My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

48 – Valkyrie to the rescue

"Fuck!! That woman is insane! What's in her head? Does she really think that she can achieve anything attacking like that?"(Gilbert)


"Darn it… as much as I treasure her as my friend… for her to do something like this…"(Julius)


"Most likely she thought that if she can get close, she can kill the Grand Slicer and end this madness."(Violet)


"Can we save her, Jules?"


"We would definitely break the entire formation if we move now. The monsters are charging and our Archers and Mages are already firing their attacks. If we march out, we would get in their way."(Lagos)


"No way… Leona…"(Gilbert)


"Prince Gilbert! A basilisk has breached the line from the south!! It will break the fortress!"


"What? At such a time?"


Gilbert couldn't think clear anymore. His nerves were down. He wasn't a member of Cat's Tail but he knew Leona well and sees her as a big sister. If he would issue an order to save her he would put everyone in danger.


And the worst news arrives with the worst timing.


Gilbert looks out the window to see the unmistakable crimson body of the creature that can be recognized at first glance.


With the rain beating against its powerful wings, it begins a nose dive, flames curling around its tongue as if it might unleash its crimson breath at any moment.


If this attack isn’t stopped, it is possible that it will break down the walls themselves.


"Deria! Stop it, even if it’s just for three seconds!"


We can focus fire on it if we just slow it down. Deria is a skilled archer, she should be able to aim at the monster's feet and slow it down.


"There is no need for that. Please fall back immediately."


However, a voice echoed amongst the communication system. Soon the owner of that voice could also be seen. A young girl wielding a black staff was floating in the air.




Who is that? And more importantly, what is happening? The rain drops are suddenly melting away, and from the clouds light was emerging.


Gil sees an enormous, glowing, golden fireball.


"Everyone, this is quite dangerous, so fall back please. I won't repeat myself."


The girl's voice is but a whisper; the fact that it echoes across the entire battlefield is likely due to magical amplification.


At this moment, everyone on the battlefield has no choice but to acknowledge and obey this order to retreat.


There is not a single person here who does not realize that this fireball is about to be launched.


"Everyone, RUN!"


Giving an order that sounds like a scream, Gilbert takes cover behind the wall.


As the fighters at the frontlines begin to scatter like spiders –


"Yufi, with this… your opening is assured. [Flame of the Fallen God]!


The girl throws the sun.


The power of the sun created an explosion on par with a meteor landing. The basilisk was fully engulfed and turned to ash. People that were too close were sent flying but unlike the monsters, they were unharmed. From the west at the same time entire groups of Goblins and Slimes are blown away, and pieces of the large beasts and giant reptiles are scattered in all directions.


It is blasting through the enemies in its way, heading straight up the hill towards the fortress.


The single silhouette of a woman is visible, making an incredible charge through the monsters.


Like a blade piercing through a dragon’s flesh –




The Nightmare Valkyrie makes her appearance on the battlefield.


The people on the wall trying to make their retreat inside the fortress become aware of the woman surrounded by a dark aura. In fact, even in the middle of this battle, there is no way that they cannot notice her.


The men and women are in uproar.


Strength returns to their arms as they continue to swing their swords and draw their bowstrings.


Seeing the reinforcements they had desperately been waiting for, this single woman, their morale goes up. She's a monster amongst monsters, slaughtering everything in her path. 


"Oi, look, the one behind her, isn't that… Princess Nanael?"


The light of their hope grows even brighter.


The woman looks up towards the castle walls.


"Hey Gil, I'm here to help. But just so you know, that was a cheeky move calling for me. I'm going to hold you on that reward!"


"Haha!! I knew you would come, Yufine!"


"Get everyone as far back. We'll handle the rest. 


Iris, that chick over there that's acting like an idiot… fetch!"




The princess was looking towards the woman with a somewhat displeased expression.


"Leona is my friend, you know. It's rude to call her an idiot."


"Whatever… anyway, Nana, I'm going to count on your support now. Can you do that thing you said?"


"Yes! Right away, Yufi!"




~Yufi's point of view~


"Great spirit of mana, heed my call, and bestow your blessing upon my target. Grant us the strength to banish the mighty foes that stand before us!


[Omega Equis]!!"


A bright light enveloped my body. Nana's spell was working. If I were to guess her current class is Great Guardian, a sub-dps class that has access to some potent buffs. And Omega Equis is one of the strongest ones you can get.


It nullifies for 15 seconds all mana consumption costs and grants a 15% atk and defense boost for 5 minutes. I experienced this buff many times in games in co-op, and it does allow for some crazy combos. Once the light surrounded my body and the aura settled in, Nana fell on her knees. I guess this took a toll on her.


"The buff has been successfully applied, Yufi."


"Yeah! Thanks Nana. Take a rest for now. I'll handle it from here."


Iris also managed to successfully dash through the hordes of monsters and grab the girl named Leona. It was actually funny the way she was carrying her with her mantis arms. Of course, Leona did struggle so after jumping out of harm's way, Iris immediately dropped her, making her fall on her butt.


Anyway, I can't waste time, since I need to abuse the 15 second time frame. So I raised Aetherius above my head. Black flames started emitting from it and dark purple particles started gathering.


"Here goes…. Ultimate! Haaaa!!!"


I charged the energy similar like a Spirit Bomb. In fact it would be more correct to compare this attack with Saber's Excalibur Noble Phantasm from Fate series. This is basically a powerful laser beam. The first Ultimate skill you unlock as Valkyrie. A beam that can continue shooting as long as you have mana. 


And since Omega Equis negates all mana consumption… I can take this entire army in one swing. Hopefully…


"Here goes! [Nova Imperator]! Turn to ashes!!"


The moment I swing my sword down the beam of purple and black flames violently launches. And as expected it vaporized everything it touched, from slimes to basilisks. 




I then swing my sword from right to left naturally the beam leaves an explosion trail wherever it touches. Blast after blast, body parts flying everywhere… it was a one-sided massacre. The 15 seconds provided me enough time for roughly 180 degrees of a swing.


Eventually I stopped my attack.




"That should take care of all the small fry…"


I was heavily sweating. I didn't lose mana, but stamina consumption is still applied so I took a breather for a bit. There's only one thing left to do now. I need to take care of the Grand Slicer, or else this thing can attract more monsters.

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