My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

50 – vs Grand Slicer Drabaki part 2

There is one summon that could technically kill this thing with ease. Holy Angel Michael. However… I can't control it. In game Michael was the strongest summon, however it has a mind of its own. In other words, it doesn't listen to me for too long. I can only control it for 30 seconds out of the 5 minute summon duration. 


Lu-chan and Iris are doing their best to distract it. But they are almost out of gas. But I managed to get into position. I feel like Goblin Slayer now for such a cliche thing but… here goes nothing.


"Lu-chan, Iris, I'm ready! This is an order now! Fall back!"


Compelled by the Slave Seal they had no choice but to obey. And now…


"[Chains of Valhalla]!"


Julius broke these because of his sword, however that's technically pvp. In pve there is no monster that can break these indestructible chains. Rather, the stronger the monster, the stronger it will bind it.


I put Aetherius on my back and use my now-free hands to concentrate on using the Chains of Valhalla. Now that I think about it, I’ve never poured so much of my power into just chains. Even I’m surprised by the sheer number extending forth from my arms.


They wrap around the Grand Slicer’s head and neck firmly, like the reins of a horse. But most importantly, around its mouth. My plan is simple. Split its head apart.




I pull on the reins with brute, physical strength while also retracting the chains, like pulling in a rope using a winch, adding even more force.


I played lots of tug and war with Vira and Selia and was confident in my strength, however, the Drabaki is simply too heavy. It really feels like I’m trying to move a mountain.


Even so, I can’t give up. This is the only thing I’m able to do right now, isn’t it?!


"Guh, ugh, UOOOOOOOOH!"


Finally, I feel some movement. The corner of this thing's mouth is starting to tear apart.


That means this thing is now pissed. It's attention is fully directed at me. To be more specific, it is lashing out with its tail in an attempt to crush me.




It’s like a tower has just collapsed. Hitting himself on the back feels like something a cow would do to squash a fly. 


"Guh, haah… Shit…!!"


It hurts. It fucking hurts!! 


If I let go now it would be dangerous for anyone. Let's not forget this is technically a raid boss, if you let your guard down it will kill you with consecutive attacks. But for now it did something that he wasn't programed in the game to do.


You know how crocodiles and alligators have the tendency to roll around when they bite a chunk of meat? This fucker did something similar. He rolled around on the ground roughly 3 times to shake me off, before quickly getting back on his feet.




I started to spit blood. It's like I've been just thrown into a washing machine with rocks. I gotta ignore the pain…


It’d be bad if the Grand Slicer were to follow up on that attack now, I have to start a counterattack –

However, my body opposes my will to fight. The grip on my reins loosens up…


I'm perfectly conscious but my body won't listen to me… this thing… is grinning at me? Does it think… it won… just because I'm bleeding?


"Don't give me that crap."


The conditions are right for me to use that.






~Julius's point of view~




"Nana, what are you doing?"


I saw Nana rushing towards the monster. Currently that thing is being kept busy by that gorilla woman. We should take this opportunity to flee! Why the hell are you running towards the enemy? I had no choice but to jump in front of her.


But this is unheard of. Nana, although skilled, is the weakest of our party, and her place was always on the backline. It’s impossible for her to make the ridiculous mistake of charging blindly


What’s wrong, Nana? I know you have a gentle personality not suited for battle, but surely you have a sufficient understanding of the fundamentals of combat. The time that you’ve spent as an adventurer is proof of that.


You’re supposed to have the composure to never lose yourself during a battle, aren’t you?


So why are you doing something so foolish as coming out to the front lines –


"Nana, turn back!"


As Nana tries to run past me without even glancing my way, I stop her with my right hand.


"No! Let go, let go of me! I have to get to Yufi! She needs me!"


She’s gone mad, like she’s under a Charm. What the hell? Even ignoring this situation, the gorilla woman said so herself. I hate to admit it but she's stronger than anyone else here. Anyone that would come close would only be a hindrance. Nana, do you not even understand that?


Holding Nana’s abdomen with my right arm, I lift her up onto my shoulder with a single movement.


"Nana, you're only going to hurt yourself. You won't help anyone!"


"Shut up! Let me go! Even if I can't do much… even if it's only for distraction… I have to help!!"


She thrashes her arms and legs violently and desperately tries to escape my grasp, but I can’t let her go.


She’s scratching my cheeks with her nails. Even so, I can’t let her go! It would be suicide. Nana… just what the hell did that gorilla woman do to you?

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