it.


"My name is Elaria," she said, her voice soft but resolute. "Elaria Evershade."


Zero nodded, committing the name to memory. "Very well, Elaria," he said, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Remember, we'll be watching and waiting for your report."


As Elaria was about to walk away, Zero said, “Oh wait, I almost forgot this, but does the magic tower monitor you? Will they be able to figure these men are still alive?”


“Yes, they do monitor our vitality and whether we’re alive. Those men, however, are considered low-rank, so they don’t bother with them unlike myself. However, why don’t you know that, sir?” asked a confused Elaria.


Zero, with a playful glint in his eyes, decided to use his hypnotic powers once more. He locked gazes with Elaria and implanted a suggestion in her mind.


"From now on, Elaria," Zero said, his voice low and hypnotic, "no matter how strange or unusual a request may seem, if Yoko and I ask it of you, you will not find it strange. You will simply comply and consider it a part of your duty as an adjudicator."


Elaria's eyes glazed over for a moment as the suggestion took hold. She nodded, accepting the new directive without question. "Yes, Magus Zero," she replied, her voice monotone but obedient.


"Now, Elaria," Yoko said, reinforcing the suggestion, "remember to act naturally and carry out your tasks as you would normally. And remember, you can always contact us if you need assistance or have any information to share."


"Yes, Magus Yoko," Elaria responded, her demeanor calm and composed.


With the hypnotic suggestion in place, Elaria departed from the castle, her mind now fully aligned with the new reality that Zero and Yoko had created for her.

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