My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 261 Trial Part 1 E

Happy New Year to all my readers! Sorry for the hiatus without any forwarding, but I'm back now and we have a lot of catching up to do so I'll try to release two chapters a day starting tomorrow.

As the trio settled into their cell, they relaxed as if nothing was wrong. In their defense escaping would require minimal effort. Especially since the revelation about the elven society and the dwindling power of the ruling families made it easy to manipulate them.


Iris initiated communication through the magical rings provided by Zero. She reached out to the teams in the human and dwarven kingdoms respectively and learned they had already infiltrated their kingdoms. This meant her team was behind and would need to work a little harder so as to not bring shame to their master Nova.


Eryndor listened intently, absorbing the information from the other teams. As the exchanges concluded, she turned to Iris and spoke over their communication device. "It seems like we've wasted too much time in this cell. These elven leaders are clearly making a power play by keeping us in here for three days without much food. If a normal elf were to receive food once every two days then their bodies would weaken."


Iris responded, "Yes, maybe we should have transformed ourselves into high elves then maybe we’d have been treated better. Well, regardless it’s too late for that. Even though these forms restrict our power and magical ability from what Lyrisa has seen we can use magic comparable to those of high elves. Regardless they’ll have to accept us if they want to keep their noble blood going."


Lyrisa, after their brief discussion, sighed. "I've gathered more insights from the plants. The elven ruling families, over the years, have faced a dire issue. Due to inbreeding, the magical abilities of the five council families are dwindling. They've been desperately searching throughout Silvanthorn for high elves with comparable magical abilities, but sadly, most are no better than regular elves. This might explain their rather harsh treatment of us."


Iris frowned, absorbing the implications. "So, they're in a race against time to find elves with sufficient magical prowess to rejuvenate their bloodlines and maintain their status."


Eryndor, always attuned to the natural balance, added, "It seems their struggle for power and preservation has distorted the very essence of their magical heritage."


As the trio contemplated the situation, a guard arrived at their cell. "You're to be presented before the council. Follow me."


Led through the elaborate corridors of Eldrilia, they eventually reached the grand council chamber. The heads of the five ruling families, along with a few powerful spectators, awaited them.


Lyrisa discreetly whispered through their magical communication, "Here are the heads of the five families:


Aranthilis: Known for being the strongest in enchantment lingua. They are the ones who have traditionally been tasked with imbuing magical properties into weapons and armor for the elven armies and even the magical defenses that protect not only the Spirit Tree Silvanthorn but also all of the Elven Empire of Enia. The family head was a male elf named Legolas who exuded an air of quiet authority, his keen eyes assessing the newcomers.


Seladrial: Experts in magical theory. They delve into the depths of arcane knowledge and are responsible for keeping records of ancient lingua. The magic tower has tried repeatedly to steal this knowledge but they fail due to the family. Word around is that the magic tower has put a bounty on every member of their family. The family head was a female elf named Lirelle who sat regally, her expression revealing nothing of the potential threat they posed.


Galadrieth: Masters of Nature Lingua a subset of Earth Lingua and Arcitechure. They have a deep connection with the flora and fauna of Silvanthorn, often using their abilities to shape the environment to their advantage. Silvanthorn and all ancient elven buildings were built by this family. The family head is a female elf named Neriaeth who unlike the rest sat without care, as she seemed to be daydreaming.


Thranduil: Known for their skill in illusion Lingua a subset of Light Lingua. Their bloodline is responsible for creating illusions so convincing that no one even the magic tower has located the exact location of Silvanthorn. It is said that once you’re lost in one of their illusions you’ll never awaken to reality. The family head is a male elf named Earendil who barely exuded any presence, if one stopped paying attention to him then they might forget he was even there.


Lorathorn: Specialized in Healing Lingua a subset of Water Lingua and Light Lingua. They are the healers of the realm, with the ability to mend wounds and cure ailments. There wasn’t much information about them and they seem to be reclusive. Even the plant life held sparse information. The family head was a female elf named Elara who sat also regally, her expression different as she looked upon the three.


The council chamber itself was a breathtaking display of elven craftsmanship. Elaborate carvings adorned the walls, depicting the history of Eldrilia. At the center, the council members sat on elevated thrones, each emanating an air of authority. As expected although they were all said to have been in power for nearly a hundred years the council members all looked to be in their 30’s.


The council members, despite being in power for nearly a century, appeared youthful. The elven lifespan contributed to their seemingly youthful look. The council leader, Legolas of Aranthilis, spoke with a measured tone. "You stand accused of trespassing onto the high elf settlement by the Spirit Tree Silvanthorn without proper authorization. As you know it is forbidden for lesser elves to come to this land. What explanation do you offer for your actions?"


Iris stepped forward, her elven guise radiating an air of sincerity. "We come seeking refuge, fleeing from the dwarven armies that attacked our community. We had no idea that we were fleeing here we only sought shelter here."


Legolas of Aranthilis maintained a steady gaze, his elven eyes sharp and assessing. The atmosphere in the council chamber seemed to shimmer with an ancient energy as Iris spoke.


Legolas raised an eyebrow, "Dwarven armies, you say? I have received no such report of any recent attack. What proof do you have of such an attack?"


Iris hesitated for a moment, aware that their fabricated story needed some semblance of credibility. "Our community was small, and we had little time to gather evidence as we fled. The dwarves came swiftly, and we barely escaped with our lives."

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