My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 265 Trouble T

Meus stepped into the drawing-room, his mind still occupied with the logistics of the rescue mission. The air was thick with the weight of responsibility, as he walked over to the desk to read the newly delivered letter. As he read and pondered the next steps, a sudden knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.


Opening the door, Meus was greeted by the sight of Aeress and Maerti, the twin maids he had trained as assassins for House Torin. Their presence surprised him, as he had assigned them the task of training the new apprentice maids who had arrived with Pia. Their appearance in the drawing room seemed out of place.


"Head Butler, we apologize for the interruption," Aeress spoke with a bow, her sister Maerti mirroring the gesture. "We are aware of the tasks you assigned us, but urgent matters require your immediate attention."


Meus furrowed his brow, a look of curiosity in his gaze. "Explain. What urgent matters demand your presence here?"


Aeress took a deep breath before delivering the news. "Lady Zuria, was attacked during her outing. The guards managed to intervene in time to rescue her, but unfortunately, the assailants managed to escape. Lady Zuria is safe, but there is more troubling news. She was accompanied by Sir Zero's daughter, Young Miss Nova, and the attackers successfully abducted her."


Meus's expression darkened at the revelation. The safety of Lady Zuria, Zero, and his family had become a high priority. Zero had resurrected Lady Zuria after her death and all he asked for was to stay at the castle. Due to Young Miss Shia’s untimely demise, Lady Zuria grew fond of his daughter Nova. He allowed them to become close and Meus promised she would be safe.


"Why would Lady Zuria and Nova be targeted? They were in an unmarked carriage and they didn’t even manage to make it out of the town gate? It seems we have a leak somewhere in the castle." Meus questioned, a light pressure emanating from his body.


Aeress sighed, her gaze unwavering. "Yes, it seems we do. It appears to be a targeted attack, possibly aimed at causing distress to both House Torin. They attacked the carriage they rode although no one knew who was inside. It’s possible they thought Lord Torin was inside. We’ve already made a list of people who could be the leak. What are your orders?"


Meus's mind raced, connecting the dots between the recent events. He made sure the town was regularly clear of potential danger so it was possible that the enemy had a vendetta. He rubbed his forehead as he knew this would require swift and decisive action.


"Have you informed Duke Torin and Zero?" Meus inquired, his thoughts already forming a plan.


A head shake from Maerti confirmed their actions. "No, we've yet informed them, and came straight to you. However, Duke Torin will most likely learn of this situation soon. Lady Zuria has already returned to the castle we managed to calm her down and have given her something to help her sleep."


Meus nodded, his mind sharp and focused. "Good. Investigate everyone on that list and if they’re suspicious then kill them. Ensure that the castle guards remain vigilant, and gather any additional information you can about the attackers. I’ll take care of them but I also need to know if there is someone else behind them."


The twins bowed in acknowledgment, their training as assassins evident in their disciplined movements. As they exited the room, Meus's thoughts shifted to Nova and specifically her father Zero. He would need to inform him of the situation if he didn’t know already. Meus didn’t think of Zero or any member of his family as human or normal so he had no idea what would happen when he did inform them.


Meus took a moment to gather his thoughts, the urgency of the situation pressing heavily on his shoulders. As he walked towards Zero's quarters, he considered the delicate nature of delivering such distressing news. Zero was known for his cold and calculated demeanor, but when it came to his daughter, emotions could be unpredictable.


Upon reaching Zero's quarters, Meus paused for a brief moment to compose himself. He took a deep breath, then knocked on the door. The response was swift, and Zero opened the door, his gentle smile meeting Meus's concerned gaze.


"Meus, what brings you here?" Zero's voice was calm, but Meus always felt a subtle intensity beneath the surface.


Meus inclined his head respectfully. "I bring grave news, Sir Zero. Lady Zuria was attacked during her outing, and unfortunately, Young Miss Nova was abducted in the process."


Zero's eyes remained calm, not even a flicker of concern betrayed his usual stoicism. "Oh, Nova is missing?" His voice was controlled as always, indicating a lack of concern for such a grave situation.


Meus nodded solemnly. "Yes, Lady Zuria and Young Miss Nova were ambushed. Lady Zuria is safe, but Young Miss Nova was taken. We suspect a targeted attack aimed at House Torin. Lady Zuria is already back in the castle, and Aeress and Maerti are investigating the situation."


Zero's face remained unreadable, but a second later he smiled. "It seems like you’re doing to find her. So why inform me of this?"


Meus took a deep breath before responding. "I've ordered an investigation into anyone who might be a leak within the castle. The twins are handling it discreetly. As for the attackers, once we gather more information, I intend to personally deal with them. I shall act swiftly and decisively. I simply wanted to inform you of things."


Zero's eyes bore into Meus, a glint of ridiculing smile. "Now now Meus. We both know you didn’t come to inform me. You wanted to inform me of every detail in hopes that I would act. Nova is my daughter, and normally I should not be able to rest until she is safely returned. However, you’re mistaken about something Meus."


Meus took a step back. "Mistaken? I have no idea what you mean, Sir Zero. The safety of Young Miss Nova is our top priority. I simply wanted to let you know this."


“It seems I must elaborate…” Zero started. “Was it not Zuria who asked to take Nova out? Then why must I act to retrieve her?” Meus had wanted Zero to act and rescue Nova. He however hoped that Zero would do so without him specifically asking for it and wasting one of the two requests Zero promised him. In a sense, he messed up and wanted Zero to clean up the mess for free. That was funny.

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