My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

43 – Yufi shows off

I took a few steps forward to distance myself from Nana. The monsters obviously took that opportunity to surround me. The Ghost Tigers created illusions and multiplied themselves.

"Hehe. You're history now!!"

"If you think this is enough to make me break a sweat, you obviously have screws in your head."

The moment all the monsters tried to jump at me I unleashed my FullBurst Stream.

After a pale purple light left my blade, one illusion dissipated and the floor was covered in the blood of a bisected Ghost Tiger.

I raise my sword again and refocused my attention, now calmer than before. While blocking every blow the ogres tried to deliver, I managed to slay three of them.

When one of the ogres faltered I quickly bashed it with my fist. A dull metallic sound rang through the area as the ogre was flung against one of the thick pillars and stayed down.

The other Tiger tried to sneak around and attack, but was only greeted with my sword cutting off a piece of its nose. When it stepped back to avoid the danger it bumped into the last of the ogres, allowing me to bisect the both of them. And naturally this happened in a few seconds. Nana and the rhino were both left in awe as I swing my sword to brush off the blood it drank.

"What!? How is that possible? What kind of monster are you?"

"I told you that you pissed me off. I'm disappointed that you even thought those things could match me. Anything less than a dragon can't restrain me."

"Kuh. I guess I have no choice but to show you my prized possession. You'll never survive him!!"

A large roar was heard. Just what the hell does this guy have up his sleeve? The walls of the corridor shattered but the ceiling didn't collapse. If anything it just made the space bigger.

What we saw was a giant rotting zombie-like lizard with bone-like wings that didn't seem functional. Its long head reached up till the ceiling. 

His flesh was like melting, and its creepy glowing eyes stared right at us. This guy… actually had a dragon?

“A zombie dragon…… No way!! Yufi, we have to run!!"

"You got that right! It's too late to ask for mercy, because once this thing let's lose even I can't control it anymore."

Though it could differ from those I know, a zombie dragon in the game was a high-level monster with water magic resistance and high-level regenerative abilities. Dealing with them is rather annoying as their breath deals damage over time. If you get hit, you're screwed. I can't fight while protecting Nana.

"Crap. This is the worst…"

I could think of a few ways to defeat it, but…

If I confront such a huge monstrosity and won, I would no longer be able to remain out of sight since such a feat was bound to attract attention. But, this thing would become a problem if left alone. There's no other choice.

"Nana, I order you, carry on deeper and search for any slaves. Leave this to me."

"But… aaah. My body is moving on its own…"

With Nana out of sight I can focus on this thing. It doesn't look like it has patience left.

"I guess I'll settle this one… in 1 minute."

"Are you a moron? There's a limit to how cocky you can be, bitch!"

Without minding the rhino I slammed my sword into the ground. The zombie dragon was preparing its breath attack, so I had to time this right. A magic formation appeared on the ground followed by a dazzling green light.

"Summon… [Chronogear Guardian]!"

Behind me, the ghostly figure of a knight made out of various sprockets and gears appeared and extended his arms towards me as if trying to hug me. And in front of me a giant holographic clock started spinning around. 


At that time, the zombie dragon also fired its breath… and it hit me fully.


Rhino dude was laughing like a maniac, but when the flames settled down…

"Is that all?"


I didn't have a single scratch. The summon Chronogear Guardian is something you can obtain early on, but until you round up your build it will collect dust. Basically, it freezes time around you. All damage is nullified for 1 minute. Meaning in that minute I am invincible. 

The bigger your MP pool, the longer the timer. There were players that could pull off 3 minutes or more, but that was very niche and not worth it since in pvp this summon is locked out. And it's not like it was cheating in pve. Endgame raids were 30min long for a 6 man party, and this summon had a 12h cooldown so you can't say it's broken.

Anyway, I have to wrap this up. A minute won't last long. I ran straight towards this rotting thing. It continued spitting its breath attack alongside poisonous fumes. The point was to not be able to get close to its body, but I ignored everything and did exactly that. Once I got close to him I drove Aetherius straight in its chest.

“Huh? No matter how you’ll slash it, you won’t be able to make up for its regenerative abilities.”

“Don’t you know the trick to dealing with this, idiot?”

Olivia 101: The way to deal with something that regenerates is simple. Kill it faster than it can regenerate.

“[Sword of Judgement]!”

Sword of Judgements’ description: Call forth a massive blade to extend your attacks. During the duration of this, certain stats and skills will be enhanced. In short, it increases the size of my sword tremendously. It pierced the entire body and extended up till the tip exited on the other side.

I then put my other hand on Aetherius. With its new size…

“[Meteor Slash]!”

The black swirling energy from my extended sword completely tore and split the dragon vertically in half. 


I should also mention that the energy wave also vaporized the rhino dude… as well as made a huge hole through the castle walls.

“Phew… time’s up…”

The green aura from Chronogear Guardian disappeared. My 1 minute is up, and not a moment too sooner. Honestly I might have struggled more if I didn’t use this summon. Efreet isn’t exactly suited since he would end up destroying the entire castle, and since this is a rescue mission, it would be bad to bury everyone… including me.

“Well, that’s settled. Now let’s see where Nana went. Hope no more surprises are around.”

With that being said, I turned around and started descending further. I also need to think of another issue. To free Nana from whatever spell was controlling her, I had to make her my slave. Slave Seal allows me to create slaves. But nowhere in its description does it state how to release someone from my command. In other words, I have no clue how to undo the seal. This might turn into a major problem. Let’s hope I can explain everything right and Nana will understand.

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