My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 70 Subjugate Conclusion

Dracula’s intimidating aura had faded and his wounds were slowly healing. Dracula’s eye had changed from white to red and his body was now undergoing a new transformation. His body began shrinking and compressing until he was a human size.


“Why does every boss in Castlevania have to have multiple forms? Just once can’t I fight someone who doesn’t have 2 more transformations? It’s not like I’m the Dragonball Z world.” sighed Zero as he looked at the changes occurring in Dracula.


The bat-like feature on Dracula’s body was now replaced with werewolf-like features. The wounds on his body instantly closed as his body shifted. He released a powerful howl that created shockwaves to echo through the dimension.


Zero teleported when he sensed that Dracula was about to move but to his surprise, Dracula was in front of him after teleporting. Dracula thrust his clawed hand through Zero’s chest and grasped his beating heart. Zero grabbed Dracula’s hand and summoned shadow blades that cut off the arm still impaling his chest and tried to kick him away. Dracula shifted to the side to avoid the kick, cut off Zero’s leg with his remaining hand, and twisted and kicked Zero in the face. In the exchange, Dracula had managed to grab his severed arm which caused more damage to Zero as his claws had scraped Zero’s heart.


As Zero laid in the void with only 1 leg and a giant gaping hole in his chest. Dracula walked slowly towards him as he reattached his severed arm. Shadow tendrils rose to entrap Dracula but he dodged them all and walked closer to Zero with each passing second.


Zero was healing slowly as his body was momentarily overtaxed and his stamina was low as a result of the repeated injuries he faced. He created a wall of shadow to separate them but Dracula ripped it apart as if it were paper. Zero looked up and saw the black-furred of the werewolf raise his clawed hand and bring it down.


Dracula in one swift motion decapitated Zero, ripped out his heart, and ate it. With Zero now lying dead motionless Dracula looked around for Yoko and found her gone. Using his wolf-like sense he searched around the area but found that the only 2 here were himself and Zero’s corpse. Releasing his guard Dracula shifted from his wolf form back into Soma’s form and he looked a bit paler than usual.


“You were a worthy opponent.” said Dracula as he looked down on Zero’s beheaded corpse and bared his fangs ready to drink blood.


In his moment of carelessness, he failed to notice a dimensional rift had opened above. Pink chains poured forth from the rift and chained up Dracula making him unable to move. Trying his best to break free from the chain Dracula noticed that he couldn’t call upon any strength or power.


A smaller dimensional rift opened and Yoko walked out and walked toward Dracula and raised her hands to produce a pink mist that covered his face. Dracula tried to hold his breath but eventually, he breathed in the mist and fainted.


“Get up already! I don’t know how long I can keep him under!” yelled Yoko


As if roused from sleep Zero’s headless body stood up and grabbed his head in order to reattach it. When placed on his body his eyes instantly opened.


“Man, now I know how it feels to be decapitated. I keep telling you to treat me nicer. When I wake up Soma he’s going to owe me so much.” said Zero as he walked towards the restrained Dracula.


“Enough of that! Hurry up and do what you're going to do. If he breaks free we’re dead!” yelled Yoko


Zero said nothing more as he walked up behind Dracula and placed his hands on Dracula’s head. Now in position, Zero activated his mental manipulation skill to enter Dracula's mind. Dracula’s power had a nature that made him resistant to mental attacks so the only way for them to succeed was to seal that power temporally and to use Yoko's succubus power to lower his mental defenses. With this condition met Zero could now penetrate into Dracula’s mind and cut his strings.


Zero’s vision faded and turned black. When Zero became aware of his surroundings he noticed that he was now in a black void with nothing around him. Zero had no idea where to find what he was looking for so he just started walking in a direction except for 3 doors.


The first door was all natural in cedarwood and looked like an ancient Moroccan door. It had geometric shapes hand-carved in the door frame. It looked to have been created by a skilled architect and was made especially for its owner.


The second door was more like a gate which was fashioned from black iron; Zero had seen pictures of such gates in his school books, artistic and pretty. They reminded him of castle gates with their artistic black lines.


The last door was a mysterious rectangular portal that led to somewhere. It radiated energy that made Zero feel the need to enter through it. It felt as if it were an invitation to a new adventure, a new challenge, and a new chance to earn, and that the only way to find out was to step through.


Zero decided that the portal should be saved for last. He figured that this was most likely where God’s influence was held and would be the most dangerous place.


Zero walked through the first cedar door. When he entered he found a medieval room without any decoration. The only thing inside the room was a wall fireplace and 2 thrones facing one another. A man sat in the left chair and beckoned for Zero to enter and take a seat.


As Zero walked into the room the door shut behind him and disappeared. Nevertheless, Zero was unfazed by this and continued to walk towards the chair. He sat down and faced the man who had motioned for him to enter.


“Welcome Zero. I suppose I should be saying it’s been a while.” said the man


“I guess you could technically say that but I think it’d be more accurate to say it’s a pleasure to finally meet you Mathias.” responded Zero


“I suppose you’re right welcome my dear friend Zero. My name is Mathias Cronqvist and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” said the man

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