My Hero Harem Was Cucked


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'S~soft' I could only stand still as two soft and squishy bags of fat molded against my chest.

"D~do you like it?" She looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes and I didn't hesitate to nod with a blush on my face.

"Y~yes you're gorgeous" I said and before she could react I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers.

"Mhh" She let out a low moan as our lips meshed together and I tasted sweetness.

I didn't want to pull back feeling her plump lips against mine as I reached forward and wrapped my arms around her wide hips Pulling her closer. Ella didn't resist and put her hands on my shoulders, The only sound filling the room for the next ten minutes was out low moaning and lips meshing together sloppy until we finally pulled back.

"I love you" Ella said licking her lips cutting off the trial of saliva that connected us and I felt my heart turn warm.

"I love you to" I gave her another kiss and put my forehead against hers holding her tightly.

We stood there in silence for a moment, the weight of the situation hanging between us. I started to feel more calm and finally, Ella stepped back, giving me one last reassuring smile. 

"Now, go get some rest. We'll face this together, as always." I could only listen with a warmer heart then before. 

I left her room feeling a little lighter, her words echoing in my mind. As I made my way back to my own room, I couldn't help but feel a spark of hope. With companions like Ella by my side, maybe—just maybe—we could overcome not only the demon king but anything.


The weight of the decision still hung heavily on my shoulders as I made my way to the inn's common room. The thought of what lay ahead churned my stomach, but I knew I had to see this through. Leon was waiting for me, seated at a corner table with a cup of what looked like tea in front of him. His dark eyes met mine as I approached, and he stood up respectfully.

"Hero," he greeted me, his voice calm and measured.

"Leon," I replied, taking a seat across from him. I took a deep breath, steadying myself for the conversation. 

"Thank you for meeting with me." I said leaning back in the chair trying to calm my nerves. 

"Of course. I understand you have a decision regarding my skill." He nodded, his gaze steady

"Yes. After discussing it with my companions, one of them has volunteered to test your skill." I hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. 

"I see. If you don't mind me asking who has volunteered?" Leon's eyes flickered with surprise, quickly replaced by a look of respect.

"The white knight," I said using Ella's title while watching his reaction closely.

"The white Knight is famous even the west where I came from" He nodded slowly, a thoughtful expression on his face.

 "I appreciate her willingness. This is not an easy decision for anyone." Leon continued looking up at me with a calm gaze. 

"No, it isn't," I agreed, my voice tight.

"But she believes it's worth it if it means giving us an edge in our fight against the demons." I said with a sigh as Leon leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving mine. 

"I understand your hesitation, Hero. This is an unconventional and deeply personal matter. I want you to know that I'll handle this with the utmost respect and care." His words weren't comforting even if he was trying to be.

"I hope so," I said, the weight of my words hanging in the air.

 "Ella is a vital member of our party. If this works, it could change everything for us." It wasn't just an opinion back a fact, If Ella grew stronger then it would allow us to fight at a whole new tier. 

"I understand. We'll proceed carefully and ensure her well-being throughout the process." Leon nodded. 

I studied him for a moment, trying to gauge his sincerity. There was a calm confidence in his demeanor, a steadiness that was both reassuring and unsettling.

 "When can we start?" Leon asked thoughtfully and I could only hesitate before speaking.

"Tomorrow. That will give us time to prepare."I nodded, feeling a mix of helplessness and anxiety. 

"I'll inform Ella. Thank you, Leon." I said as he inclined his head.

 "Thank you, Hero, for considering this. I promise I will do everything I can to support your party." He said with a serious tone as I stood to leave but Leon's voice stopped me. 

"One more thing, Hero." I turned back to him, curious.


"Trust is crucial in this," he said, his eyes earnest as he clasped his hands together.

"I need you to trust me as much as you trust Ella. We're all fighting for the same cause." His words were unsettling for some reason but I could only nod slowly.

"I'll do my best. For all our sakes." I said Leaving the common room.

 I felt the full weight of the coming days settle on my shoulders. This was only the beginning, and I could only hope that our trust in each other would be enough to see us through. 

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