My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

66 – Let’s enjoy ourselves

“For starters, Vira, could you do something about your appearance? It would be easier to have a conversation.”

“I’m only doing this because you’re the one that’s asking.”

Vira’s body started to glow brightly to the point that you had no choice but to close your eyes. When we were all able to open them, in front of us stood a beautiful girl, with long hazelnut hair, red eyes and reptile features. Her hands and legs were still covered in scales and resembled a lizard, and of course, she still had her wings attached on her back and also her tail. Swimsuit armor isn’t something I would recommend, but even Olivia’s human form was weird.

Yes, this beautiful girl with dragon horns is Vira’s human form. And I must say she really is pretty.

“Allow me to properly introduce myself. I’m Vira, the Maelstrom Dragon. If I knew you all were friends with Yufi, I wouldn’t have lashed out at you, teehee!”

“Yufi… this person is…?”(Iris)

“Ah, yeah. She’s my big sister, Vira. We’re not related by blood but you could say we were raised by the same person.”

“You were raised by a dragon? I see. Suddenly many questions surrounding you have been answered with that statement alone.”(Nana)

“Yufi, although I’m really glad you are safe, who is this other girl?”

“Oh yeah. Come on, don’t be shy. Introduce yourself properly.”

“If nee-chan says so… I’m Lieselotte Dragulia, former Maou. With Yufi’s help I will acquire the throne once more. Feel free to call me Lotte. Pleased to meet you all.”

“Eeeeh!!? Maou!?”

Okay. It was clear there was lots of explaining to do. So we sat down in a circle and started sharing. It took quite a while to explain what happened after my encounter with Leon. I then had to tell them about Lotte and my contract with her. I had finally found a goal in life just like Mother wanted. The girls nearly flipped, but since they are my slaves… they didn’t object that much.

As for Vira, she was just tired of the human continent and decided to occupy the first piece of land she set foot on.

“So… unifying this continent to create peace. What a sweet dream, Yufi. But… Right now, none of the countries are upright. And I believe, you know the reason why it happened, right?” (Vira)

“The rulers are stupid….rather than the feud between races.” (Yufine)

“ That's right, everything starts with different races getting involved in a big cat fight, the reason behind the argument being, different races refuse to recognize each other, and it gets to a point where they could not control the problem itself.” (Vira)

Although in olden times, everybody was struggling side by side. Everyone prioritizes their own race rather than someone from another race. This is the way of life in this world.

“But what if there was a country that treated all races equally?” (Lotte)

“....What did you just say?” (Vira)

When Vira looked back at Lotte, she had a content look on her face.

“I have an ambition. It’s clear what must be done.” (Lotte)

Lotte unexpectedly gazed at the clouds in the sky with a distant look in her eyes.

“This ambition.... The ambition I have for myself, as the future Maou is….” (Lotte)

“..........” (Yufine)

“.....I want to establish ‘A Place for all to Enjoy’.” (Lotte)

“ To Enjoy?” (Vira)

“Yeah, everyone has their own preferences right?” (Lotte)

“Yeah.” (Nana)

“I want to make a place that anyone can enjoy without getting bored.” (Lotte)

Honestly, Vira was surprised, but I can’t blame her. That’s a very tall ideal, after all.

“Okay then, I’ll bite? What is the reason for you to establish a place like that?” (Vira)

“It’s because the idea itself is very interesting.” (Lotte)

“.....Ha?” (Vira)

“Think about it. We are talking about the whole nation, right? Humans, elves, demons, beatsmen, dwarves gathering in one place to endeavor in pleasure and amusement! Such as magic tournaments, physical strength matches, wisdom competitions and fast eating contests. Don’t you think it’s interesting-?! “ (Lotte)

“Then, I recommend a marathon and cooking showdown as well.” (Nana)

No! Please don’t. Nana seemed enthusiastic but her cooking skills are still on the lower end. I rather eat my food raw.

“OH! As to be expected from Nee-chan’s companion! That is an interesting idea! I surely should reward the finest cooking that I have yet to see!” (Lotte)

You would probably be diagnosed with poisoning if you actually try something like that, Lotte.

“.... I see, A Place for all to Enjoy ...huh? That certainly sounds better than the nation Galvados tried to make 300 years ago.” (Luvia)

“Miss Luvia, you speak as if you were there 300 years ago.” (Lotte)

“I was. Although I don’t look the same as then, I am Luvia Lazuli Catastrophe.” (Luvia)

In the next moment, Lotte’s entire face turned bright red. You could even see steam rise from her head.

“Awawawaa!! The legendary war counselor is Nee-chan’s friend!? I… I always admired you. Would you please… let me shake your hand?”

And Lotte suddenly turned into a fan girl. Like someone being able to meet their favorite idol in person. It seems she really holds Luvia high. It took her a good couple of minutes to caml down.

“You know..…. I kind of want to see what becomes of your dream” (Luvia)

“Hee….Ah… Is that so?” (Lotte)

Lotte turned her flushed face in embarrassment as she suddenly saw Luvia’s smile.

However, her ambition was not something that would come to being overnight, it could take years to be established. 

Everyone is really getting into the mood. The ideal world envisioned by Lotte. Heck even I could add some touches. I wanted to see the beings of this world work hard for Olympics and sports-like events similar to the people who lived on earth. However, the road would be a long and steep one. A world like in a dream…

“A Dream… huh?” (Vira)

“N? What’s wrong?” (Lotte)

“Nah, I was just thinking if something like that can be achieved, as ruler, you could give me a territory of my own so I don’t get bothered and live a peaceful life. Dreams sure are nice.” (Vira)

“Do you also have a dream?” (Lotte)

“Up until now I didn’t but… I guess my dream is to see Yufi’s dream come true with my very own eyes. If she wants to support you… I want to tag along for the ride. I’ve been bored to hell lately. You are also a sincere girl, Lotte.” (Vira)

“.... A-Are you alright with that?” (Yufine)

“Yup! Especially if I get to be close to you again, you might help me with my urges as well. You have a human stick for reproducing, and lately my lust is driving me crazy. So this is perfect. If you shove your big thing in… mphn!?”(Vira)

I placed my hand over Vira’s mouth.

“Okay, sheesh. I got the picture. You don’t have to describe it with words. It’s not the time and place to be horny.”

After calming Vira down, I once again stared towards Lotte.

“Well, Lotte, it looks like we’re all aboard, but it might be a difficult journey. For all we know it might be impossible. You still plan to go that route?” (Yufine)

“Humph, I wouldn’t have it any other way! The word impossible is not in my dictionary! kuhahahahaha! “ (Lotte)

“Then together, we will make you the true ruler and help you achieve this dream. We will put an end to all wars!!”(Yufine)


Although I was in a good mood, there is still one thing I have to do.

“Oi, Luvia, you will do a one hour-seiza later.” (Yufine)

“W-Why?!” (Luvia)

“This is the punishment for coming on this reckless quest without me. I never told you to take command in my absence. And also… did you really think I would overlook your little yuri threesome?” (Yufine)

“Wha… how did you…?”(Luvia)

“Doesn’t matter. I can sense it just by sniffing you girls. I need to teach you your place. Your ass… is in for one hell of a spanking.”(Yufine)


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