My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 257.5 Divine Conference

(***Muriel POV***)

Muriel took a moment to prepare herself mentally for the upcoming negotiations. She knew that dealing with powerful beings like Thor and Sif required a delicate touch, and she needed to remain focused and composed.


Muriel guided them back to the city of Japan. She hoped that Soma and Mina had already taken Yuto to safety, but as they landed near Hakuba Shrine, her hopes were dashed when they came face to face with the three.


Yuto, Mina's father, looked worried as he saw the group approaching, not knowing who they were or what they wanted. Soma stood protectively by Mina's side, ready to defend her if necessary.


Muriel stepped forward, her wings now mostly healed from her previous encounter. "Soma and Mina, correct?" she said calmly. "These are my guests. We've come here to discuss the recent events that have ensued. I wish to thank you for providing us with such a wonderful venue for this. I would like you to begin preparing the feast for our guests so that we may begin our discussion and hopefully ensure the safety of this world."


Soma and Mina looked like they were about to ask something when Muriel slightly shook her head, indicating for them that it would be best to remain silent for now. Soma looked at Mina, uncertain about the situation but trusting her judgment. Mina nodded in agreement, and Soma turned to Muriel with a serious expression.


"Sure, but what would the guests like to eat? Will they prefer Japanese food?" Soma asked, his tone unwavering. "If not, please let us know, and we’ll gather the ingredients necessary for this feast."


“Prepare whatever you like, just make sure that meat and liquid are included. Hlökk and Róta are good chefs, so they will accompany you and help with the preparations,” said Thor in a calm but booming voice as two of the valkyries stepped forward.


The vibrations of his voice caused Yuto, the only normal human there, to faint. Mina quickly caught her fainting father and handed him to Soma. “Take him to the hotel and have them bring over some more ingredients.”


Soma nodded, cradling Yuto in his arms. "Understood," he said. "I'll take him to the hotel and ensure he's well taken care of. I'll also arrange for the necessary ingredients for the feast."


As Soma left with Yuto, Mina turned her attention back to the guests. She could feel the immense power emanating from Thor and Sif, but she remained composed, drawing strength from the power she believed Sophia placed within her.


Muriel led the way into the secluded Hakuba Shrine, with Thor, Sif, and the remaining valkyries following closely behind. They arrived at the open backyard area. The shrine's serene atmosphere provided a fitting backdrop for the negotiations, and Muriel hoped that the peaceful surroundings would help set the tone for a constructive conversation.


Inside the shrine, Hlökk and Róta, the valkyries, immediately set to work, skillfully preparing the feast with an efficiency that only immortals possessed. They conjured a grand table and adorned it with a variety of delicacies from different realms. Mead and other beverages were also placed, serving as a gesture of hospitality.


“My lord and lady, the table has been set. The mead is ready; all that awaits is for the food to be served. We shall await further instructions,” said a valkyrie.


Sif gestured for Thor and Muriel to take their seats at the table, indicating that they were ready to begin. As they settled down, the valkyries took their places as well, standing around the area on guard in case of any unexpected threats.


"We are here to discuss the recent events that have unfolded," Muriel began, her voice calm yet authoritative. "As you know, this world exists within our territory, and as such, we placed an overseer to watch over it. However, we recently noticed the disappearance of divine energy on this world, which caused concern among both the heavenly host. So our team came to investigate what happened."


Sif nodded; her expression was serious yet open to dialogue. "Really now, so where would this team of yours be? Were they the ones who fled as we arrived? Our purpose here is not to instigate conflict but to inquire as to why an artifact of Asgard from Odin’s personal vault ended up here. Since your team fled, we believe you either took it or used it. We demand an explanation."


Thor added, "We do not wish to start a war with your leader. Asgard seeks harmony and cooperation with all pantheons. But this disrespect cannot stand, and if you are unable to give us a proper explanation, then we shall act as we deem fit. I trust you understand my meaning." As he spoke, thunder could be heard from the distance.


"Please calm yourself, my Lord," Muriel continued, "We were unaware of the presence of such an artifact on this planet. We had no involvement in its arrival here, and we certainly did not take or use it. We only came here to investigate the disappearance of the angel in charge of this world."


Muriel's words seemed to have calmed Thor's demeanor slightly as the sound of thunder disappeared, though his expression remained stern. Sif also appeared to be listening intently, her eyes narrowing as she considered Muriel's explanation.


"Your words sound earnest," Thor said, "but we shall require proof of your claims. If you had no hand in this artifact's presence, then tell us what you know of the angel who was stationed here. We have reason to believe that this angel may be responsible for these disturbances."


Muriel nodded, although she knew that Sophia had nothing to do with these. The angels would receive a report that she was working with the Asgardian pantheon. Now she needed to plant a seed that although Sophia is not here, she was working for the heavenly host, and they were trying to protect her. "Sophia is an ancient angel of great power who was sent here to oversee this world," she explained. "She has disappeared, and we can’t find any trace of her. As I said, we have no information besides traces of a mysterious mana. If it’s possible, may I ask you to please wait two days until my superior, Archangel Phanuel, arrives? As a low-level angel, I am not authorized to reveal any more information than what I already have."


Thor's expression remained stern, but he seemed to consider Muriel's request. He glanced at Sif, who nodded in agreement.


"Very well," Thor said, "we shall wait for your superior to arrive. But make no mistake, we shall not be idle during this time. We shall continue our investigation to ascertain the truth of these events."


Muriel nodded gratefully. "Thank you for your understanding," she said. "I assure you that we, the heavenly host, have no ill intentions towards Asgard. Our primary concern is to retrieve Sophia and leave this world."


"What a strange way to put it, little angel," Sif said, her gaze locking with Muriel's. "Is this world not a part of your territory? Then why would you abandon it? I do hope that everything you’ve said so far is the truth."


Muriel maintained her composure, deflecting Sif's suspicion with a practiced smile. "My lady, I assure you that we, the heavenly host, have no intention of abandoning this world. I simply misspoke is all. We are dedicated to its safety and well-being. Sophia's disappearance is a matter of great concern to us, and we seek to resolve it as swiftly as possible."


Sif continued to observe Muriel, her instincts telling her that there was more to the angel's words than met the eye. Nevertheless, she decided to give Muriel the benefit of the doubt, at least for now.

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