My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 69 Subjugate Part 3

“Looks like it’s about to get dangerous.” said Zero


Yoko didn’t respond as she willed both holy lightning and flames to bombard the shadow blood cocoon. The cocoon exploded and a titan-like figure could be seen in the smoke. When the smoke disappeared a gigantic demon-like creature was revealed. It had a black body with veins all across its body with enormous bat-like wings. The demon had dark red claws that looked able to cut metal easily, 4 tentacles like appendages with mouths, and a dragon-like tail.


The demon disappeared instantly and Zero grabbed Yoko and teleported away. When they reappeared, they were hit by a sudden gust of wind caused by the pressure of Dracula’s fist hitting the ground. Zero teleported and slashed at the demon with his holy imbued sword but Dracula grabbed the blade breaking it and punched Zero across the room. Yoko teleported and caught Zero in midair, summoned a dark tide orb big enough to encase the demon, and froze it instantly.


“That won’t buy us much time so get on your feet quickly.” said Yoko as he dropped Zero onto the ground.


Cracking bones could be heard as Zero stood to his feet. He coughed up a bit of blood as he took a deep breath. He looked at Yoko and said, “Be gentler with me I bruise easily.”


“Your sword’s broken and none of our attacks worked on him. Got any ideas on how we win this?” asked Yoko as she looked at the ice begin to crack a little


“Well, the best option in my opinion would be for you to take over this space completely. If I distract him and you trap him momentarily so that you have time to drain my mana then you’ll be able to do it.” explained Zero


“It would really be helpful if you could use magic.” sighed Yoko


“Hey, I still get the job done quite well even without magic. Don’t forget I took down Death mostly on my own.” said Zero


“How long until your mana returns?” asked Yoko


“Well this space is filled with an abnormal amount of mana so I think about 15 minutes.” said Zero


“Good then you keep him distracted and I’ll wait here.” said Yoko as Dracula broke free from the ice.


Zero ran towards the screaming demon as it completely freed itself from the ice. Zero then summoned spiked shadow tendrils that wrapped and trapped Dracula. Dracula ripped himself free of the spiked tendrils which caused damage to his body but it instantly healed. Dracula roared and charged at Zero who fired fireballs at him to slow him down but it was futile. Dracula rushed through the fireballs without slowing down and punched Zero who teleported last-minute barely evading the hit.


“You sure you don’t want to team up for Lisa’s sake?” asked Zero from behind Dracula


The mention of Lisa’s name caused Dracula to go mad with rage. Dracula turned and started punching mindlessly at the area where Zero stood.


Zero had already teleported away from the area where Dracula was currently punching. Zero looked on as Dracula punched the area constantly and hoped that it would take him 30 minutes to figure out Zero wasn’t there.


Zero flew to where Yoko was waiting in the air. He kissed her and allowed her to drain the mana that he had managed to recover at this point. Zero felt a bit faint from the mana drain and almost plummeted to the ground but Yoko caught him by the arm. After a few seconds, Zero regained some of his strength and could fly independently.


After 5 minutes of raging, Dracula seemed to calm down as he breathed heavily and was surrounded by dust. Before he could look around to regain his baring he was suddenly restrained by the spiked shadow tendrils and was entrapped in a sphere of crystal-clear water that burned his skin. As he tried to break free from the restraints he was suddenly hit with bouts of pain as he looked and noticed bolts of lightning striking the water. The constant barrage of lightning bolts was being amplified by the water and since both included the holy element they damaged Dracula immensely.


When Dracula managed to finally break free from the bonds he roared in anger for the pain he had experienced. Before he could do anything though his watery prison was instantly turned into an ice prison.


Zero tried opening a portal to his dimension but he still felt resistant although it had been greatly reduced. He could open a human-size portal and close it without expending too much mana as before.


“Looks like we need complete control of this space to be able to enact your plan.” said Yoko as she watched Zero experiment with his dimensional portal.


Zero landed on the ground along with Yoko and sat on the ground. Mostly likely due to the damage they had caused him and adding the light element to the ice prison Dracula was unable to break out of it as easily as before. After 10 minutes Zero kissed Yoko once again allowing her to drain his mana and finally give her the amount she required.


Yoko raised her hands and willed her blue sigil sky to overtake the rest of Dracula’s territory. With this expansion, Yoko was now able to seize control of the space completely. As she finished she fell to her knees as she had used up all her mana and now could not even maintain the shield to protect her child.


Zero used his remaining strength to open a gigantic portal underneath the ice prison. The ice prison fell into the portal and disappeared. Zero had sent the frozen Dracula into his space in order to defeat him. He had noticed that Dracula had infinite vitality while he was inside his castle and this space existed within the castle making Dracula unbeatable while here.


Zero had thought of the plan to send Dracula into his dimension to get rid of his unlimited regeneration. He had tried earlier but had constantly felt resistance to his dimension coming from Dracula’s territory so he had hoped Yoko could either control or break it. Now that Dracula was inside Zero’s dimension he could be hurt and his ability to constantly heal regardless of how much damage was caused was nullified.


Zero walked over to Yoko, picked her up in a princess style, and walked to the portal opening. He jumped in along with Yoko and they appeared in a white space with nothing in sight except for the ice prison containing Dracula. Zero closed the portal and allowed Yoko to float on her own in the space. The ice had now begun showing cracks on the surface.


After a few seconds of waiting Dracula finally managed to break free from the ice. This time the wounds inflicted on him by Zero and Yoko didn’t instantly heal but only bled. Dracula breathed heavily as he staggered a bit due to his injured body.

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