My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 81 Sophia Part 3

“Alright let’s go.” said Zero as he created a portal.


Zero and Yoko walked through the portal appearing in Obsidian the realm of the twin goddess of death. Zero took to the air followed by Yoko and they flew toward the direction of their temple. Landing they entered the temple and found the 2 goddesses seated in their thrones looking at their guests.


“Welcome back my lord.” said Dahila


“Where’s Nova?” asked Yoko


“She’s with Valna and the nymphs.” answered Zero


“How may we help you?” asked Azalea


“I need you to order your reapers and vampires to hunt down some specific monsters.” answered Zero


“Which monsters?” asked Dahila


“I need witches, valkyries, and sirens. Tell them to add any bird-type or holy-type monsters they come across. Gather them in one area” Zero ordered


Azalea and Dahila stood up from their thrones and bowed as they said “Yes, it shall be done.”


Azalea then summoned a lampad who entered the room and kneeled before them. Dahlia then waved her hand, forming a black portal.


“Inform the team leaders of masters’ orders and return here.” ordered Dahila


“Yes, it shall be done.” said the lampad as she stood up and entered the portal


Dahlia got up and walked up to Zero and said, “Master you seem to be tired, please have seat.” as she ushered him to her throne.


Zero sat on the throne and placed his head on his fist like a regal king as he sighed. Azalea sitting on the other throne looked at Zero and asked, ”What happened?”


Zero was mentally tired so he motioned for Yoko to answer Azalea. Yoko narrated the event that had led up to this moment starting from Soma’s awakening and ending with the bargain struck with Sophia. Dahila quietly listened to the story with an expressionless face while Azalea looked like a child watching their favorite showing a multitude of expressions while constantly asking questions. Her excitement made Zero chuckle as he watched her bombard Yoko with constant questions. After 20 or so minutes Yoko managed to finally to finish the recollection of events.


“Yes, I agree with your analysis master she sounds like the type to justify anything in the name of good. I dislike that type of hypocrisy the most.” said Dahlia


“I have a question. What will you do with her if you manage to trap her in the new body?” asked Azalea


Zero smiled and said, “If it works as well as I planned then I’ll bring her with us as a divine energy factory. I haven’t figured out a way to use it yet but it can’t hurt to be able to make some.”


Zero closed his eyes after Azalea’s question alerting the 3 women that he was done talking and that he wished to rest a bit. Dahlia and Azalea left the throne room to check on the lampads and souls that had been gathered. This left only Yoko and Zero in the throne room. Yoko sat on the other throne as she placed her hand on her stomach and dispelled her barrier spell. She thought back to the fight with Dracula and that blood spell he used and hoped that they were able to dispel it quickly enough before it had harmed the child.


As she worried about her unborn child, she was startled when Zero instantly sat up and opened his eyes. A few seconds after Zero opened his eyes Nova ran into the room.


“Mama! Papa! I missed you!” yelled Nova as he ran and jumped onto Yoko’s lap


Yoko smiled, hugged Nova, and said, “Nova how have you been?”


“I’ve been teaching Iris about nature and fruits. I finished teaching her so she’ll teach the rest of the nymphs.” explained Nova


“That’s good. So what did you teach them about nature?” asked Zero


“I taught them thinning the forest and harvesting.” said Nova


“Thinning? Harvesting?” asked Yoko


“For a forest to grow strong and healthy, we need to cut down some trees when they grow too close. This is so the trees don’t grow weak and that’s thinning. For harvesting, it simply means to pick the fruits and collect the sap from the trees regularly.” explained Nova


“I’m still not used to you saying things so intelligently.” said Zero with a smirk


“Well, Nova’s a good girl so she’s always studying and learning new things.” said Nova as she stood up with a proud look on her face.


Yoko smiled and rubbed Nova’s head while saying, “Don’t pay any attention to him Nova’s a very good girl and you’re brilliant.”


“Yup, so Papa just needs to be nicer to me.” said Nova as she stuck out her tongue at Zero.


Zero stood up walked over and picked up Nova while saying, “Looks like I have a cheeky daughter. I wonder who she got that from.”


“From you.” retorted Yoko and Nova simultaneously.


As their banter continued another lampad walked in and kneeled. She said, “Greeting master Zero and mistress Nova I’ve been ordered to escort you to the area where the bodies have been deposited.”


“Am I being ignored here?” asked Yoko


“It’s not that important. Lead the way.” said Zero


Following behind the lampad the 3 exited the temple. As they walked towards the ocean Zero spotted a dark mountain that wasn’t there before when he last visited. As they moved closer to the mountain Zero noticed that it was a mountain of the corpses that he had requested. He saw thousands of valkyries, sirens, and witch corpses stack up with a few random monsters here and there.


“Here are the corpses you ordered and we shall bring more if you require it.” said the lampad


“No, this is good enough. Looks like I can get started now.” said Zero


“I don’t think Nova should be seeing things like this, so why don’t we send her to Valna.” said Yoko


“I’ve already lost that argument, so if you want to try that fine. Nova won’t want to leave so there's no point forcing it. Besides, I’ll need Valna here.” said Zero


“Yeah Mama, Nova wants to stay here.” said Nova


Yoko looked at the corpses and back to Nova and started to say, “But…”


Zero looked at Nova and interrupted by saying, “Well I still need Valna so why don’t you go call her for me Nova.”


“Okay!” said Nova as she smiled and ran to her world tree.


“Okay, it’s time to begin.” said Zero

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