My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

46 – The struggle to survive

A Grand Slicer. Seeing the huge monster that split the earth open as it appeared, Gilbert trembles in fear with a terrified expression on his face as he utters its name. Sitting on top of the horse, his brain processed the monster’s appearance and immediately found a match with his knowledge of Rank 5 monsters. Naturally, his body began shaking.


But even as he trembles in fear, the situation deteriorates further. It is as if some evil god has decided to drop them into deeper horror.




The monster’s second roar is terrifying enough to pierce one’s body and strike fear directly into the soul. As if being summoned by an evil call, monsters begin to pour out of the forest.


The monsters that are well known around here, the Centaurs, Slimes, Goblins, Orcs, Dagger Raptors, all corrupted by The Old One – Every single monster that inhabits this area is here.


This sight is such that Gil and all of the other people are plunged into an abyss of despair.


They have at least some experience fighting monsters. But that only makes this phenomenon of monsters of different races grouping together and advancing on them as a single army even more difficult to comprehend. This was supposed to be a training camp where everyone can share their knowledge. So of course there would be many inexperienced people too.


“H-hyii… It’s hopeless…”


As Gil’s eyes are filled with tears and these pathetic words come from his mouth –


“Get a hold of yourself, Gil!”


Accompanying this brave, lovely voice is an attack that digs into his side.




As he looks towards where the attack came from, he sees his cousin Julius, who has shoved the scabbard of his sword into his stomach to bring him back to reality.


“Act like a prince for once! Hurry up and give the retreat order, or it’ll be too late! Your voice is louder than mine, so do it!”


Gil is not so slow-minded as to ask, “What are you talking about?”


“Retreat! All forces, retreat! We must fall back to the fortress!”


Before he knows it, he is shouting these words loudly.


All of the laughing and boastful talk that he does with his obnoxiously loud voice is paying off in this critical moment; his voice carries well and the order to immediately retreat reaches the group.




Turning his horse around, he faces the direction of the Ignia Fortress and leads the retreat.


Being unable to see the Grand Slicer and its army of monsters when he turns his back towards them, Gil retains some sense of calm in his mind.


“To me, my knights! We will lead the group, and be at the front of the retreat back to Iskia Fortress!”


The knights, or rather, the knight cadets under Gil’s direct command have already drawn their weapons in preparation for battle. They understand his orders immediately and begin moving.

The retreat begins at a slow pace.


Fortunately, Gil and the knights under his direct command are near the back of the column, and they are able to quickly get to the front to act as the vanguard. Those with experience would stay behind and cover for the weak.


“Don’t break formation! Prepare your mobility skills and Speed Boosts, we’re going to descend the hill all at once before we get surrounded!”


“Prepare our long-ranged attacks! First group, ready your Blasts, second group, ready the spells and bows! Concentrate our attacks at the front!”


Julius finally also raised his voice as well. He was now in a position where he could be heard clearly. His combat experience is bigger than Gil’s so it was natural for him to take command.


“… Step aside, Gil.”



His eyes are filled with deadly intent, and his already-drawn sword is in his right hand, prepared to carry out that intent.


“– Instant flash.”


To Gil, who has no knowledge of battle techniques like swordsmanship or martial arts, it looks as if Julius is just swinging his sword sideways.


But it's blade releases a blinding light, which becomes a white light that flies forward, cutting through the air.


If one were to use the Wind magic attack Wind Cutter and made it larger and brighter, it may appear something like this.


The slashing attack resembles a straight line made of light. It passes through the first row of monsters like an illusion, cutting all of them in half.

“You’re weak, baka cousin, so make sure you stand back!”


“Yeah…. I’m leaving this to you and your party. We’ll gather at the Old Castle and come up with a strategy!”

“Do that. We’ll cover the retreat from here.”



In the beginning, it was the battle to retreat.


Cat's Tail lived up to their reputation, forcefully creating an opening to retreat through, and though the teachers valiantly fulfilled their role as the rear guard, they were almost completely wiped out. Thanks to them, not a single life was lost out of the 120 people, and they made it to the fortress safely.


However, that was not the end of the battle.


After midday, the fight turned towards defending the fortress from the army of monsters that had persistently chased them.


"For now we have some breathing room."


Gil started to try and figure a ray of hope. He then turned towards someone.

“You over there! Your horse is a pegasus type right? We need someone to call for reinforcements. Try getting a message to Aeonia as fast as possible!”

“Understood, Your Highness!”


The problem might be solved if the Grand Slicer would be killed, but nobody here can get close to it. If Cat's Tail would attempt it, they would leave the castle unguarded. Their strength is still needed to keep everyone alive.

Darn. This is the worst. We might not last until backup comes. But maybe if it’s her…

There are various ways to relay the information, but the method that is the most realistic and has the highest chance of succeeding is to simply send a person to deliver the message. It does not even need to be said that this is extraordinarily dangerous. It really is a suicide mission. 


“Sorry, Sara. I have to give you another dangerous task.”


“No, please do not concern yourself with that. If I had to say, I have to question an order to leave your side, considering that I am supposed to be your guard.”


“Do not say that; there is nobody more suited for this task than you, Sara. In any case, you are the dark one who maneuvers around the underworld of Aeonia.”


“Please, listen. We will hold out as much as possible. But the truth is the army might not be able to reach us in time. That’s why, I have a personal request.”


There is one more document.


It is a written request that is normally handled by the adventurers’ guild. As if Sara knows who it is addressed to, she answers without letting him finish.

“Yes, I will deliver this to Yufine-sama. The only reason I am accepting this… is because I believe your judgement is correct. It takes a monster to beat another monster.”

“Thank you, Sara! I’m counting on you!!”

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