My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 260.52 A Fated Matter

As Matter returned to her work at the forge, the rhythmic sound of her cosmic energy crackling filled the air. The ever-shifting energies of creation danced around her, responding to the skilled hands that shaped the very essence of existence. Her realm, The Forge, resonated with the echoes of primordial craftsmanship.


Amidst the cosmic symphony of creation, Fate manifested in the celestial workshop, his presence carrying an air of authority. His gaze, sharp and discerning, fell upon Matter, and he spoke with a measured tone that hinted at his irritation.


"Matter," Fate inquired, "have you been playing with the fabric of reality again? I sense disturbances, changes in the flow of events. It's as if someone among us has tampered with the threads of fate."


Matter, continuing her work with a serene focus, looked up and greeted her elder brother with a warm smile. "Hello, Fate. No need to worry; there's been no tampering with fate itself. Void and I simply indulged in a bit of creative bonding. We crafted a new creature, something to push along the cycle of the cosmic order. But my this is a rare occasion for you to grace my realm with your presence."


Fate's brow furrowed as he processed her words. "Enough with the jests. A new creature you say? What purpose does it serve, and what influence will it have on the grand tapestry of existence? You know the balance I strive to maintain. All I ask of you all is that you inform me of any changes so I may plan accordingly."


Matter chuckled, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh, this is nothing to be upset about, dear brother. We just made a tiny thing and named it Vornithraxul, the Realm Reshaper. Its purpose is simply to absorb and transform, creating new possibilities within the destruction it leaves behind. A mere playful creation, not a disruptor of destiny so the balance you maintain will not be disturbed."


Fate sighed, a mixture of exasperation and resignation in his voice. "Sibling, you and Void have a tendency to introduce unpredictability. I hope this 'Realm Reshaper' of yours doesn't cause unforeseen consequences. While we have no real responsibility to guide the lower realms, we should also not unleash unbridled chaos upon them whenever we please."


Matter nodded, understanding Fate's concerns. "Rest assured, dear Fate, our little creation is more of a subtle nudge than a force of upheaval. It won't interfere with your meticulous plans. As our older brother Order likes to say, sometimes, a touch of chaos can lead to unforeseen beauty."


Fate, still not entirely convinced, sighed once more. "Just be mindful, Matter. The destinies of mortals hang in a delicate balance I maintain, and even a seemingly small change can ripple into unforeseen consequences."


Fate, the meticulous keeper of destinies, approached Matter once more. "Matter before I go," he spoke, "I understand the nature of your creation, Vornithraxul. While I appreciate your artistic essence, I must ensure the delicate balance I maintain in the lower realms remains intact. Could you provide me with the unique energy signature of this creature? I wish to update the Eterna Nexus system devised for lower-level beings. This should at least allow them to foresee potential disruptions caused by such a cosmic entity."


Matter, nodded in agreement to Fate's request. "Of course, dear brother. I understand your concerns, and I'm more than willing to contribute to the stability of the lower realms. Here is the energy signature of Vornithraxul."


As Matter extended her hand, a radiant energy signature specific to Vornithraxul manifested. Fate, with a graceful gesture, absorbed the signature into a shimmering orb that materialized in his hands.


"Thank you, Matter," Fate expressed his gratitude. "With this information, I will ensure that those who use the Eterna Nexus are aware of the presence of Vornithraxul. It shall aid them in navigating the potential disruptions caused by this Realm Reshaper. Your cooperation is invaluable in maintaining order amidst the cosmic dance."


With that, Fate departed once again, the orb containing Vornithraxul's energy signature. He would merge the energy signature seamlessly with the intricate lattice of the Eterna Nexus. As Matter returned to her work at the forge, her hands deftly manipulating the cosmic energies, she noticed a disturbance. Her keen perception sensed the void left by the obliteration of a few universes, and a knowing smile played on her lips.


"Those naughty kids," Matter muttered to herself, her voice echoing in the vastness of The Forge. The Elderich mythos – what she considered mischievous entities known as the Old Ones. She pitied those kids who came from the first iteration of the Universe she created in her younger days. It had been her shoddiest work but it also gave birth to the creatures who currently held the greatest strength in this iteration.


As Matter’s thoughts lingered on Fate's caution and gripe about the delicate balance he sought to maintain. A mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes. The notion of playing a little prank on Fate, the meticulous keeper of destinies, appealed to her sense of whimsy.


Matter contemplated a way to shake things up subtly so as to surprise her brother who liked things to follow the path he set forth. An idea popped into her head she would introduce the knowledge of Vornithraxul to the cosmic entities of the Elderich mythos. The Realm Reshaper while vastly different from the Old Ones still shared many points of commonality.


"I wonder," Matter mused to herself, "what would happen if Azathoth were to stumble upon the existence of Vornithraxul? A playful collaboration with Dream could make things interesting."


Matter decided that once she finished up her work she would visit her older brother Dream in the future. Dream, master of his realm could influence the subconscious of all things save his siblings, this made him the perfect ally for this cosmic prank. She envisioned that they could subtly introduce the idea to Azathoth, perhaps sparking his interest in searching so that he would come across the realm reshaper. The mere thought of this made Matter chuckle as she worked.


“It’s been so long since I’ve visited the domains of my siblings. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Aether’s realm. I hear from Void that Nether’s been maintaining it in her absence. I should check it out after I go see Dream. I also haven’t seen where Chaos resides but I think I’ll pass going there,” muttered Matter.


“Really that’s so sad. You know you’re always welcome to visit me, little sister,” said a voice resounding throughout Matter’s realm causing her to jump in fright.


Matter focused her senses searching all throughout her realm but found nothing. As she looked she heard, “Are you searching for something,” causing her to focus in front of her to find Nyx standing there as if she had always been standing there simply waiting for Matter to notice her.


Matter, recovering from her initial surprise, regarded Chaos with a hint of nervousness. Chaos, the elusive and enigmatic sibling, who had appeared before her quite recently.


"Chaos," Matter greeted with a slightly uncertain smile, "It seems you have a knack for dramatic entrances. I couldn’t even tell you had arrived until you wanted me to know. I must really be popular today. So what brings you to my forge?"


Chaos chuckled, her form shifting and flickering like the ever-changing patterns before settling into that of a woman. "Oh, you know, just missed my little sister and thought I'd drop by. I thought we might bond and do other things of the like. Wouldn’t that be amusing, little sister?"


“What other things?” asked Matter nervously


Chaos grinned, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Oh, you know, the usual sibling activities. Upsetting the cosmic balance, introducing a new constant, creating a new family member. We all came into existence naturally but we can artificially create one right? What do you say, want to help me out?"

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