My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 258 Bruni D

The tavern was a place of secrets and clandestine dealings. Eir and Mist knew that they needed to be cautious and discreet in their inquiries. They sipped their ales, occasionally engaging in light conversation with those nearby to maintain their cover as they waited.


As the night wore on, a grizzled dwarf with a scarred face approached their table. His eyes darted between them, searching for any signs of deception. The scar on his cheek spoke of a past filled with danger and hardship.


"You two don't look like you're from around here," the dwarf said, his voice rough and filled with suspicion.


Eir and Mist exchanged a quick glance before nodding at the dwarf. "You're right. We're travelers, seeking to learn more about the city and its craftsmen. We've heard that Blesas is renowned for its forging techniques, and we thought it might be an excellent place to hone our skills," Eir replied, trying to maintain an air of sincerity.


The scarred dwarf eyed them for a moment longer before grunting in response. "Hmph, you don't look like the typical crafter types, but I suppose appearances can be deceiving."


He introduced himself as Bruni, a former blacksmith who had fallen on hard times and now operated on the fringes of society. Eir seemed to be in deep thought as the dwarf continued to speak with them.


"Best be careful around these parts, ladies. I hear the unsavory types like to attack people, especially women, in these areas," said Bruni.


Eir and Mist exchanged a knowing glance, understanding the dangers that lurked in the shadows of the slum area. "We'll be cautious, thank you for the warning," Eir replied, her voice sincere.


Bruni seemed to take note of their response, his gruff demeanor softening slightly. "If you're really looking to learn from the best, you should seek out the old master forger, Grondar. He's retired now, but he used to work in the heart of Blesas and was known for his exceptional skills."


"Where can we find him?" Mist asked, eager to follow any lead that could help them uncover the city's crafting secrets.


Bruni leaned in closer, his eyes scanning the dimly lit tavern to ensure no one was eavesdropping on their conversation. "You won't find him in the city anymore. He lives in seclusion, not far from here, in a hidden workshop among the old abandoned mines. But gaining access to him won't be easy. Grondar is a cautious one, and he won't reveal his secrets to just anyone. Plus, he’s a cranky old man who likes to set up traps. Your best bet is to work in his old shop, and if you’re good enough, one of his apprentices will call him over to see whatever you make."


Eir and Mist nodded, understanding the challenges that lay ahead. "We're willing to prove our dedication and commitment to the craft," Eir assured Bruni. "We hope that one day Grondar is willing to impart his knowledge, we’ll work toward it and won't let the opportunity slip away."


Bruni let out a hearty laugh. "If you're truly serious, there's a crafting competition coming up soon. The big guilds use it as a way to recruit promising individuals while leaving the scraps for lesser factions. It's said that only those who possess true skill make it into Grondar’s old guild Shadowvein. If you can prove your worth there, then they might recruit you."


Eir and Mist exchanged determined looks. The crafting competition sounded like a perfect opportunity to showcase their abilities and potentially catch the attention of Grondar's old guild, Shadowvein.


"We will definitely participate in the competition," Mist said with enthusiasm. "It's a chance for us to prove ourselves and take one step closer to learning from Grondar."


Bruni grinned, revealing a few missing teeth. "I like your spirit, lass. Shadowvein isn't for the faint-hearted, but if you've got the talent and the determination, they might just take notice."


Eir nodded in agreement. "We'll give it our all. Thank you for the information, Bruni. Your guidance has been invaluable."


Bruni waved goodbye as he said, "Remember to be careful on your way back, you hear me."


Once he was gone, Eir communicated with Mist through the ring they both wore. She asked, "So, don’t you feel like it was weird for a complete stranger to walk up to us and give us the exact information we needed? I think something might be going on."


Mist replied through their communication link, "You're right, Eir. It does seem a bit too convenient. Bruni just happened to know about the crafting competition and Grondar's guild. It's worth being cautious."


Eir nodded, "Agreed. We can't afford to be naive, especially now when we’re weaker than we’ve ever been. Let's keep our eyes and ears open, and stay alert for any signs of deception. It doesn’t hurt to be a little more cautious of things like this."


They continued to discuss their suspicions until Eir decided they had spent enough time in the bar as bait. When they left the bar, Mist informed Eir that two men were following them from afar.


Eir's senses heightened as she received Mist's message through their communication ring. She kept her expression calm and composed, not letting on that they were being followed. "Mist, keep an eye on them, but don't draw attention to yourself. Let's walk around for a while and see if they follow us there," she whispered to her sister.


Mist nodded subtly, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Together, they made their way through the bustling streets of Blesas, taking seemingly random turns to test if the two men were genuinely following them.


After a series of twists and turns, Eir and Mist finally reached their small, dark alley, where they pretended to look lost so the men following them would feel confident enough to try whatever they planned.


Mere seconds later, a man walked forward out of the shadowy alley and said, “Well, well, well, what do we have here? Are you ladies lost? We can help you find your way back. Or rather, do you need a place to stay? We can help you with that.”


“No, thank you; we’re fine on our own. We ask you to please go away and leave us be to solve our own issues. If you try anything, we’ll scream, so don’t push your luck,” said Eir.


The man chuckled darkly, revealing a sinister grin. "Oh, you're quite brave, aren't you? But you see, this is our territory, so scream as loudly as you want; nobody will come. So let’s do this—hand over your valuables, and maybe we won’t be too rough with you throughout the night."

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