My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 264 The Coup Begins T

Weeks had passed since the initial meeting between Duke Torin and Phelantha Ivoriel Ardenia. The atmosphere in the castle had shifted, as plans were meticulously laid out, alliances were solidified, and a sense of purpose hung in the air. The bond between Pia and Duke Torin had grown, forged through shared objectives and a commitment to bring down the ruling royal family.


One day, as they convened in the castle's strategic meeting room, the weight of the ongoing struggles bore heavily on their shoulders. Pia seemed restless as time went on, fueled by the urgency to rescue her enslaved people. Duke Torin, however, maintained his calm demeanor, knowing that haste could lead to dire consequences.


As they discussed the next steps in their plan, Meus, Duke Torin's trusted butler, entered the room with a grave expression. He approached the Duke and whispered something in his ear. The room fell silent, and Pia sensed a shift in the atmosphere.


Duke Torin's eyes narrowed, and he cleared his throat before addressing the room. "It seems our contacts have responded," he announced. "We have received information about the whereabouts of some Alvs who were enslaved by humans within Eoqelon."


Pia's heart skipped a beat at the news. The urgency to rescue her people surged within her, and she was ready to set out immediately. However, Duke Torin raised a hand, signaling for her to wait.


"We've only received information about the Alvs within the human kingdom for now," Duke Torin explained. "This is crucial information, but we must approach this strategically. Rushing in without a plan could jeopardize not only the current rescue mission but also the larger goal of liberating all Alvs across the kingdom. For now, I’ll send a scout to verify the information and we’ll double our effort to find the remaining Alvs."


Pia's patience waned, and frustration etched across her face. "But Duke Torin, every moment they spend in captivity is another moment of suffering for my people. We can't afford to wait when they are being beaten, assaulted, and killed as we speak."


Duke Torin maintained his composed demeanor, understanding the depth of Pia's emotions. "Phelantha, I understand your anger and frustration at being powerless right now. But a hasty rescue mission could lead to disastrous outcomes. We need to be patient and wait to identify the locations of all the Alvs within the Eoqelon and the other kingdoms too. Once we have a comprehensive understanding, we can coordinate a simultaneous rescue operation, maximizing our chances of success."


Pia couldn't contain her frustration any longer. She stood up, glaring at Duke Torin. "Waiting is a luxury my people don't have, Duke Torin. Every delay puts their lives at risk. I cannot sit idly by while they suffer and die."


Duke Torin rose from his seat, his gaze steady. "Phelantha, I understand the urgency, but we must consider the bigger picture. A premature rescue attempt may alert the oppressors, making it harder for us to reach the others scattered across the multiple kingdoms. We need a strategic approach to ensure the safety of all Alvs, not just a select few."


Pia's fists clenched, torn between her desire to act and the wisdom of Duke Torin's counsel. The room held a tense silence as the two leaders faced each other, each driven by their convictions.


After a moment, Duke Torin spoke with a firm resolve. "I promise you, Phelantha, we will rescue every last living Alv, but we must do it in a way that guarantees their safety and the success of our larger mission. Patience is our ally in this fight and haste is our enemy."


Reluctantly, Pia nodded, realizing the truth in Duke Torin's words. "Fine, but we must move swiftly to gather information. Every moment we spend waiting, my people suffer."


Duke Torin acknowledged her compromise with a nod. "Agreed. We'll expedite the information-gathering process. Meus has already reached out to the information guilds in Eoqelon and Blesas. We should receive word within a few more days. The time for action will come soon, Phelantha, and when it does, we will be ready."


Meus stepped forward, breaking the heavy silence that had now enveloped the room. His usually stoic expression carried a hint of regret as he addressed Pia and Duke Torin.


"My lord, Lady Phelantha," Meus began, his voice steady. "I took the liberty of reaching out to the information guilds in both Eoqelon and Blesas. To expedite the process and keep our identities concealed, I've paid a considerable sum of money to ensure they prioritize our request."


He paused for a moment, meeting their gazes with a level of sincerity. "Additionally, I've utilized my connections with my old war buddies, individuals scattered across the realms with valuable sources. They are discreet and trustworthy, providing an extra layer of intelligence gathering."


Pia's frustration began to subside as she realized the extent of Meus's efforts. She nodded in acknowledgment, urging him to continue.


"Furthermore," Meus continued, "I've contacted all branches of the slave guild under the guise of wanting to purchase all non-human slaves. I've discreetly conveyed our intention without explicitly mentioning Alvs to avoid alerting potential threats. This way, they will contact us wanting to sell these slaves. As my lord hoped they’ve already started sending us catalogs of non-human slaves. I’ve made the offer so now I just await their response."


Duke Torin's eyes narrowed, acknowledging the complexities of the situation. Meus pressed on, a sense of responsibility evident in his words.


"I must express my regret that, given our current circumstances, we have limited resources at our disposal. The Duke’s demotion and banishment by the King have restricted our financial means and influence. However, I've done my best to allocate the available resources effectively."


He bowed slightly, a gesture of apology for the perceived shortcomings. "I understand the urgency of the situation, and I share your frustration, Lady Phelantha. I assure you that I will continue to employ every avenue within my reach to gather the necessary information."


Pia, though still anxious, recognized the dedication and resourcefulness behind Meus's actions. She softened her expression, realizing that everyone in the room was doing their best with the resources they had.


"I appreciate your efforts, Meus," Duke Torin spoke, his voice firm. "Your resourcefulness in navigating the challenges is commendable. We may not have the abundance of resources, but with you leading this operation I have no doubt we’ll succeed. Lady Phelantha, we shall wait a few more days for the information to arrive.”


Meus nodded, expressing gratitude for the understanding. "Thank you, my lord, Lady Phelantha. I will keep you updated on any developments. We're doing everything within our power to expedite the process and ensure the safety of the Alvs." With that, Meus retreated to attend to his duties, leaving Pia and Duke Torin in the room.

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