My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

49 – vs Grand Slicer Drabaki part 1

"A berserker… That gorilla woman is a berserker…"(Julius)


Is there any human that can match this amazing, terrifying sight? The sight of this insane woman's bloodbath is enough to freeze one’s spine.


However, when remembering that she is an ally, the people feel more relief than if the elite army of Aeonia would had come to their rescue.


"She's something… from a nightmare…"(Lagos)


At the sight of this black light of hope that has arrived in their greatest time of need –


"IT’S THE NIGHTMARE VALKYRIE! We are truly blessed by this!"(Gilbert)


"Hey, Gil, I heard that! Stop fucking calling me that!!"


But it was too late for that. At this point, the name already stuck. Fuck. Why did it have to be like this?




An incredibly loud roar echoes out, shaking the castle walls and the ground.


"So you've come, huh, Grand Slicer?"


The monster that resembles an Okuwamon is finally storming the castle. Nana is still a little tired so I can't rely on her.


"Hey Nana, can you move? I want you to help get everyone inside the castle. And take care of the injured."


"Eeh!? But I want to fight beside you!"


"That's a big no. You'll help me if you get everyone out of my way."


"I understand. If that's what you want, then I'll do it!"


"Gil, it’ll be great if you guys can back me up…  is what I want to say, but it’s best if you don’t go out to the front."


The Grand Slicer lets out a growl as it takes a step that shakes the whole ground, approaching this place.


It’s freaking massive. It’s the biggest monster I’ve ever faced. It’s like a moving mountain of stone. It's as big as Vira and Selia…


"Are you crazy? We should join forces to kill that thing!"(Julius)


"Sorry, baka prince, but you're too weak to be of any use to me. You'd only get in my way."


"Wha… the nerve! I could charge you for treason for such a remark!"


"Let it go, Jules. She has a point. We can't dish the same firepower she displayed."(Violet)


"Tsk. I seriously hate that woman."(Julius)


"Don't worry Yufine. Fu, for you who bears the title of Nightmare Valkyrie, the people here would no doubt be nothing but a burden to you, no matter how splendid they are. Indeed, none should approach the field."


"Yufi! Umm, please don’t push yourself too hard, okay?"


Sorry cutie, but I can't promise that when my opponent is a raid boss. I don't have guts to turn back towards Nana.


In the meantime both Luvia and Iris returned to my side.


"Aight girls. Ready? Let's take this thing down!"




"...count… on us!"(Iris)


How should we approach this? One cast of Flame of the Fallen God is enough to almost dry Lu-chan's mana pool. In the game you would just use an MP pot, but we don't have anything like that here. I got to take into consideration that her mana reserves are roughly ⅓ of the original amount.


Also with my Perfect Vision, analyzing this thing isn't hard. Grand Slicer Drabaki, level 200 raid boss. His skin is as tough as steel. Natural 15% damage reduction and completely immune to flame magic attacks. Even with Lu-chan and Iris at my side and with Olivia's teaching, taking into consideration the environment, the possible distractions and various scenarios, my victory chance is only 45%. 


That's not a margin I'm comfortable working with, but I got no choice but to make it work.


The Grand Slicer that’s stopped several dozen meters in front of the fortress’s walls is taking a deep, relaxed breath. Uh oh! This is bad. That pattern is one of the easiest to read in game.


For many monsters, a large inhalation indicates an imminent breath attack. This is something that even a 10 year old knows.


The reason that I was shocked is because of the tremendous presence of the sheer amount of magical energy surging up from the Grand Slicer. It's totally different feeling it live compared to behind a PC screen.


A chill runs down my spine. Just how powerful is this guy’s Breath going to be? Won’t it be enough to blow away Ignia castle in one attack?


Letting it fire is too dangerous. But I don’t have a proper plan!


"Shit!! Girls, we have to stop that attack!!! Strike that thing down."


I run forward at full speed, closing the distance between us.


I reach the Grand Slicer in the blink of an eye, but ominous purple lightning is already gushing out of its mouth. 


I only have time to get one attack in before it fires, huh. Chronogear Guardian is useless and doesn't justify its MP cost in this situation. Efreet would be a good choice if this guy wasn't immune to fire. In that case, this attack is my only choice!


"[Burst Stream of Destruction]!"


This is the most powerful martial art skill at my disposal. If FullBurst Stream is an attack of consecutive attacks over and over, this is one massive swing with the force of a truck.


With my enemy being so enormous that I have to look up to see it, the only place I can try to cut is its legs. Meanwhile, hopefully Lu-chan and Iris can target his head.


It has its feet set deep in the earth. I am aiming at the ankle of one of the vertical legs that have sunk deep into the earth.


"- Guh, uoah!!!"


Fuck. It’s hard. Harder than anything I’ve ever tried to cut into before. My blade doesn’t cut deep enough to find flesh, and no blood gushes out. In such a situation… even with Lu-chan’s and Iris’s help… we won’t be able to stop its breath attack. 


And then a torrent of ominous purple light streams forth from the Grand Slicer’s mouth. It’s not a simple Thunder Breath. This is far more powerful; maybe it should be called a Plasma Breath.


“Damn it! Don’t understimate me you fucker! [Meteor Blade]!”

With my sword still connected to his leg I launch a point blank Meteor Blade. If we can’t stop the attack we might as well redirect it so it doesn’t hit the castle.


“[Earth Pillar]!”

A giant earth pillar forced straight into the monster's head. Lu-chan’s spell together with me hitting his leg made the Grand Slicer lose his balance.


“[Triple Tornado]!”


Perfect! Iris has good instincts. The spell will no way block the attack, but the powerful winds have a suction force behind them, making the Plasma laser beam deviate. Yosh! The beam only grazed the tip of 1 tower, before completely creating a huge explosion on the other side of the castle when it came in contact with the ground.





Drabaki sends a powerful scream and the shockwave pushes me and my girls away from him.


After a moment of silence, the damaged walls begin to crumble loudly. In the end, there are no casualties, but… 


No, wait. That’s not what I should be worried about right now. The fact that the Grand Slicer is taking up this posture once more means that…


“It can… use the Breath consecutively…?”

That never happened in the game. Fuck… I can’t afford to fight this thing for 1 hour. What’s the softest spot this thing has? That would be… its mouth.

“Lu-chan. Iris, keep it occupied for 1 minute. Just 1 minute! I think I know how to end this, I just need some time!”


“Leave it to us! Even if it costs me my remaining mana!”

“....we…. will not… disappoint you!”


Alright! The best way to handle this… is simply to split this things skull in 2 with something tougher than him. Something unbreakable. And I have such a thing!

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