My Hero Harem Was Cucked


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The halls of the inn were dimly lit, shadows dancing along the walls as I made my way to Ella's room. My heart pounded in my chest, each step heavy with the weight of the decision ahead. The flickering candlelight cast an eerie glow, adding to the sense of unease that gnawed at me.

I stopped in front of her door, hesitating for a moment and knocking softly. It didn't take long before the door opened, and there stood Ella, clad in a white fluffy robe that covered her from neck to ankle. Her face was expressionless, her eyes unreadable.

"Ella," I began, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" I asked hoping, No praying for a different answer then before.

Yes" Ella looked at me for a long time before she spoke making me bit my lip as she reached up and grabbed my hand.

"The demon's only grow stronger" She spoke in a heavy voice entangling our fingers together.

My mind screamed that I should stop this, that there had to be another way. But I found myself unable to voice my objections. Instead, I stayed silent, the gravity of the situation pressing down on me.

"Alright," I finally said, my voice hollow. 

"Let's go." I said and Ella nodded stepping out of her room, closing the door behind her. 

We walked down the darkened hallway together, the silence between us heavy and oppressive. Each step echoed through the empty corridors, a haunting reminder of the path we were choosing. As we approached the room where Leon awaited, my resolve wavered. 

Every instinct told me to turn back, to protect Ella from what lay ahead. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to halt our progress. Her determination, her willingness to make this sacrifice for our cause, held me in place. We reached the door, and I paused, turning to Ella one last time. 

"Ella, if you have any doubts, any at all..." I said with a shaky voice but Ella remained calm. 

"I know, But this is what needs to be done." She placed a hand on my arm, her touch warm and reassuring.

"Alright. Let's do this." I said but before I react Ella leaned forward and pressed her plump lips against mine making me blush.

"Mnh" I moaned as I felt her tongue pushing into my mouth and overpowering my own

"No matter what happens in that room"  Ella pulled back as a trail of salvia connected our lips together.

"Nothing will change" She had a confident expression like she was about to fight a battle she would easily win.

"Okay" I said simply trying to hide my racing heart before I looked back at the door with hesitation.

I met Ella's unwavering gaze and decided not to hold her back with my own feelings especially since I knew she was going through with this to get stronger. I took a step knocking on the door before i grabbed the door knob and turned it exposing the small room inside, It wasn't anything special with a wooden desk under a small window and a small bed. 

"You're here" I heard a deep voice causing me to look to my side finding Leon sitting on the edge of the bed in a white robe that contrasted his skin tone.

"Yes" I said simply moving to the side allowing Ella to walk inside the room and I saw Leon's eyes land on her.

"You must be the white knight Ella right?" He smiled slightly before standing up and holding out his large hand.

"I'm Leon" He greeted her but Ella didn't respond nor did she hold her hand out before looking toward me.

"He's the one with the skill?" She asked and I nodded while Leon awkwardly put down his hand.

"Can I see it?" Ella finally directed her gaze toward Dennis speaking with a cold voice.

"Yes of course" If Leon was bothered by her attitude toward him then he didn't show it as he raised his palm with a small cube in his grasp.

There was another way to identify skills but it wasn't used because it could be easily manipulated, After all it was basically just a record. A small transparent screen appeared that I hadn't seen before, The name of the skill was exposed as well as the description. Ella looked down and her eyes seemed to read the words over and over again, It wasn't until a couple of minutes that she finally looked toward the ground and nodded her head.

"Alright let's proceed" Ella said making my heart race while Leon smiled lowering his hand.

"I'm ready when you are Knight Ella" Leon smiled and I felt a tension in the air before Ella finally moved. 

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