My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

44 – Aftermath

The basement was unexpectedly spacious, and the walls were lined with cell doors. The smell of 3 fallen men's blood, which Nana successfully eliminated, was mixing with the earthy smell of the basement was a little disgusting though.

While covered in blood, Nana reached down to one of the fallen men and rips off a metal key ring from his waist before running to one of the cells.

“I’m Nanael Lutus Aeonia! I’m here to rescue you!!”

When she delivered her introduction, something hit the cell door like a brick and caused a loud cling sound to resonate.

“That’s a lie!? The princess has come to help!?”

Judging by appearance the girl against the cell door and shouted in surprise and joy was around 17 years old, and the girls that appeared after her looked even younger than that. There were even children here. All these girls were covered in shackles. 

Nana quickly inserted key after key into the keyhole looking for the right one. Before long, I heard the sound of the lock clicking and the girl bursts out of her cell, the other girls were soon freed as well.

Nana's angelic smile is radiant. Getting to free her brethren. I should mention that so far she hasn't inquired anything from me. The fact that I came and was healthy was all she needed to know that I handled the situation before.

While the girls gave their gratitude to Nana, I noticed small cracks on the ceiling. I might have shaken this place a little too much with my fight. It's better not to stay here longer than needed.

“Nana, we should hurry and get out of here.”

When the girls noticed my voice, a number of screams were let out and they all hid behind Nana. I don't blame them. Some stranger pops up suddenly on top to what they experienced so far… it's normal to be scared.

Adding the fact that I'm taller than most women and more muscular as well, I guess I didn't leave a good impression.

“It’s all right, this woman is a helper that I employed. Is this everyone that has been captured?”

The girls smiled a little before simultaneously nodding their heads at her question

“Yufi, our business is done here.”

"Roger. Then for starters let's get out of this place. We can talk more later."


"Hello everyone. First, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Mina the 5th Divine General, and from today, you all will be under my command. Let's get along."

In Victorias kingdom, the 5th Divine General Mina has finally arrived. In the main lobby of the castle many people gathered as it was finally time for 5 of the summoned heroes to be put under her command.

Deciding which heroes to part with was a task that Princess Lilith struggled with. However she knew that eventually she would have to make up her mind. This task was entrusted to her by her father, since Lilith has spent most time with the heroes and knows them better. With a political smile, however somewhat of a stiff body, she inhaled:

"Thank you for your introduction, lady Mina. We are honored that some of our heroes will be under your guidance. Please allow me to now introduce the 5 chosen ones."

The 5 people were all aligned in a row, standing at attention like a proper soldier.

"Starting from left to right then, please announce yourselves like we practiced."

"My name is Minaduki Akane. My strong point is wielding flails and clubs as well as shields. Pleased to meet you."

The first who spoke was a woman in her 30's. The part time PE teacher that also got caught up in the summoning. Tanned skin, topaz eyes, a rather developed physique and her hazelnut hair was tied up.

"I'm Okabe Kenji. I'm very skilled with daggers and a bow and arrows. Hope we can get along."

A skinny tall male was next, with short black hair and covered in leather and a hood. He definitely had the feeling of an assassin.

"I… I am Ishida Ren. I am a caster that specializes in water magic. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

The next was a short young man with blonde hair, a pair of glasses and the robe of a magician.

"I'm next. My name is Akayama Kaga. I'm good in close range and using my fists and talon like weapons. Let's get along."

The cheerful voice came from a girl with cat-like eyes and pink twintails wearing light gear to enhance her mobility. A fist fighter.

"And I am Amano Miyuki. I specialize in healing and providing support. Pleased to meet you."

And as expected, the final member chosen by princess Lilith was non other than Miyuki. She had to jump through a lot of hoops to convince Makoto to let her go, but it was the most logical choice since she doesn't directly do combat.

Mina took a long at each one of them. She came closer, poked their cheeks a bit and also sniffed them. A weird way of greeting. However the heroes were taught rigorously before this meeting to go along and not make a ruckus. No matter what she did, they had to accept it.

After circling them she went back towards the princess.

"Are you sure these are heroes?"

"Absolutely! We wouldn't dare try to trick you. What makes you so suspicious?"

"Nothing really."

Mina was also forced to accept them due to persuasion from Leon, the 1st Divine General. However she had somewhat different expectations. 

These guys are totally weak. What the hell am I supposed to do with them? I mean sure, compared to the average humans that I got to see, they are stronger… but in the same sense a grasshopper is stronger against an ant. At the end of the day… they're nothing more than bugs.

I miss my friends. Yufine-san and Luvia-san would have been party members more fitting than these guys. That Miyuki girl gives me good vibes, but combat wise, I really can't use them. Although Leon-sama told me to be polite, so I can't say that out loud.

"Very well then. Starting today you guys will be under my command, so I don't want to hear any complaints, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am!"(x5)

"Then please get yourselves ready. I'll assess each one of you later. For now pack your belongings and get ready. We're all going to go on a little journey together."

A journey… towards the fallen demon continent. Kalendae.

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