My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

65 – Reunion

"How much longer until we find this dragon?"(Nana)

"For the last time, we aren't looking directly for it. We're looking for a spot we can observe it from. If there's one thing that I learned from Yufi, that's not to charge in at your opponent without analyzing it."(Luvia)

As per Clara's request, the 3 girls were now headed in search of the dragon. But naturally they didn't take the main road since they didn't want a direct encounter until they could assess their opponent. So for now, this was just a big game of hide and seek for them. 

Eventually, the earth made a large tremble.

"Eeh!? Is this… a large… earthquake?"(Iris)

"This is definitely not an earthquake! Brace yourselves girls!"(Luvia)

Soon the cause of the earthquake was clear. A giant blue dragon landed behind them and gazed at them with angry eyes. One word could describe the situation. Fear. The girls were assaulted with fear. Luvia understood the situation better than anyone.

This wasn't a wyvern class dragon like the one Yufine single handedly took care off. It was a dangerous full scale dragon. Against something like this they can't hope to win with their skill level. If Yufi was there with them, the situation would be different. But as the strongest of the group, Luvia knew this wasn't something they could handle.

"Who dares enter my territory?"

The dragon spoke. If it can speak normal language, that is another proof this is a superior dragon. But if it can speak, negotiations might be on the table. From the pitch of the voice it was clear the dragon is female.

"Excuse us, miss dragon, we don't mean any harm. We deliver a message on behalf of the town at the bottom of the mountain. You are cutting off the main road and the town can not receive supplies. Would it be possible to let people use the main road again?"(Luvia)

The dragon slammed her tail onto the ground.

"Absolutely not! This territory is mine fair and square. I won't allow any trespassers to just come and go as they please. If it's troublesome for them, they can just circle around."

Circling around wasn't an option for the people. On foot you can do it, but the roads are not suited for carriages and transporting goods. However that wasn't what the girls were worried about right now.

"O… okay. We will make sure we deliver this message and…"(Luvia)

"Why do you assume I will let you go back alive? I am the Maelstrom Dragon. Water is my power and I can turn the snow itself into my weapon. I have a reputation. If I were to let you go, more fools would think that it's safe to pass through here. So your lives will end here."

The dragon was clearly hostile. The girls had no choice but to take a battle stance.

"Crap! Sorry, girls. I failed you as a leader. Our only hope is to find an opening and make a run for it. If we can distract it long enough I might be able to teleport ourselves back."(Luvia)

"Fight… together…"(Iris)

"Let's do our best, then!"(Nana)

As the dragon finally got close it opened its mouth and from the start it prepared its breath attack. But before anything could happen, from above…

"Enchant [Dark Rapture]!"(???)

"[Meteor Slash]!"(???)

A large black crescent moon attack landed from above on the dragons' neck, forcing it into the ground.

"That attack…!!"(Luvia)

All the girls looked up into the sky to see where the attack came. And soon, 2 girls descended onto the ground in between them and the dragon. One was a loli demon and the other…





~Yufine's point of view~

That was a close one. If the dragon would have fired its breath attack, I'm not confident my girls would be alright. 

When we reached the first town, luckily we decided to stop by the adventures guild and ask if they saw my girls. And it just happened that Clara was there and filled me on the details. Honestly I almost fell when I saw her again. Is she following me on purpose?

That aside, I'll definitely have to scold my girls later. What the fuck was in their head for coming over here without me? They are not experts in dragons like me. If not for Lotte's flight speed, they would have been toast. Someone is getting their ass spanked later.

But for now I ignore the shouts from the trio and turn back to the dragon. Even enhanced with Lotte's magic, Meteor Slash wasn't enough to pierce the scales and the dragon quickly got up.

"Nee-chan, this one is strong. It might be a difficult fight, but if we work together…"

"Stand down, Lotte. It won't be necessary. Just let me handle this."

As the dragon was shaking its head left and right, and got up on its feet, I also got closer to it. Really close.

"Insolent mongrel… when I'm done with you not even your ashes will… 


…. Eeeh!??"

The dragon titled its head sideways in confusion. All the rage and bloodlust vanished in an instant as she lowered her head to sniff me.


I extended my hands out as if wanting to give someone a hug. I knew quite well what was coming next. So I braced myself and…


The dragon's heavy voice turned into that of a girly young maiden and she started licking me from head to toe. I know this dragon very well.

"Okay okay! Hey… why are you crying stupid? Oof! I missed you too, Vira."

All the girls were making weird faces as if they didn't understand the situation. Well, this big and scary dragon is actually my big sis, Vira. She didn't lose her overwhelming affection towards me it seems, even if she got bigger.

I guess we all need to calm down and discuss each particular scenario that everyone has going. And of course… I'll need a proper bath after this.

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