My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

47 – Before the decisive moments

~Nana's point of view~


I have realized that Yufine-san is no good unless I am by her side. I know that Yufine is a strong, beautiful, kind, wonderful woman. Everyone speaks badly of her, but I know the true Yufine-san. Only I know. It is fine that others don’t know; in fact, it is better off that way.


But as expected, she is blunt. Her straight forwardness is part of her charm, but can really get her in trouble. I had to pull many strings. First it was my brother. Then, I had to keep Yufine's condition a secret.


More specific… her male thing. If anything, this makes me feel awkward. Am I having romantic feelings for her? She doesn't see me as a princess. She sees me as a girl. And she even saved my life.


She did make me her slave, but she's a decent person. She didn't take advantage of me at all. She really is a true friend. She needs me by her side to be the sense of reason. And right now, given her ambition…


"I'm coming with you!"


"Nana, this is going to be dangerous. I don't think it's the best idea."


Therefore, I have come to this decision.


If Yufine-san continues to push herself, I just have to be there to help her. I was always providing support even before, but with Yufi, I can be more. I can be someone she leans on. I'm not as strong as her or her party. I know this. But I won't back down.


"Yufi, who is this?"(Luvia)


"It's a long story. You girls weren't around. I'll try explaining as best as I can."(Yufine)


Even listening to her and hearing her calling me a dear friend and a trustworthy person… it melts my heart. She does stumble on her words, but it's cute.


I will become one of your party members, Yufine.


"Yufine-san, please accept me into your party!"


I’ll quit Cat's Tail and join Fallen Angels.


I don’t have any regrets. That is not where I belong; it is merely somewhere I was “allowed to be”.


Onii-sama protected me; Leona was worried for me; Lagos and Violet took care of me.


That’s why I’ll be fine now.


From now on, I’ll fight for the person that truly needs me. I’ll devote myself to Yufine-san.




The woman named Luvia circles me a few times. I guess she is trying to judge me if I am fit. I know that I probably can't match them but…


"I think we should do it, Yufi."(Luvia)




My voice leaked out in surprise. I was definitely not expecting to hear that.


"Look, we are talking about something not even I feel confident in handling. I know she's worried about her party, her brother and Gil, but…"


That's false. As much as I love my family… my heart is telling me one thing now. I feel like I can only fight for you, Yufine-san. It's not because of the Slave Seal. These are my true feelings.


"... I still think it's too dangerous."


"No, I will definitely be going with you. Just as you are going to save people, there is someone I must save as well."


"I don't think I understand, Nana."


"It's clear for me, fufu! She's just like me and Iris at this point. She has been Yufi-tiezed!"(Luvia)


"What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?"


"You might not get it, but it's something we understand clearly. Right, Iris?"(Luvia)




"Nana, you have witnessed and bathed in Yufi's radiance, right?"(Luvia)


"That's… exactly right!"(Nana)


The woman Luvia grabbed my hands and started jumping like a fangirl would. She really seemed happy. I feel like this person understands how I feel. Even if I don't know Yufi for as long as them, my feelings are just as strong.


"You have my approval. Yufi, we should take her in. Besides, she's cute."(Luvia)


"I agree… she also… has no grudge against… someone like me."(Iris)


Yufi started scratching her head.


"Fine then. Nana, then come with me –  wait, I shouldn't make it sound like an order; I mean, will you please lend me your strength?"


"Yes, Yufi!!"(Nana)


In the end, I feel like I’m being spoiled. 


Sara is watching our conversation silently, but her gaze seems a little cold somehow. I wonder if it’s just my imagination… Oh well. She can't object to a princess.


"There's just one more problem. How the hell are we going to get there fast enough? Sara, it took you like… 5 days on foot enhanced with various speed buffs?"(Yufine)


"Correct. As this is urgent… I can only think of one way. If we got a pair of horses I could enchant their hooves; we should be able to reach back in just 2 days."(Sara)


"Okay. Then let's not waste anymore time. Let's go rent something!"(Yufine)


"That won't be necessary. Leave it to me, Yufi. I will handle this!"(Nana)


"You sure?"(Yufine)


"Yes. Think of it as a perk for being a princess."(Nana)






Facing the enormous group of monsters attacking at daybreak, Prince Gilbert, gives orders that echo out to the 150 people. 


"Everyone, to your battle stations!"


Gilbert is suffering from sleep deprivation due to the previous repetitive, intermittent attacks. His eyes are slightly bloodshot, but since his cousin is taking the front row in battle, he at least has to show that he can coordinate the situation.


"If we can weather this attack, surely Aeonia's army will come here and rescue us!"


Even with their bodies trembling in fear, the training camp people, regardless of experience, take up their weapons and begin to move.


The Archers and Mages as well as the Swordsmen and Warriors take up their positions, anticipating the monsters climbing onto the ramparts.


"Don’t be hasty! The enemy is still far off, make sure they draw closer before you attack!"


The endless rows of enemy silhouettes are slowly climbing upward from the foot of the hill towards the fortress. Like ants swarming around a cake, they close in from every direction.


"This is a critical situation… at this rate we won't last another day…"(Julius)


The sporadic attacks over the past few days have caused fatigue for the group, Gilbert and the members of Cat's Tail included, but haven’t caused any casualties.


"Firstly, Julius and Lagos are the vanguard. So I’ll put them at the main gate. Is that ok?"(Gil)


"It's the right call. I won't object."(Julius)


Gilbert would have them defend the fortress’s front gate, where the attack would be the most concentrated.


Not only are they strong, but simply having those two fight on the front lines will improve everyone's morale.


"Violet, please cover the back and the whole outer circumference of the fortress."


Her strength lies in her witch class and long ranged spells. 


Since the attack is coming from all directions, it would be impossible to tell where the line of defense might suddenly break. Violet is best suited for chanting and casting from a distance.


"Leona, I would ask you… umm… hey, did anyone see Leona?"

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