My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 82 Sophia Part 4

Zero reached out his hand and a book fell out of the air and landed in his extended arm. He walked towards Yoko and handed her the book.


“What’s this?” asked Yoko


“A book that explains how to make holy water. Before you ask me why I’m giving you this, the answer is because I want you to make some.” answered Zero


“Why do you need it?” asked Yoko


“I’m going to use them to make Sophia’s body. It’s going to make the body more resistant to holy and divine power by a small amount.” explained Zero


“I know how to make holy water already.” said Yoko as she tossed the book back to Zero.


Zero caught the book and tried to hand it back to Yoko while saying, “Well, Dracula was a master alchemist with years of experience, so maybe he has knowledge that people forgot.”


Yoko’s eyes glowed red with desire as she snatched the book out of Zero’s hands when he mentioned the possibility of hidden knowledge. Zero didn’t bother her anymore as the chance of his words reaching her now was impossible.


Zero found a rock and sat down as he waited for Nova to return with Valna. After 5 minutes of waiting, Zero saw a wing figure approaching. Valna landed carrying Nova in her arms and asked, “Why have you called me?”


“You really need to fix that attitude. More importantly, I need you to go hunting with me.” said Zero


“That’s rare, usually you’d ask mistress to go with you rather than me.” said Valna


“I need Yoko here making holy water so, you’re the only one left.” answered Zero


“What about Nova?” asked Nova who had stayed quiet the entire time waiting.


“You’re going to help Yoko make the holy water since she’ll probably need your help. Help her and take care of her for me please.” answered Zero 


“Yes sir!” said Nova as she saluted.


‘I wonder where she even learns things like this from?’ wondered Zero as patted her head.


“Okay, Valna get a move on. Let’s go.” said Zero as he waved his hand creating a portal and walked through followed by Valna.


They appeared in a room with 2 doors. The first door was a normal door found in the castle so it led out of this room and back to the castle. The second door was coated in a darkness that seemed to shine if you looked at it long enough. Zero approached the door and touched it but his hand was repelled by the darkness.


“What just happened?” asked Valna


“This door rejects anyone who isn’t Soma. Through here lies the chaos entity.” explained Zero


“That’s good and all, but how are we supposed to get inside?” asked Valna


Zero said nothing as he placed his hand on the door enveloped by darkness once again. Although the door tried to repel Zero’s hand due to the amount of strength that Zero was using it wasn’t able to. Zero tried using his ability to control shadows to see if that could dispel the darkness but the darkness didn’t budge.


‘Damn, I thought I could get in this way. System do you know how I can open this door.’ thought Zero




Zero activated his mana nullification and attempted to touch the darkness and felt no repulsion this time. Now that the repulsion was gone Zero activated his animated shadow skill and the darkness responded this time. Rather than destroy the darkness Zero controlled it and led it to merge into his own shadow which devoured the darkness.


Now that the door was free of the darkness Zero pushed the door open. Through the door was a pathway that led forward surrounded by a similar space void like where Sophia was sealed. Zero stepped through the door and walked down the path followed by Valna.


As soon as they entered the realm they were met by a horde of red and blue skeletons. The red skeletons wore impressive-looking red armor and held a long blade along with a red shield. The blue skeletons wore no armor and held no weapons, but they did have a glass eye on their forehead.


“You’re up Valna.” said Zero as he motioned for her to attack.


“Wouldn’t it be faster if we both attacked?” asked Valna


“Nope, the creatures in this realm all share similar traits they’re resistant to darkness and fire, but are rather weak to holy. That means my usual forms of attack wouldn’t work and it’s a waste of stamina for me to fight horde after horde. So, your job is to get me past these monsters.” explained Zero


Listening to Zero’s explanation Valna nodded and summoned many light arrows. She launched the light arrows at the horde but they clashed with dark blue beams that canceled them out. Zero said “Ah, right since you’ve probably never been to this area you might not know. Those are beam skeletons who have the annoying ability to shoot an endless number of beams so you might want to take them out.”


Valna sighed and flapped her wings as she took to the skies. As she flew up she noticed Zero sink into his shadow and disappear. She panicked for a moment before remembering that Zero could control shadows but she had never seen it in action. She was instantly pulled back to reality by multiple beams being fired at her. Valna quickly took evasive action and managed to dodge the beams although one did manage to graze her wing.


The wound on her wings healed and the lost feathers grew back instantly. A magic circle appeared behind Valna and 4 light golden orbs appeared at her side. The golden orb vanished to reveal 4 fairies flying around Valna. She had used the spirit summon skill to call 4 light fairies as support.


Valna summoned 3 holy white flame orbs that she had used in her battle against Yoko. She formed a spear out of the flames leaving 2 orbs floating around her. She charged at the skeletons while the fairies remained in the air firing light orbs to counter the beams being fired at Valna. The orbs managed to deal with most of the beams but a few made it past them, but before they could hit Valna a flame shield blocked the beam. The shield then shifted back to an orb as Valna landed in the middle of the blue skeletons crushing a few on impact.


The red skeleton began to charge at Valna but they were stopped when the fairies began to fire light arrows at them forcing them to block and pinning them down. The skeletons all fired beams at Valna but here flame orbs formed a barrier around her and blocked all the beams. The flames didn’t form orbs after they finished blocking the attack but instead fed into the spear extending it. With her extended spear, Valna swung it killing most of the beam skeletons. Valna let go of her spear which turned into arrows and fired at the remaining beam skeletons killing the rest.

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